Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Books I Loved But Never Wrote Reviews For

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

I’ve written countless books reviews over the years, yet there are still plenty of books out there I love but have not written reviews for. There simply isn’t enough time in the day to do everything! Sometimes I also question if it’s ever a good idea to write reviews for older titles. What do you all think?

  • The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
  • Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
  • Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
  • The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel
  • Every book ever written by Octavia E. Butler (but especially The Parable series)
  • Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein
  • Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
  • The Little House on the Prairies series by Laura Ingalls Wilder
  • The Anne of Green Gables series by L.M. Montgomery
  • The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

Click here to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question. The image below is the list of upcoming prompts for this blog hop.


Filed under Blog Hops

27 Responses to Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Books I Loved But Never Wrote Reviews For

  1. Good list. I’ve read many of those books. Kinda cool to see we have similar taste. 🙂

  2. I do think reviews are a lot more important for newer books (and newer authors) than for older, established ones. That’s a really nice list of older titles, though.

  3. I thought the same thing about writing reviews for older titles. I was unsure if I should, but there are so many great books out there. Reviewing an older title, might attract a newer reader to it. I feel that great books deserve to have readers despite how long they’ve been sitting on the bookshelf. Nice list!

  4. I can agree that I’ve wondered too, but ended up deciding that a book is a book, and that there’s always readers looking for something to read, even classics and older titles. I’ve found quite I few I enjoyed, but just happened on and took a chance, and I’d love it more people talked about some of these titles as well.

    I mostly focus on newer titles for reviews, since they are more important to the authors, but if I read an older book, I also try to at least provide a rating an short review for those as well.

  5. Great list, I’ve read quite a few of these, too. There are way too many books that I’ve never written reviews for.

  6. I tend to review whatever books I feel like reviewing, so I don’t think older books are any less worth writing reviews for. I’ve really appreciated some modern reviews of classic works, in fact, since they often call out ways in which our society has changed, which allows me to go into the book with its era firmly in mind rather than expecting it to conform to modern conventions.

  7. Nice to see a list with some books I’ve read. Great list.

  8. Wow, you have listed a lot of great books I’d forgotten about. Wonderful list!

  9. Sometimes there are books I once wanted to read, or haven’t really known much about, and then someone blogs about it and I decide to pick it up. In my own experiences blogging about older books, they don’t get as many reviews. I don’t really mind though, because sometimes it can open up some really fun discussions when people are reminded of books they read a while ago. There’s no wrong answer, but I definitely enjoy reviewing older things – there are no issues with getting them out quickly!

  10. Echo Ishii

    I also feel like I too often ignore older books and classics in reviews..and they are certainly not worth less. Time for me to review The Bluest Eye and Brave New World.

  11. It is absolutely worth writing about older, classic works of literature. As others have mentioned, writing about these books can attract new readers and expand the reading experiences of book lovers. I think it’s also interesting to find out how a reader’s reaction to a book may have changed over time. What is your reaction now to the profound insights of that philosophical work, _The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy_? Do you agree with the theory of humour espoused in _Stranger in a Strange Land_?

    I vote for reviewing — or re-discovering — older books if you feel moved to do so.


  12. I’ve reviewed books that were written two and a half thousand years ago, but that’s just me.

  13. I can relate to your uncertainty about reviewing older books. Like, I tend to think everyone has probably read those books so a review isn’t necessary. However, fresh viewpoints are always good.

  14. I think reviews for older titles are fine. I like seeing what people think of older/ backlist stuff. I read a few of the Little House books as a kid. The Clan of the Cave Bear always sounded interesting.

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