Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Books Releasing During the Second Half of 2023

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

A metal statue of a woman sitting on a stone ledge. She’s holding a book and looking up at the land. There is a metal statue of a dog looking in the same direction she is. The dog is sitting on it’s haunches but has it’s front legs touching the land as if it’s about to stand up fully and run away.

Happy Pride to everyone celebrating it!

Between Pride festivities, other summer festivals, time spent in nature, and the hot, humid days of summer, it feels a little hard to believe that autumn is only a few months away.

At this time of year, summer seems it will last forever…but all seasons end eventually.

I thought it would be interesting to look ahead at some books that have been scheduled to come out this autumn. There were more to add to this list than I thought there would be!

As much as I relish the long, sunny days of summer, there are things to look forward to as the temperatures drop and the days become terribly short, too.


Book cover for Wednesday’s Child: Stories by Yiyun Li. Image on cover shows a painting of a large white poodle-like dog that is standing in front of a green summer forest. There is a large light brown patch on the left that covers whatever was next to the dog.

Wednesday’s Child: Stories by Yiyun Li


Release Date: September 5

I Want to Read It Because: It sounds like this collection has a little bit of everything in it. I admire writers who can do that.


Book cover for The Vaster Wild by Lauren Groff. Image on cover shows a drawing of a tree that has spindly branches that are only half filled with green leaves.

The Vaster Wilds by Lauren Groff
Release Date: September 12
I Want to Read It Because: Survival fiction is interesting.
Book cover for North Woods by Daniel Mason. Image on cover is a painting of a mountain lion lying on a grassy meadow and staring at something or something that is just out of the viewer’s range.
North Woods by Daniel Mason
Release Date: September 19
I Want to Read It Because: Houses generally aren’t the main characters of stories, and I love the idea of following a house through all of the various inhabitants it has had.
Book cover for “You Are My Sunshine and Other Stories” by Octavia Cade. Image on cover shows about a dozen wilting sunflowers that are falling down or have already fallen down onto a wooden desk.
Release Date: September 21
I Want to Read It Because: It sounds like a possibly excellent Halloween read.  Yes, I know it’s June, but I always relish the opportunity to plan ahead for my favourite holiday of the year.

Book cover for Furies by Margaret Atwood. Image on cover shows a medieval-style drawing of a dragon who has pink wings, a green neck, a red chest, purple arms and tail, and a face that includes all of these colours in stripes down it.

Furies by Margaret Atwood


Release Date: September 26

I Want to Read It Because: Ms. Atwood is a must-read author for me. I don’t necessarily like everything she writes, but I give it all a shot because of how often I do enjoy her work.



Book cover for The Mysteries by Bill Watterson. Image on cover is a black and white drawing of a person wearing a cloak as they stand outside of a cottage in a dark winter forest. The person has a frightened expression on their face.

The Mysteries by Bill Watterson


Release Date: October 10

I Want to Read It Because: I was a huge fan of his Calvin & Hobbes comic strips back in the day and can’t wait to see what he’s come up with now.


Book cover for Green Fuse Burning by Tiffany Morris. Image on cover shows a black-haired woman with glowing eyes leaning her head back slightly and opening her mouth as red string (or maybe blood vessels?) wind their way out of her mouth, possibly in search of their next victim. The woman’s head is surrounded by a sickly green halo that is reminiscent of the white or yellow halos painted around the heads of saints in Medieval paintings.

Green Fuse Burning by Tiffany Morris

Release Date: October of this year (but no specific publication date has been chosen yet)

I Want to Read It Because: 1) I love eco horror, 2) the blurb sounds deliciously scary and possibly perfect for Halloween, and 3) I have not read many Indigenous authors recently and want to change that.



Filed under Blog Hops

98 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Books Releasing During the Second Half of 2023

  1. I read a short story once that was about a house and its inhabitant, I think it was a Lucy Woods one, so a full novel doing that sounds interesting. I’m off to look up Green Fuse Burning too.

  2. Hmmm…the story of a house. Yes, I’ll see what else I can find out about North Woods.

  3. Georgie McBrowneth

    The story about the house sounds intriguing!

  4. The Atwood book sounds interesting! Of hers, I’ve only read Haidmaid’s Tale, but I’ve mean meaning to try some more.

  5. I’m so excited for Lauren Groff’s new book, and North Woods sounds really good too😁

  6. Anita@eriesbooklover

    Hope you get to read all of them

  7. I didn’t realize Margaret Atwood was publishing a new book. Adding it to my TBR. Thank you.

  8. Bill Watterson has some new stuff coming out? Oh, I’ll have to look for that. I was a big Calvin & Hobbes fan when I was young, too.

    My TTT is a REALLY long list today…

  9. Wow, that’s a lot of reading to keep you busy.

  10. The cover/title for You are My Sunshine has me intrigued! I hope you love these!

  11. North Woods has such a unique premise. It will be interesting to see how that one reads.

  12. The Mysteries sounds really fascinating.

  13. The cover of The Vaster Wilds makes me want to read it, which is interesting because I’m not a huge fan of survival fiction.

    Hope you enjoy these!

  14. Oooo, I haven’t heard of these but they sound intriguing

  15. Poinsettia

    North Woods does sound intriguing! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  16. You’ve tempted me with “North Woods” by Daniel Mason.

  17. All are new to me which is wonderful! Enjoy your reading.

  18. I hadn’t heard of a single one of these, and several look intriguing. My husband and I loved Calvin and Hobbes, too, so I’ll be sure to check his new book out.

  19. I don’t have any of these books on my TTT list, but I’m intrigued by The Vaster Wilds. (I love survival fiction, too.)

  20. ‘You are My Sunshine” and “Green Fuse Burning” sound perfect for spooky season!

  21. These are all new to me, but some of them sound so interesting. I’m especially intrigued by The Mysteries, because the style is so different from his Calvin & Hobbes work. Enjoy all of these when you get to them (after making the most of the summer).

  22. Hope you enjoy all of these, Lydia! I don’t think I recognize any… but some of these have perfectly SPOOKY cover art! I do love the bright green on that last design. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting my website today.

  23. I do love that time of year. The Vast Wilds sounds interesting. I think I need more eco horror in my life too.

  24. You’ve got some fantastic-sounding books to look forward to! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  25. Green Fuse Burning has such a gorgeous cover!!

  26. The Margaret Atwood looks really interesting!

  27. I hadn’t heard about any of these. Enjoy when they come out!

  28. The horror books sound awesome. I’m looking forward to autumn. I’ll have more time and energy to read. 🙂

  29. The Vaster Wilds by Lauren Groff – I love a good survival story too.

  30. Great list and thanks for visiting my TTT!

  31. The Mysteries looks amazing!! These all seem really intriguing — hope you find books that you love!

  32. I’m a fan of survival fiction, too. I’ll have to check out the Groff book. I hadn’t heard of it before, so thanks for the heads-up! I hope you enjoy all these.

    Happy TTT!


  33. What a fabulous list. I didn’t know Bill Watterson had a book out. I was also a Calvin & Hobbes fan. Thanks for sharing.

  34. The Margaret Atwood one sounds interesting! I’ve never read any of hers yet. I should change that. The Green Fuse Burning one also piqued my interest. I have no idea what “eco horror” is but I will be looking it up, hahaha.

    • Eco horror features natural forces that are the antagonists in that story. E.g. it could be an animal or plant or the weather itself. It’s a pretty diverse and fun genre if you like horror.

      I hope you like Green Fuse Burning and Atwood’s stuff!

  35. Fantastic list! I am curious about The Vaster Wilds and North Woods too.

  36. I’ve only read one Margaret Atwood book but I must read more!

  37. I didn’t realize that Margaret Atwood has something new out soon. I’ll have to check it out!

  38. Green Fuse Burning looks perfect for spooky season

  39. I’m not familiar with any of these, gotta take notes this week. Happy reading! My TTT

  40. Jo

    I hope you enjoy all these!

  41. That Lauren Groff book sounds really good. It has been ages since I’ve read something from her so I’ll have to check that one out. 🙂

  42. An interesting list. I still need to read Margaret Atwood. I particularly like the sound of North Woods.

    Have a great week!

  43. Autumn is my favorite time of year. Happy Reading!! 🙂

  44. I’m someone who also loves both seasons. Just when I start to think I can’t take more heat in the summer, blessed autumn arrives. Ha! I hope you enjoy all of these when you get to them, Lydia!

  45. I love summer, but I’m also looking forward to autumn already 🙂 Hope you’ll love all of these!

  46. Atwood books grow on me. I hated “Surfacing” on first reading, now think it’s a classic…

  47. Green Fuse Burning has a really interesting cover!

  48. Green Fuse Burning has definitely piqued my interest! You Are My Sunshine and The Vaster Wilds also look really good. I hope you love these when you get to read them!

  49. Woah the covers on all of these are sooo pretty!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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