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Place: Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming
Why I Loved It: This isn’t my photo, but I remember being mesmerized by the herds of elk, buffalo, and other large animals when my family visited Yellowstone when I was a kid. It’s awe-inspiring to be that close to creatures you’d normally only see in photos or videos. This is a fantastic place to visit for people of all ages and ability levels.
Place: Vedawoo National Park in Wyoming
Why I Loved It: Here’s an old photo of my parents, siblings, and me in Vedawoo when I was a child. It’s such a wonderful place to enjoy nature and spend time with people you care about. Someday I hope I’ll get to go back there and have another picnic and hike like we did so many times when I was little. Maybe it could even be a big extended family trip! My nephews would like running around in Vedawoo.

Photo credit: Jim Schoch
Place: Alaska
Why I Loved It: I’ve mentioned this Alaskan cruise my extended family took here before. The scenery in Alaska is breathtakingly beautiful both on water and on land. I’ve never seen anything quite like it and would love to explore the parts of it I didn’t have time for on my first trip there. There were more sights to see than there were hours in the day!
Place: Labadee Beach in Haiti
Why I Loved It: I love swimming and building sandcastles. Soaking up all of that warm sunshine feels great, too. Labadee Beach was private beach in Haiti my spouse and I have visited on a few different winter cruises. It was warm, relaxing, and peaceful. As you can probably already guess, I’d love to go back here again someday as well. There’s something nice about returning to vacation spots you already know you’ll enjoy. In the meantime, my fingers are crossed that it might be okay to visit Toronto’s beaches this summer. We’ll have to see how this year goes.
I have no idea what to add for my fifth answer to this week’s prompt, so I’ll stop here. Prince Edward Island and Hawaii are still on my bucket list, so maybe I’ll be able to see them eventually!
The boys visited Wyoming. They loved it and all the hiking. Very cool places to visit. 🙂
I’m glad they liked it! That’s awesome. And thanks.
That’s a wonderful picture of your family.
I like all the outdoors and nature. Lovely suggestions.
Thank you very much!
Aah that’s a great idea! Love it. I would still love to visit Alaska and if I ever go to America, Yellowstone will be on my list for sure.
Thanks for sharing your photos.
You’re welcome. 🙂
I’d love to visit all these places! Thanks for the ideas and for stopping by 🙂
You’re welcome.
We did an Alaskan cruise a couple of years ago. I agree with you about how beautiful the place is. But if I ever go back, I don’t want it to be on a cruise ship. Our stops were way too brief. I wanted a lot more time in each place.
That’s a good point. Exploring Alaska on one’s own would be much better for in-depth visits.
My husband went on a 50th birthday camping trip with his buddy in Alaska and loved it! Backcountry camping is not my thing but I’d love to visit some of the parts closer to civilization.
We went to a very special place this year (before lockdown) — the island of Crete, where I had never been. Four other places I would list: Acadia National Park in Maine; Paris, France; Salisbury, England; and the Engadin region here in Switzerland.
Thanks for some armcahir traveling!
You’re welcome, Lory. Crete sounds incredible. You’ve been to some amazing spots it sounds like.
I suppose a Grand Canyon visit will wow your visual experience when we can get there as a family.
I’ve always wanted to visit Alaska. It’s definitely on our places to visit. Great post, Lydia
Thanks. I hope you get to go to Alaska someday.
Very different places there! I’d love to visit Alaska, but I don’t do well on long airplane trips. 4 hrs is my limit, so I may never make Europe. 🙁
My favorite places have been central New Mexico (specifcially, Santa Fe), central Arizona (Grand Canyon), and northern Florida (St. Augustine). Smokey Mountains are also very pretty but I’m a little more used to that scenery (loads and loads and loads of trees).
I don’t do well on long airplane trips either.
I’ve heard Santa Fe is gorgeous!
Northern Florida is amazing, too. Now I want to see the Smokey Mountains and Grand Canyon for myself. 🙂
Santa Fe and St. Augustine are rival in my books. Santa Fe has the mountains. St. Augustine the ocean; Santa Fe has St. Francis’ basilica and La Fonda and the plaza, but St. Augustine has Flagler college and and its own basilica. If I had to choose I’d go back to Santa Fe, though. And yes, the Canyon is …not just worth seeing, but if you’re in NA, a must-see. I drove 1.5 hrs to see it four times the week I was in Arizona, and it was worth it every single time. I have photos and even a helicopter video tour at my blog if you’re curious.
I’ll hop over and look for them!
My trilogy the Fan Plan is about Yellowstone. I one of my books gets optioned as a movie and make big bucks I’m planning on going there.
Very cool!
Thanks for coming by earlier… I would love to visit Haiti… my husband has his heart set on a trip out west once we finally retire.
You’re welcome. I hope you two do get to retire out west and see Haiti someday.
Wyoming is gorgeous. When I lived in Colorado, we went for Cheyenne Frontier days… so fun! I envy your pictures, I don’t have many from before cell phones. I’d love to do Alaska (in the summer!!!!). I have family up there, so I really should do that once the world opens up again.
I hope you’ll get to see Alaska once it’s safe. I think you’d love it.
And thanks.
I still need to get to Yellowstone! Though I have been to Hawaii, Alaska, and Yosemite, and all three of those would be on my “best of” list.
Very cool! Yeah, Yellowstone is amazing. What is Hawaii like?
Wonderful places! There’s something about those memories of special places from childhood as well. 🙂
Prince Edward and Hawaii would be on my short list as well. Hope you get to both of them!
Thanks a lot, Greg. I hope you will get to see PEI and Hawaii someday as well.
Yellowstone is fantastic. We’ve been there several times and it changes each time we go. As I listed in my post. LOL Been to Wyoming lots of times too, never visited the place you did. Will look for it next time we head to Wyoming. Enjoyed your post. Thanks for sharing. Here’s mine.
Thank you. Your post was good, too.
Vedawoo is about 20 miles east of Laramie and 30 miles west of Cheyenne:
I nearly upset a buffalo at the Wichita Wildlife Refuge just outside Lawton, Oklahoma, back in my brilliantly misspent youth. My own fault; I was watching my footing instead of my surroundings, and just walked right up beside one — I thought it was boulder until it moved.
I love ’em, but they’re definitely best viewed from a safe distance.
Yes, they definitely are best viewed from a distance. What a story! I wonder if you startled the buffalo as much as s/he startled you? 🙂
From the way it looked at me, I’m pretty sure the buffalo was just thinking, “What an idiot… Humans, amirite?”
Too funny!
You’ve been to some amazing places. I’d love to see Alaska and Wyoming.
Thanks a lot! Alaska and Wyoming are both amazing.
Alaska and Haiti look great, you’ve been to some amazing places
Thank you. 🙂
I would love to see Alaska. You’ve been to some great places!
I hope you get to see it someday. Thanks.
You’ve been to such cool places! I really hope I get to visit Alaska in the next few years.
Thank you! I hope you get to see Alaska someday.
My husband and I tried to take our kids to many places, Yellowstone was one of them. We loved it and they got their Junior Ranger Badges which they loved. I have never heard of Vedawoo National Park in Wyoming, so will try to get there the next time I head out west. Alaska was an awesome trip, but it was just us, no kids on that one.