Top Ten Tuesday: Things Getting in the Way of Reading

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Now is one of those times of the year when my bookish side takes a break and my other interests get a chance to flourish. Here are some of the things that I’ve been doing (or trying to do) instead of reading this spring.

A magnolia tree in bloom. It is covered in hundreds of large pink and white flowers that are open and framed against a light blue sky. Sunlight streams into the photo from the left. 1. Beautiful Weather

I’m saying this affectionally, but Toronto only has a few months of gorgeous weather per year. Most months are too hot, cold, or stormy to spend more time outside than is strictly necessary.

When we finally get long stretches of dry, mild, pleasant weather in the spring and autumn, you’d better believe I’m out there soaking up as much of it as I can.

2. Nature 

Anyone who reads my posts regularly already knows I’m a nature lover. Along with enjoying pleasant weather when it comes, I also like to admire the spring flowers and whatever else is in season.

3. A Reading Slump

They seem to be more common for me in spring and autumn. It might be because I generally spend so much time reading over the winter when it’s too cold and snowy (and over the summer when it’s too hot and humid) to visit some of my favourite places.


4. TV Shows

My spouse loves watching TV with me, so that reduces my reading time as well.


5. In-Person Socialization

Like everyone else, I’ve been a real homebody these past few years (and, honestly, I was a homebody way before that, too), so I’m trying to stretch myself and spend more time socializing in person when I find Covid-safe ways to do so.


6. Fire Alarms 

No, this isn’t a joke. My apartment building keeps having the fire alarm set off by people who do things like smoke in the stairwell, smoke in the hallway, or accidentally burn some food, open their front door to air out their apartment, and inadvertently set off the building-wide smoke alarm instead of only the one in their apartment.

While I am grateful for smoke alarms and how seriously management takes everyone’s safety, I sure wish the fire alarms wouldn’t be set off so often when there’s no actual danger.



Filed under Blog Hops

67 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Things Getting in the Way of Reading

  1. TV is something I tend to watch WAY too much of. But someday I’m going to put a pause on that, pick up a book and find all the ones I’ve been missing. It’s going to happen… 🙂

  2. I am sorry but perhaps you need to leave Toronto if it has so little gorgeous weather that you must sacrifice reading in order to spend time in it. lol

  3. Beautiful weather is a great distraction.

    My hubby loves watching TV with me, too.

  4. Wow, I was surprised by the fire alarm one. This is something I didn’t even think of – obviously sometime I take for granted! X

  5. That fire alarm would stress me out! Even if you know that most likely it’s someone setting it off with their actions and not an actual fire, still.

    Happy Tuesday!

  6. I would not have expected fire alarms, but your explanation makes sense! Like you, I only get a couple of months of really nice weather a year, so they have to be taken advantage of.

  7. The fire alarm would drive me absolutely insane. I don’t know how you tolerate it!

  8. The weather does interfere with reading, unless you choose to read at the park or listen to audiobooks while you walk.

  9. The fire alarm thing would drive me nuts!

  10. TV and movies get in the way for me as well.

  11. Anita@seriesbooklover

    The Fire alarms would drive me nuts!

  12. Oh my gosh! The fire alarms (while important) would drive me crazy.

    I completely agree with the weather and nature ones. While my part of California gets nice weather more often, I prefer the slightly-chill spring or autumn mornings to the heat of summer, so I’ve been trying to spend more time outdoors while it lasts, too.

    My TTT:

  13. Beautiful weather definitely must be enjoyed when it happens! The books will wait, the weather will not, haha 🙂

  14. Most of these are great reasons for not reading…but take a book out in nature, LOL! Sorry about the fire alarms, that would be a pain.

  15. Huh, never thought about the fact that if you can have a writing slump, you could also have a reading slump.

  16. You definitely have to take advantage of when the weather is perfect! The books will still be there when it is not.

  17. Ugh I do not miss living in an apartment and dealing with other people causing problems like setting the alarm off or flooding the floor. The weather here has finally become nice and I am trying to soak it up as well before the weather changes.

  18. Wow, how annoying about the fire alarms! Nature and being outdoors are excellent reasons to step away from reading. There’s only so many chances to enjoy gorgeous weather!

  19. I love how the seasons influence your reading so much, so that there’s a predictable slump in your reading because you’re outside and enjoying the beautiful spring weather and nature. I spent some time outside yesterday and the fresh air and breeze and flowers was so relaxing. Hopefully spring sticks around for a while!

  20. Oh my goodness, constant fire alarms would be SOOOO annoying! What a pain. Hopefully, you will never have to deal with a real one.

    Happy TTT!


  21. How annoying about the alarm. I find that TV is also a distraction. Sometimes just watching something is less effort!

    In the UK we have a fair mix of weather. I personally prefer an overcast day. I find that I can get out and about without getting overheated and annoyed if there isn’t the sun shining down on me!!

    Have a great week!

  22. LOL fire alarms! Back in school they’d do our drills back to back and drive everyone nuts lol. Great list!

  23. Oh my goodness. The smoke alarms would not be good for my anxiety. 😂 Absolutely soak up that nice weather when you can. I know Texas is known for its sunshine, but mostly it’s either hot or humid. We have to get out on those nice days, too!

  24. TV time with the spouse sounds cute. Same with me, with my mom or brother

  25. Poinsettia

    Beautiful weather definitely keeps me from reading sometimes! I love to go on long hikes on Saturday mornings. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  26. The weather and getting outside is definitely a big one. It’s only in the 60’s here but at least we’re getting sun now…

  27. Ford, Meezan

    I can see how those fire alarms can be annoying and take time away from reading. They are certainly useful in saving lives, but frequent false alarms are a nuisance. I hope you have a great week. 🙂

  28. Nature and good weather get in the way of reading for me too. I read a ton during the winter and then pretty much nothing during the summer.

  29. Jo

    I actually tend to read more when the weather is good because I’ll take my book and sit and read outside for hours on end (the UK has a very similar problem though in that we have very rare and brief spouts of good weather!). TV also takes up a lot of my reading time and socialising with friends and family as well.

  30. HC

    #6 would drive me absolutely batty!

  31. The beautiful weather is one that constantly gets me! After being stuck inside for months it’s hard to stay in and read! I need to get a comfy chair for outside so I can read out there. 🙂

  32. Ok, the fire alarms are crazy… in-person socializing and being out in nature are so important to recharge the battery!

  33. I hope you don’t have any fire alarm issues in the future! Big agree on the first two, I need to soak up all the sunshine these months and I love hanging out in nature

  34. A great starter list. Unfortunately, I think mine would have more like 47 things on it. Haha!

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