Top Ten Tuesday: Halloween Picture Books

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Candies made to look like a pumpkin and a ghost. Happy Halloween to those of you who celebrate it! If you live in a country where it is a big deal, I hope you find some amazing Halloween candy for sale on November 1.

I will be on the lookout for a bag or two of it myself in the near future. Do you think I’ll be successful?

As I’ve mentioned here before, Halloween is my favourite holiday of the year! Normally, I’d be sharing something like free horror stories, or spooky urban legends from Toronto, or free ghost stories.

This darn pandemic has sharply reduced my interest in anything that’s more than about 1% scary, however, so this year I’m going to stick to the light and fluffy side of this holiday by sharing some cute Halloween-themed picture books instead.

Hopefully, my response to this prompt next year will be closer to my usual patterns.

Behind the Mask by Yangsook Choi Book cover. Image on cover shows an Asian child wearing a mask.

1. Behind the Mask by Yangsook Choi


Ghosts in the House! by Kazuno Kohara Book cover. image on cover is a drawing of several ghosts flying out and around a house. There is a young girl and a cat standing in front of the house smiling slightly.

2. Ghosts in the House! by Kazuno Kohara


You Are My Pumpkin by Joyce Wan Book cover. Image on cover is a drawing of a smiling pumpkin.

3. You Are My Pumpkin by Joyce Wan


The Wolves in the Walls by Neil Gaiman Book cover. Image on cover is a drawing of a child drawing on a wall.

4. The Wolves in the Walls by Neil Gaiman



Halloween by Salina Yoon Book cover. Image on cover shows a pumpkin with the word Halloween carved as its mouth.

5. Halloween by Salina Yoon


Be Brave, Baby Rabbit by Lucy Bate book cover. Image on cover shows a drawing of two rabbits wearing costumes and going trick or treating.

6. Be Brave, Baby Rabbit by Lucy Bate


Mouse and Mole: A Perfect Halloween by Wong Herbert Yee Book cover. Image on cover shows forest mice dressed as ghosts and other spooky creatures going trick or treating in the woods.

7. Mouse and Mole: A Perfect Halloween by Wong Herbert Yee


Candy Corn! by Bea Sloboder Book cover. Image on cover is a drawing of a bag filled with candy corn.

8. Candy Corn! by Bea Sloboder


Celie and the Harvest Fiddler by Valerie Flournoy Book cover. Image on cover is a drawing of a girl dancing in a field near a fence. A drawing of a man playing the fiddle is superimposed on top of her.

9. Celie and the Harvest Fiddler by Valerie Flournoy


Halloween ABC by Jannie Ho book cover. Image on cover shows various Halloween monsters sharing a bag of candy.

10. Halloween ABC by Jannie Ho




Filed under Blog Hops

91 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Halloween Picture Books

  1. aaw I like the look of you are my pumpkin

  2. Some really cute covers there

  3. That Wolves in the Walls cover seems pretty creepy to me!

  4. I agree the pandemic killed my drive for anything serious too. It all just gets to be too much. I love your take. I taught preschool and early elementary school and I am surprised that I didn’t come across any of these picture books.

  5. I love Halloween! You Are My Pumpkin is so cute. 🙂

  6. I like the illustration style in Be Brave Baby Rabbit. So classic.

  7. All of these look so cute! Ghosts in the House’s cover is my favorite.

  8. Awww, these are cute. Love it!

  9. We have the Wolves in the Walls, it’s brilliant!

  10. Aww, I love this topic you’ve picked, Lydia! These covers are super cute 😍 I had no idea Gaiman had a children’s book out but the artwork on the cover stood out as very ‘him’ lol. You Are My Pumpkin is defo the most adorable one though!

  11. Mouse and Mole looks so cute! But that Halloween pumpkin might’ve actually freaked me out! 😂

  12. Aaaah, how cute is this! Be Brave Baby Bunny seems like such a sweet little book.

    Thanks for stopping by Lydia!

  13. These all look SOOOO freaking adorable! It warms my heart!

  14. What a cute list! I will have to keep an eye out for some of these for my toddler!

  15. These all look fun. I can understand why you would not want spooky with the past couple of years.

  16. I think I owned that Salina Yoon book at one time! It just looks so familiar.

  17. Great list! There are some wonderful picture books out there. My favorite Halloween-themed picture book is Mousekin’s Golden House by Edna Miller. I read that so many times when I was young!

  18. Aww these covers are adorable! Hope you’ll have a great Halloween!

  19. Aww, I don’t mind the cutesy at all! Be Brave, Baby Rabbit is probably my faorite from this list. <3

  20. Those look like some really fun books!

  21. Just the cutest Halloween book covers ever!! Love this list.

  22. These are all such cute covers! It’s funny how the pandemic has had such an influence on basically every area of our lives, but I totally understand the desire to keep things lighthearted.

  23. 6. Be Brave, Baby Rabbit by Lucy Bate Looks so sweet! Nice post!

  24. Great list! All of these books look so cute. I know what you mean, I haven’t been in the mood for very dark stories either!

  25. Oooh, I love your choice of topic! These all look super cute, especially You Are My Pumpkin.

  26. The Wolves in the Walls is definitely a spooky read, I love Neil Gaiman’s books.

    Happy reading!

    My TTT

  27. I was just talking about the way the pandemic changed my reading. I used to read probably 60% gritty mysteries and 40% Urban Fantasy…but this year, I’ve read something like 60 contemporary romances. The lure of the HEA is strong in these times.

    Thanks for stopping by earlier. 🧡

    My list—
    Happy TTT!

  28. These look absolutely adorable!

  29. Great list. My granddaughter gets at least one book from me every holiday. This gives me more Halloween ideas for next year.

  30. The Ghosts In the House! art style looks so cute! I can definitely relate to wanting to stick to the light-and-fluffy side of Halloween, though for me that’s more of an every year sort of thing.

  31. Such a fun topic! I loved books like this when I was a kid. 🙂

  32. Halloween picture books are fun. My youngest niece loved Room on a Broom so much. I think I read it to her about one hundred times.

  33. Awwwww, what a sweet approach to the topic! I used to love reading Halloween picture books with my kids when they were little. 🙂

  34. So cute, Be Brave, Baby Rabbit and Mouse and Mole: A Perfect Halloween looks very charming

  35. A great take on this week’s topic! I hope you are able to find some candy on Monday!

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  36. I like your take on this week’s prompt, though I am sorry you aren’t feeling up to your normal reading patterns. Hopefully, we can get by this whole pandemic one day.

    Thanks for visiting my blog yesterday.

  37. V.Ronan

    Awww! “You are my pumpkin” looks so cute! <3 I loved your take on this TTT! =)

  38. Aw, those books look cute! Good luck in your search for half price Halloween candy, too.

    I feel you on not wanting anything scary. Last year, I subscribed to CBS All Access (for Picard and Star Trek Discovery) and right as I was about to start the remake of The Stand, COVID reared its ugly head and… I haven’t had the heart to watch a mini series about a super flu. *sigh*

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  39. “A Ghost in the House” just looks so cute 😍

  40. Cute! My toddler is obsessed with Halloween and has a big stack of monster books. We read them all year long.

  41. These covers look so cute and spooky!

  42. All these books are new to me.. and I know I want to see what Brer Rabbit is up to for Halloween 🙂 My list here – 13 of the Best Fictional Trick or Treating Locations

  43. I spy Peter Rabbit! Gotta’ love a favorite childhood character being on the list. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland on this week. Appreciate this.

  44. Aww, these all look so cute, especially You Are My Pumpkin 😊

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