Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: My Earliest Memory

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

apple growing on an apple treeMy earliest memory involves an apple tree.

My family lived in a farmhouse on the edge of a small town in Ohio for the first four or five years of my life. An apple tree was growing in our front yard.

As soon as the apples on it grew large enough for me to recognize them, I decided I wanted to taste them.

The problem was, I wasn’t strong enough to pick the apple first no matter how much I tugged on it. (In retrospect, I wonder if the apple also wasn’t fully ripe yet).

After accepting the fact that the apple wasn’t going into the house with me after all, I decided to have a bite right then and there. I don’t remember what happened after that, but years later my parents told me they found that apple with a tiny little bite in it and laughed.

And, yes, I still love apples to this day

Click here to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question. The image below is the list of upcoming prompts for this blog hop.


Filed under Blog Hops

25 Responses to Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: My Earliest Memory

  1. What a great memory! I sort of imagine the bite looking a bit like an elf had taken a tiny bite.

  2. Cute memory. Glad you like apples, what are your favorite kind. I love golden delicious.

  3. That’s so funny!! Hey, at least you didn’t bite a bunch of them. 😀

    We had a cherry tree growing up, and my swing was on one of its branches. I remember swinging underneath, staring up and desperately waiting for them to ripen.

  4. Thanks for stopping by earlier and that’s a much better memory than one it evoked in me! Grandmama had a beautiful bowl of wax fruit that stayed on the coffee table…. my bite marks were there as long as we owned that fruit (and I’m sure did not taste nearly as good as yours!!)

    • You’re very welcome. I giggled at the thought of you nibbling on that wax fruit. Honestly, sometimes I get fooled by it for a second! Some of it is pretty realistic.

  5. That’s a great memory! When I was in elementary school, a neighbor on the walk to school had a pomegranate tree that hung over his block wall. My brother, who is 6 years older than I am, used to say that if it hung over the street, it was fair game. LOL So, we had a lot of pomegranates growing up. 🙂

  6. Ha! “Here we see the North American Small Child in its natural habitat: an orchard. Watch as it struggles to claim an apple for its own… to no avail. Now watch as the small creature scavenges a tiny bite from the apple instead. Victorious in its search for food, the small child moves on.”

    My post is here.

  7. That’s a really great memory! I could see young me doing something similar if we had trees with edible fruit when I was young. (We didn’t, and luckily I actually listened when I was told not to eat the berries.)

  8. Apples are awesome. My grandfather had an orchard when my Mum was a kid. As the neighbourhood expanded, the orchard dwindled down to two aged fruit trees in the back yard that the grandparents had someone harvest on a yearly basis.

    I have no idea how many pears my brother and I almost lost teeth to. Or the amount of bloody skinned knees from jumping from branches.

    By horror movie standards, those trees are probably cursed. Hope nobody warned the second-cousins who bought the house 😉

  9. That’s cute! I’ll bet it was a fun surprise to find that tiny bite in the apple. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

    • Heh, I think so, yeah. My mom recently told me that I apparently went back for more bites of that apple, so it was about 1/4 eaten by the time they found it. Ha!

      And you’re welcome.

  10. What a great memory! Thanks for sharing it. 🙂

  11. Echo Ishii

    That is adorable.
    My grandmother never had apple trees but she had peach trees. I used to love those.

  12. We had a cherry blossom tree. I was very disappointed that all I ever got was flowers.

  13. Have you read In Patagonia by Bruce Chatwin? It would appeal, both in general, and especially if you’re interested in early childhood memories launching soneone’s adult life, as they did for the author.

    ‘In my grandmother’s dining-room there was a glass-fronted cabinet and in the cabinet a piece of skin…’

    A legendary opening line, launching into a discussion of the brontosaurus that the skin young Bruce was told the skin came from. He heard the legend of his distant cousin Charley Milward the sailor, and attributes his round the world journeys to hearing tales of these voyages of past travelers.

    • No, I haven’t, but I just requested it from my local library. It sounds like a great book, so thanks for the recommendation. You always know about the most interesting stuff!

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