Top Ten Tuesday: Summer Covers I Like

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Officially, this week’s topic was Cover Redesigns I Loved/Hated. I generally don’t notice – much less have strong opinions about –  book cover redesigns, so I tweaked the topic to be Summer Covers I Love instead. Since August is a hot, humid month here in southern Ontario,  I thought it might be fun to look at some pretty book covers that evoke this time of the year.

I haven’t read all of these books, so this post is only an endorsement of their eye-catching covers.

Summer Sisters by Judy Blume

What I liked about it:

Including beach chairs without showing people in them allows every reader to imagine themselves sitting at the beach. There’s nothing more refreshing than cooling down at the beach on a hot day!

The Sign for Drowning by Rachel Stolzman

What I liked about it:

Listening to the ocean in a seashell is magical no matter how old you are. I never grow tired of doing this or looking at book covers that depict it.

Jersey Angel by Beth Ann Bowman 

What I liked about it:

I have trouble running, jumping, or diving into water I know is going to be cold even on a hot summer day. Seeing the woman doing that without hesitation on this book cover makes me smile.

Shug by Jenny Han

What I liked about it:

Normally, I try to stick to a sugar-free diet. This summer I have not been following that rule so well. There’s nothing like having a popsicle or some ice cream on a day that is unrelentingly hot and humid.

Ndura: Son of the Forest by Javier Salazar Calle

What I liked about it:

As tired as I can get of the heat waves at this time of the year, I always appreciate being surrounded by greenery.  Ontario is a brown, drab place for half of the year, so it’s always nice to see lush leaves, plants, flowers, and other signs of life in August. The time is coming when we won’t have those splashes of colour on the landscape again for many months.

The Great Lakes: The Natural History of a Changing Region by Wayne Grady

What I liked about it:

Water is something we kind of take for granted here in Ontario because there’s generally plenty of it. There’s actually been a lot of flooding in Toronto this spring and summer! I love the way this cover shows how beautiful our Great Lakes can be during the warm months, though. They’re definitely something I need to learn to appreciate (and visit) more often.

Thank You for Flying Air Zoe by Erik Atwell

What I liked about it:

Sandals, shorts, and t-shirts are what I spend as much time wearing as possible during the summer. I love the relaxed sense of fashion that a lot of people have during this portion of the year. It’s too humid to worry about looking anything other than comfortable if you’re going to be outdoors.


Filed under Blog Hops

88 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Summer Covers I Like

  1. Great list! I really like the cover of The Great lakes – makes me want to be there!

  2. All great summer covers. I think my favorite is the Great Lakes one though!

  3. There are sugar free popsicles and ice cream. I remember when school librarians would buy anything Judy Blume wrote and teen aged girls read them like candy. Then she published Wifey.

  4. I also had a bit of a tough time thinking about this week’s prompt because I normally don’t pay much attention either lol but this is a great twist for this week! These covers are really summery and the one that caught my eye most was Shug and The Sign for Drowning! I haven’t heard of both of these books before but I’m going to go check them out on GR now!

    My TTT post

  5. Jay @The Scented Library

    I’m a summer gal and was happy to see these covers in my inbox today. Have a good week:)

    P.S. I skipped this topic for the same reason, just didn’t apply to me.

  6. Shug is a perfect summer cover. I like your take on this week’s topic!

  7. These are all lovely and so summery – I especially like the Shug one with the ice lolly! It’s making me hungry! 😊

  8. I like your twist on the topic! These covers all feel really summery and beachy haha. I like the cover for Shug the most, I think!

  9. Mmm, Popsicle. I haven’t really had them much since I was a kid, but I do still get ice cream treats. Lately I’ve been doing mochi ice cream: I like the taste, and I can stop after eating one serving instead of just eating the whole pint of ice cream… 😉

    • I just tried (the vegan version of) Mochi ice cream the other day! It’s pretty good.

      And, yeah, it’s always nice to find an ice cream that’s so sweet you don’t need to eat more than a serving of it.

  10. Heather Currie

    These are great. Very summery.

  11. Nice twist on the topic! I love the cover of The Great Lakes, such peaceful and makes me want to visit nearest loch.

  12. Great spin on this week’s topic! I like all the covers, especially how they actually fit the summer vibes perfectly.

  13. I love that Jenny Han cover! Now I’m kind of curious, because I’ve only read To All the Boys from her.

  14. Oh, I love a good summery cover. I’ve never seen that particular cover for Summer Sisters (I always remember a white cover with chairs) but I sure remember enjoying the book!

  15. Shug is one of my favorite books actually and I love how fun and summery the cover is.

  16. I really like the Shug cover!

  17. The Sign for Drowning is so pretty with the seashell!

  18. This is such a nice twist on this week’s topic!

  19. Summer definitely gets beautiful covers. It’s almost mandatory to have a beach on at least three covers. 😀

  20. I love your reasoning for why you like all of these covers 🙂 They look so fun! Thanks for visiting as well, Lydia! And I appreciate the welcome! You’ve been so kind every single week.

  21. I love your little tweak of the post prompt. Yes, perfect, I adore all these fabulous summer-y covers!

  22. OOh fun tweak!! These covers definitely shout SUMMER!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!

  23. What a great top ten! Shug is my favorite for the same reason!

  24. I love that cover for The Sign for Drowning!

  25. Being a southeast Michigan girl (hi neighbor!) I totally appreciate your list. Those are all perfect covers to look at during this sticky time of year. And how can we not love our Great Lakes! But my favorite has to be Ndura, that greenery is amazing.

  26. I really like the cover for The Great Lakes! I am over the summer though. It’s HOT!

  27. Great list. These all scream summer to me.

  28. These are all so pretty. I love covers with a summer vibe. Elin Hilderbrand’s are some of my favorites.

  29. Ah, I love summer covers with flip-flops or beach chairs or sand… they just lighten my spirit and make me wish for a vacation!

  30. I love your take on today’s topic! These definitely have a summery vibe!:)

  31. It’s always fun to come up with a little different spin on the TTTs. Sometimes you just have to. Interesting collection of covers – makes me sad that mine and my daughter’s summers are over. Teacher work days start tomorrow for me, and my munchkin goes back to school on Monday.

  32. Cool topic!!! I love this idea. SHUG and THE SIGN FOR DROWNING are both really summery and fun!!

  33. Great spin on this week’s topic!

  34. I have Jersey Angel to read and I brought it because of the cover as well. The cover for Shug looks simple yet effective, I’ve seen a few similiar with other food items.
    Thanks for stopping by The Phantom Paragrapher
    Cheers, Paula

  35. Oh my, I wish I was on every cover on this list because they all look so warm and wonderful!

  36. Great topic and I love Shug. I read such darker books that I don’t have a lot of cheery books on my shelves so it’s nice to see a variety.

  37. These all just get you in the mood for summer! I love the Great Lakes one, but I’m partial to the Great Lakes since I’m from Michigan. 🙂

  38. You found some very summerish covers to highlight. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  39. These are great covers.The Sign for Drowning reminds me of the big shell I found at Cape Cod when I was around 8. That Popsicle cover is great.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  40. This post makes me wish there was an ocean nearby. These covers look very relaxing.

  41. I never read Jenny’s “Shug” novel (isn’t it MG?), but it sure looks fun and cute! Love your twist on the topic, and it is indeed very fitting for these humid summertime months. 🙂 Appreciate your visit to Finding Wonderland last week, Lydia.

  42. Thank you for visiting my TTT earlier.

    I really like how you added covers that you liked.

  43. I especially like the Summer Sisters and Great Lakes covers, they’re so summery 🙂

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