Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Reasons Why I Stopped Reading a Series I Loved

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

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I deeply enjoyed Marion Zimmer Bradley’s The Mists of Avalon, so it came as a surprise to me when I failed to finish the rest of that series.

Open book on a red surface. The problem with the sequels to me was how repetitive they were. Types of characters, conflicts, and even certain sorts of plot twists from the Mists of Avalon were recycled so often in the later books that I lost interest.

It would have made sense for some of these things to be repeated give the time period and how slowly society changed. Reusing the same sorts of characters was less understandable to me, especially when it came to priestesses who over-estimated their powers and/or influence on others and men who consistently ignored good advice due to the gender of the person giving it.

So I stopped reading this series. I’m still glad I read The Mists of Avalon, though, and always keep my eyes open for other books that tell traditional myths, legends, and stories from new perspectives.


Filed under Blog Hops

30 Responses to Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Reasons Why I Stopped Reading a Series I Loved

  1. Thanks for coming by earlier, and I thought I had read that. I was looking over the synopsis and, if I did, it was so long ago I have completely forgotten the plot. Maybe I will pick it up at some time. I love Authurian books.

  2. That’s a good point. If it’s too repetitive, then yeah, that wouldn’t be too enjoyable. Oh well. Good post!

  3. You make a good point. I enjoyed your post. Thanks for sharing. Here’s mine.

  4. Interesting and valid points, Lydia. “Mists of Avalon” will always remain a top favorite of mine. I do recall reading all three, but it was the first story that held my attention.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. 🙂

  5. Wife and mother loved Avalon. I didn’t like it that much.

  6. Agreed, repetition in a series can be really annoying, even if it’s a series you love.

  7. I never read this one. But then I never read TLOTR either. I saw all of the movies with my family, all of whom love Tolkien with a fervor. But I saw it as just one battle after another…get ready, fight, almost lose, some die, left to straggle back to recoup. Then get read, fight…etc. Over and over again. I guess I must not be the target reader?

  8. Thats so disappointing when a favourite series doesn’t continue to live up to the enjoyment of the earlier books.

  9. That was one that I know plenty of people loved, but I never read myself. I should at least read Mists itself at some point, I think.

  10. This is one of those books that I’ve often thought about reading but never picked up.

  11. RS

    I had no idea until this moment that there were sequels to that book. That said, it was always a very “one and done” experience for me — worth a read, but definitive enough to stand on its own (plus it was just unpleasantly graphic).

  12. Ooh, I don’t think I’ve read Mists of Avalon but it sounds right up my alley. Ta!

  13. I agree. Too much recycling can be irritating, even though it’s easily done.

  14. Same character, different name is definitely tedious and boring. The “cookie cutter” syndrome. It sounds like the first book can be read as a stand-alone, though, so maybe I’ll give it a whirl.

    • Yes, it works marvellously as a standalone work. And the story itself is a lot of fun. Definitely do give it a try if you’re interested in another take on the King Arthur legend.

  15. If that is your interest, I’d recommend the Warlord Chronicles by Bernard Cornwell! There are only three of them. I read them when I was 12 and was hooked.

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