Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Favourite Things to Do in the Winter

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

Click here to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and here to see the full list of topics for the year.

A penguin standing in a patch of sunlight on some snow and stretching out both wings as it looks to the right. Behind it there are deep shadows over the snow. Perhaps it’s next to a mountain or a very large heap of snow that’s casting shadows?To be honest with all of you, the cold, dark days of winter are something I struggle with due to the winter blues.

When I was a kid, I loved building snowmen and going sledding during the winter. This isn’t something I’ve  done much if at all as an adult, but maybe I should someday after getting warmer and more water-resistant outerwear.

These are the sorts of activities I more routinely enjoy during the winter:

  • Watching documentaries with nature-themed ones at the top of my list. Yes, this includes penguins.
  • Doing puzzles and games (sudoku, jigsaw puzzles, solitaire, and the like).
  • Reading much more, especially if I’m recovering from a cold or other illness and must rest.
  • Working ahead on blog posts and other writing stuff.*
  • Taking outdoor walks on milder days (e.g. temperatures above 0 C or 32 Fahrenheit)
  • Taking indoor walks at the mall on cold, snowy, and/or blustery days.
  • Baking and cooking, especially warm and nourishing food like chili or spaghetti.
  • Drinking herbal tea and dairy-free hot chocolate.
  • Exercising at home with yoga, dance, kickboxing or other workouts.
  • Jokingly asking my spouse if they want to celebrate Valentine’s Day this year.**
  • Deep cleaning my home when the weather warms up a tad and I can open the windows briefly.
  • Rewatching favorite films and tv shows. The two tribble episodes from Star Trek are close to the top of my list for rewatches!
  • Watching new episodes of modern shows like Call the Midwife or The Handmaid’s Tale.
  • Catching up gradually on the countless older shows I need to finish like Blackish.
  • Attending free bookish events either virtually or in-person at the library***
  • Visiting coffee shops. To be fair, I do this one all year round.
  • Occasionally visiting local museums if the weather holds. Some museums here even have free nights or other good deals if you’re flexible about when you go!


*I schedule some posts months in advance, especially if I know a certain week or month is going to be busy beforehand.

*We prefer to save our special dates nights for other times of the year when restaurants aren’t packed with people. Servers have time to give us more attention that way if needed, and we are also less likely to wait in a long line in the freezing cold or be told they’re out of what we were hoping to order.

**Aren’t libraries the best?

I look forward to seeing what we all have in common!


Filed under Blog Hops, Personal Life

18 Responses to Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Favourite Things to Do in the Winter

  1. I’m the other way, Lydia, I get summer blues. I always thought Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) only affected people in winter, but I found out last year, it can happen the other way around, too. Also, libraries are phenomenal places. There is so much magic in one place!

  2. Ooh, chili! Perfect time of year for it. That, and taco soup.

  3. I’m amused that a ‘milder’ winter day is anything above 32ºF. It was 35ºF when I left the house this morning and I nearly went back inside and called in sick. Hahaha.

    My post

    • Haha! We have very different climates for sure. 32 F can feel almost warm after one has been below freezing for weeks.

      But I’d bet you’re more used to hot temperatures than I am!

  4. I love that you did a whole list! And what a fantastic list it is. I have a lot of cross-over with you, including my feelings about Valentine’s Day – we did go out a few times when we were young and carefree, but found it similarly busy and annoying, so now we don’t bother. And you’re right – libraries really are the best!

  5. I didn’t even think of the cocooning-type things in response to this prompt. I thought of visiting and being visited. Thank you for this corrective post!

  6. I started a puzzle weeks ago that I still need to finish! 🫣 I finally got a puzzle board to store it when I’m not working on it, which is great when you have kids and cats, lol.

  7. I think you probably live somewhere colder than me based on some of what you’ve said (it gets cold but doesn’t usually drop below 0 here) but we have some interests in common. I love jigsaw puzzles and baking. I go on a walk most days too with our dog, although if it’s tipping with rain I usually stay home and hoover instead as there’s no point in two people getting drenched.

    Museums can be really interesting to visit and I love Call The Midwife. I get what you mean about Valentines Day too as the same seems to apply to any busy period with slower service and certain things running out.

  8. I’m actually cycling today; weather is hardly ideal, but it’s above freezing and there’s no rain so I’m doing what I do every January, riding here.

    It’s about the exercise, about the places I go through, the museum itself and most of all the fact that I’m keeping busy in winter.

    Like you, I would have a tendency to feel down at this time of year, so I do a lot of activities to keep this at bay.

    • Good for you, Herbert! I keep forgetting to check your blog, but I’ll try to do so more regularly.

      Your bike rides sound like a lot of fun. Lucky you for having above freezing temperatures! That must make riding more comfortable. 🙂

  9. I had to laugh at the Valentine’s Day one. We celebrate it, but we avoid the actual day as everywhere has special menus we don’t like.

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