Top Ten Tuesday: Series I Should Read Someday

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

IBooks lined up against a yellow wall. The books are placed so that their spines are facing upwards and they’re all touching a book on each side. Every book is closed. have mixed feelings about series.

When they’re well written, they’re my favorite sorts of books to dive into because of how deeply you can get to know the characters throughout the course of them. It’s thrilling to see a character slowly evolve over the course of several adventures, especially if they maybe weren’t particularly likeable at first. I love it when characters are given space to become three-dimensional individuals who feel just about as real to me as anyone I’ve met. This is difficult to accomplish for any author, but it’s so rewarding when it does happen.

Series that try to stretch out their original storylines too far are disappointing, though. I’d much rather read a tightly written standalone novel that wraps up all of the major conflicts and ends on a high note  than I would something about the exact same characters that had clunky pacing, or not enough going on in each book, or that put their characters in the same sorts of conflicts over and over again to justify creating a series when the protagonist really should have learned his or her lesson on that topic in book #1.

I’ve had experiences with both of these sorts of possibilities (and many grey areas in between then), so I never know what to expect when I start a new series. Will it horribly disappoint me two or three or six books from now? Is it worth my reading time? Will I find the first book pretty decent only to be shocked by how much I adore the rest of them after the world building and character development has been firmly established?

You never know what might happen. Here are some series I hope to read someday. Just don’t ask me exactly when that will be. Ha! Have you read any of these books and, if so, did you enjoy them?

The Eye of the World (The Wheel of Time, #1) by Robert Jordan book cover. image on cover is a drawing of knights riding horses under a full moon.

1. The Eye of the World (The Wheel of Time, #1) by Robert Jordan

Multiple people have told me I’d love The Wheel of Time series.


His Dark Materials (His Dark Materials #1-3) by Philip Pullman boo cover. Image on cover shows a drawing of a child sitting on top of a polar bear.

2. His Dark Materials (His Dark Materials #1-3) by Philip Pullman

I once read that Pullman wrote this series partially as a response to the Chronicles of Narnia series. While I don’t know for sure if that’s true, it does make me curious to see what all of the fuss is about.


A Wizard of Earthsea (Earthsea Cycle, #1) by Ursula K. Le Guin book cover. Image on cover shows a drawing of a castle with a moat around it. There is a green dragon between the castle and the moat.

3. A Wizard of Earthsea (Earthsea Cycle, #1) by Ursula K. Le Guin

Her short stories make me smile, but I’ve never explored her longer works. Maybe this is a good place to start?


Howl’s Moving Castle (Howl’s Moving Castle, #1) by Diana Wynne Jones book cover. image on cover shows a drwaing of a house that has legs and is walking across a green field.

4. Howl’s Moving Castle (Howl’s Moving Castle, #1) by Diana Wynne Jones

This has been on my TBR for so long that it has apparently become a series now!



The Fifth Season (The Broken Earth, #1) by N.K. Jemisin book cover. Image on cover shows an ornate metal carving on a door. The carving looks like curled ferns lying on top of each other.

5. The Fifth Season (The Broken Earth, #1) by N.K. Jemisin


Filed under Blog Hops

74 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Series I Should Read Someday

  1. I start reading a series with great enthusiasm but since I don’t like to go immediately to the next one in the series, I end up forgetting who all the characters are.

    It took me more than five years to get through the Anthony Trollope Barsestshire series though to be fair they were all very long books.

    Of course that doesn’t stop me thinking of new series I want to explore…

  2. I think certain genres, such as crime, lend themselves to being series.

  3. I agree; I prefer trilogies or relatively short series. I haven’t read sprawling series that go beyond 3 or 4 books since I was a kid. I definitely loved His Dark Materials and am enjoying the Book of Dust now!

  4. I’m not a series reader. I tend to find that books in a series disappoint me. I generally just read the first book and stop.

  5. Hi Lydia!

    I’ve tried to read The Golden Compass 3 times, but just couldn’t get into it at all. Narnia I’ve read more than once though! So nah, I gave up trying to see what the fuss between series’ was all about.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I hope you get to read some of these soon.

  7. Great list! I’ve read the first book in Pullman’s series but it was so long ago that I feel like I need to re-read it at some point to continue with the series (which I want to do). All the other series you mentioned are also on my TBR and I hope to start them one day… Although some of these really intimidate me! 😂 I hope you enjoy these whenever you start them.

  8. I have His Dark Materials on my list. I completely agree with what you are saying.

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  9. There are some great series on here!

    I’ve only read the first Howl’s Moving Castle but I loved it and I may read the series with my daughter when she’s ready.

    I have The Wheel of Time on my list but am intimidated by the sheer volume of pages I’m behind on it. 🙂

  10. I love reading series! But I also like it when the author knows to stop the main series and do a spin-off series. (And admittedly, sometimes that doesn’t work for long series.)

    I’ve actually read a few of the ones you mentioned this week, though I might not be able to help much. 😉 I know I read the first Earthsea book when I was a kid, and I enjoyed it… but I don’t think I ever continued the series. I want to re-read it now to see what I think.

    I read book 1 and part of 2 of Pullman’s Dark Materials series. I was interested during book 1, but book 2 really turned me off so I DNFed the book and abandoned the series. I don’t remember why now, but if you’re looking for the charm of Narnia (for all its faults, I must admit that Narnia is charming) I don’t think you’ll find it with the Dark Materials.

    And I actually finished the Howl’s Moving Castle series! Granted, I DNFed book 2 because I was not enjoying the portrayal of Middle Eastern characters & culture (supposed to be a parody I think, but still). However, book 1 is wonderful and book 3 is charming and fun, so I do think those books are worth a shot.

    Happy reading!

    My TTT:

  11. Poinsettia

    I absolutely loved A Wizard of Earthsea, but I never managed to read the rest of the series! I need to find time to do that! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  12. I’ve really been meaning to read Howl’s Moving Castle – my friend’s dog is named after a character!

  13. I’ve only read The Fifth Season and haven’t gotten a chance to read on (how appropriate), but I really enjoyed the first book. Very unique and the world building is chef’s kiss.

  14. I’m a couple books into the Wheel of Times series and have a lot of mixed feelings, haha. But I really liked The Eye of the World, it was a perfect classic fantasy beginning. I also read The Fifth Season and thought it really was a unique and innovative fantasy story, but I’m not sure I’ll continue the series. I hope you get a chance to check all of these out!

  15. Earthsea sounds familiar but I can’t place it, I’m sure I’ve heard someone mention those books before.
    I’ve read the 1st book for the Wheel of Time, I did really like it and can’t wait to read the next one.
    I’ve finished the Golden Compass series – loved it! If I could re-read it for the first time again j absolutely would ❤️❤️❤️

  16. I agree with your thoughts on series. I recently took an entire series off my TBR list because I didn’t like the first book. Yes, the rest of the books could have been better, but they just didn’t interest me.

  17. I agree that a series with a beginning and end needs to be as short as possible. I like series that have familiar characters, but each book is a stand-alone. Nice list!

  18. I haven’t read any of these! And starting any new series right now is so daunting because I already am trying to keep up with too many. ;D

  19. I’ve only heard of the Golden Compass, so enjoy!

  20. I have only read your #3, but then the following volumes didn’t sound as good, so I stopped. Maybe one day I’ll try Pullman, not sure why I have been hesitating

  21. I forgot about the Earthsea Cycle. I should’ve included that on my list too.

  22. I love the Dark Materials series! Really incredible world-building and storytelling — highly recommended! I need to read the Earthsea series too. I feel like that’s a gap in my fantasy reading. As for Howl’s Moving Castle, I feel like I missed something. I didn’t really connect with it when I read it, but everyone absolutely raves about it. Maybe I should give it another try!

    • I’m glad you liked the Dark Materials series.

      Thanks for the heads up about Howl’s Moving Castle. It’s nice to hear lots of different perspective on it.

  23. I’ve got the Howl series on my TBR too. I highly recommend His Dark Materials. Really good, and they don’t go on forever.

  24. The Jemisin series is EXCELLENT! Hope you enjoy the books.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  25. I totally agree with you in the character development and evolutions in a series.

    My daughter watched the Howl’s Moving Castle series and is now moving on to the books.

  26. All of these seem like well-loved series, so I hope you’ll enjoy them! I haven’t read any of them yet myself, though most of them are on my TBR too.

  27. I read Wizard of Earthsea in high school but never knew it was a series. I’d like to revisit it at some point. And I’ve read Howl’s Moving Castle and loved it, but I never read the rest of the series.

    I’ve read The Golden Compass and don’t have any desire to finish the series. It seems a bit highbrow for “children’s fantasy” so I don’t really know what the appeal is.

    I hope you enjoy these whenever you get around to reading them, though!

  28. I hear what you’re saying about series. One author I feel does a great job of continuing her characters’ stories is Marilyn Meredith. Her Tempe Crabtree novels and the Rocky Bluff P.D. series she writes as F.M. Meredith are favorites of mine because there are familiar characters whose lives keep evolving but also new characters that keep the series fresh.

    The Golden Compass is one on your list I would like to try. Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

  29. Nice list. I like your spin on the prompt. I agree with you, a great series is hard to find, but when you do, it’s a great experience. And I also would love to read His Dark Materials some day.
    Have a great week 🙂

  30. Peat

    Twinsies on Earthsea. As for Howl’s Moving Castle – just read the first, liked it a lot for what it is.

    All good choices though!

  31. I’ve read His Dark Materials nd really enjoyed it. Wheel of Time is one I keep saying I’m going to start but still haven’t.

  32. Wonderful list! I haven’t read any of them, but they look good. I have yet to finish reading an entire series. I’m dreading the day I come to the end of a series and I have to say goodbye to the characters, but at the same time I’m enjoying the rides. 🙂

  33. This looks like a great list! I haven’t read His Dark Materials series yet, but I’ve heard great things about it. 😊

  34. I haven’t read any of these series ..though I did watch the movies for The Golden Compass and Howl’s Moving Castle (Which inspired me to look for the books .. but.. someday soon I will get to them)

  35. I have similar feelings about series. On the one hand if I love the characters I’m always ready for more. On the other hand sometimes that’s the series downfall (too many book/repeat threads), too. Just depends on the author I guess. Some can do it well. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting my website this week. Apologies I didn’t make it here sooner.

  36. Earthsea is worth reading! The plot and characters evolve in fascinating ways and they are short, so that’s a bonus. The Broken Earth Trilogy is also worth it in my opinion. Howl’s Moving Castle is a good one–I didn’t realize that it was a series!

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