Top Ten Tuesday: LGBT+ Books I Want to Read

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

This week is a Freebie week for Top Ten Tuesday, and it took me ages to decide what to write for it.

There are so many books out there that I’d like to read but haven’t gotten around to yet. Today, I’m narrowing my focus to those titles that are about LGBT+ characters because I haven’t been doing a good job of keeping up with these stories. There are a lot of good ones that have been published recently!

1. Mostly Dead Things by Kristen Arnett

I knew someone whose parent committed suicide when we were in middle school. That experience drew me to this plot even more than the queer content.

2.Β Like a Love StoryΒ by Abdi Nazemian

I can’t imagine how frightening it must have been to realize you were gay during the height of the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s. Wow!

3. The History of Living Forever by Jake Wolff

The Elixir of Life is something I never grow tired of reading about. It will be interesting to see how these characters react to the thought of possibly living forever.

4. The Summer Demands by Deborah Shapiro.

It’s rare that a romance novel catches my attention, but the summer camp setting and adult protagonists of this one are unique enough that I’m curious to read it.

5. The Girl in Red by Christina Henry

A dystopian retelling of Little Red Riding Hood? Sign me up, please!







6. The Wise and the Wicked by Rebecca Podos.

The strong focus on family history in this blurb was what first grabbed my attention. My family has all sorts of stories about our ancestors that have been passed down through the generations. I love reading about other families that do the same thing. This seems to happen in every corner of the globe. I can only assume families from every culture occasionally disagree on specific details of their stories, too, just like mine does!

7. Wild and Crooked by Leah Thomas

It’s been a long time since I read a small town murder mystery. This sounds like it could be a good read.

8. A Queer History of the United States for Young People by Michael Bronski

Oh, how I wish I’d had a book like this when I was a teenager. I’ve always enjoyed history, but I also couldn’t help but to wonder why none of the history books I read or museums I visited every talked about people like me. They barely discussed women at all. Queer women (or people in general) were basically erased entirely.

9. Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh

There’s something a little magical about wandering around in the woods. As much as I love my city life, I’m also irresistibly drawn to books that explore what might be living in the parts of forests where humans rarely venture.

10. Empress of Forever by Max Gladstone

As soon as I heard this was a feminist Guardians of the Galaxy type of story, I was intrigued. I’m not normally into space operas, but this one might change my mind about that.

Have you read any of these books? If so, what did you think of them? How big are your TBR lists in general?


Filed under Blog Hops

121 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: LGBT+ Books I Want to Read

  1. I am dying to read Empress of Forever! It sounds amazing.

  2. Great list! I’ve heard really good things about Silver in the Wood, I keep meaning to pick it up.

  3. Maxine

    I haven’t heard of any of these, you read an amazing range. I hope you enjoy them all.

  4. Well there goes my TBR! Haha, thanks for this though, there are some great books on here I hadn’t heard of and am going to try to read now, especially A Queer History of the United States for Young People!

  5. The Wise and the Wicked sounds great!

  6. I’m really curious about Mostly Dead Things and Silver in the Wood. Hope you get to read these ones soon!

  7. The Girl in Red was good, hope you enjoy it when you get to it. Just added the history of living forever and Like a Love story to my tbr πŸ™‚

  8. OOH I just added Silver in the Wood to my To Read list. Thanks for these lovely recs! πŸ™‚

  9. Emer @ A Little Haze Book Blog

    Great list!! Lots of titles I’m not familiar with that I’ll have to check out πŸ™‚

  10. Interesting list. Like several other have already expressed, I’m not familiar with them. I enjoyed reading your comments on them.

  11. Loved your take on today’s freebie. This is a great list, Lydia! I’m looking forward to reading Like A Love Story and Wild and Crooked too πŸ™‚

    My TTT post

  12. I haven’t read many LGBT+ stories, I need to add some more to my TBR!

  13. I didn’t realize these were all LGBTQ+! I will have to add some to my TBR. Thank for sharing your list. πŸ“š

  14. Great list! I’m definitely going to need to add a few of these to my TBR, they sound so good!

  15. Great post! Loved the topic you chose.

  16. I think The Girl in Red is the only one of this list that I knew about before! Great list, though. I love breaking down my TBR into smaller sections to analyze. It can get too intimidating otherwise.

  17. I haven’t read these but I think I’ve seen The Girl in Red and it looks interesting. I hope you like these!

  18. Here’s hoping you get to read some of these!

  19. Love this list! Thanks for stopping by!

  20. Great picks, Lydia! Some of these titles are new to me, so I’ll definitely check them out!

  21. Silver in the Woods sounds good. Great topic pick. πŸ™‚ I will have to check out a few books on this list.

  22. Here’s a fabulous book that I just finished this weekend: The Heart’s Invisible Furies by John Boyne. It may be my favorite read of this year. It definitely should go on your list.

  23. Sara @ Curvy Constellation

    So many of these sound really good! Great picks and I’ll be adding some to my TBR list πŸ™‚

  24. Christine @ LifeWithAllTheBooks

    I’m really looking forward to read Like A Love Story too! Great idea for a theme! These all look so good! 😊

  25. Nice topic!! So many books listed in your post are ones I haven’t read.

  26. I need to read Like a Love Story, I’ve owned it for a while, so I really have excuse for not having read it.

  27. WILD & CROOKED sounds really good. I remember seeing it around, but didn’t hear a ton about it.

  28. I haven’t heard of most of these, but a lot of them sound really cool? Which.. yay because LGBT recs! And… fuuuuck bc MORE BOOKS TO READ O_O

    Def gonna save this post to look over the recs later in more detail tho!

  29. The Queer Histories would be interesting to read!

  30. Freebies are almost harder than the given topics, aren’t they? So many choices. Love your choice! I didn’t realize The Girl in Red was LGBTQ, which is weird since I’ve heard so much about it and I’ve been so eager to read it. I didn’t know A Queer History of the United States for Young People was a thing, but I need to read that now!

  31. I just read The Girl in Red the other day and loved it!

  32. Nice topic choice! It seems like the LGBT+ genre/characters are really expanding lately, which is great!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT post!

  33. Excellent list. I say that not having read them, but in being made aware of the numerous titles. A Queer History of the US for Young people sounds especially noteworthy and overdue. And we are kindred spirits when it comes to sentiments on the woods<3

  34. Like a Love Story sounds like a really interesting read. I love this list!! I just added quite a few to my TBR πŸ˜›

  35. I want to read many of these titles as well.

  36. I haven’t heard of any of these! I need to check them out.
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

  37. I have The Girl in Red and I’m so excited to read it! Also thank you for this list because I have more LGBTQ+ books to add to my TBR.

  38. Nice list! I really liked The Girl in Red, and I just picked up a copy of Silver in the Wood. Enjoy!

  39. I haven’t read any of these yet but I heard some really great things about Like a Love Story so of course it got added to my TBR! I hope you get to these books!

  40. Don’t think I’ve heard of any of these, but some of them sound really good πŸ™‚

  41. These sound like good one, I hope you get to read some of them soon. I worked up a TBR list for this week’s topic also, it’s good as a reminder to yourself.

  42. oh my goodness i love this list! you’ve just made me add 10 more books to my tbr pile, though these are definitely moving up to the top!

  43. I love your list for this weeks freebie topic and I am definitely curious about Empress of Forever, especially if it has a Guardians of the Galaxy vibe to it.

  44. Oh I need to add some of these to my list!

  45. Thanks for linking me Lydia!

    I love your take on this week’s freebie. I haven’t been very active in reading more books with LGBTQ rep, but I know I need to. This list is going to help a lot.

  46. A feminist AND LGBT Guardians of the Galaxy? YES PLEASE πŸ™‚

  47. I’d recommend These witches don’t burn to add to your list :p

  48. What a great list! My favorite LGBTQ title is Him by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy. It’s NA, though.

  49. I love this list! I will be reading at least a few of these. Happy Reading!

  50. What an interesting list. I never thought of this as a topic. Will have to find a couple of those books, I guess.

    Thanks for stopping by on my TTT earlier. Always nice to talk to fellow readers.

  51. Honestly, I want to read all of these but ESPECIALLY The Girl in Red. You had me at “dystopian retelling of Little Red Riding Hood” because, uh, YES, please. Sign me up. THAT’S my brand, 100%.

  52. What a great topic for this freebie! I’ve only heard of a couple of these books, so I’ll have to see what the others are about.

  53. I need to read Max Gladstone. πŸ™‚

  54. The Girl in Red sounds absolutely amazing and I’m definitely going to have to check that out!

  55. Great topic choice! I hope you enjoy all of these!

  56. I love this week’s freebie theme! There has been such variety in peoples topic selections and lots of books I’d otherwise be oblivious to!

  57. I hadn’t heard of many of these before but they all sound amazing, especially The History of Living Forever and Empress of Forever!

  58. The Wise and the Wicked is one I want to read as well. I’ve heard great things about it.

  59. Kay

    That’s a great list! I definitely have to look some of these up. I recently read Tell Me How You Really Feel but Aminah Mae Safi and it was a really cute one!

  60. You’ve reminded me that I need to add Wild and Crooked to my TBR! I love Leah Thomas’ Because You’ll Never Meet Me duology, but this one sounds quite different and really interesting. I hope you enjoy it!

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