Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Things I Wish More People Talked About Openly

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

Click here to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and here to see the full list of topics for the year.

This week’s prompt was interesting because I’m a pretty private person. Theoretically, I am all for people sharing details of whatever is going on in their lives, including topics that previous generations tended to keep to themselves.

A photo of four different phones. From left to right there is a: 2000s-era black cellphone, 1980s-era green landline, 1960s-era white rotary phone, and 1940s-era black rotary phone. That does not mean that I am equally comfortable sharing everything about myself in great detail, though! I need time to get to know someone first to see what sort of character they might have and whether something small I share privately with them is going to be spread to every single person they know in the world by tomorrow morning. 😉

So what do I wish people talked about openly more often?

Their Average Days. Social media can often be a highlight reel of the best times in life…but what about when you’re not doing anything out of the ordinary? What do those days look like?

Small Accomplishments. We all have different strengths and weaknesses. I love listening to or reading about people doing little things that are difficult for them but may be easy for someone else like making a phone call or trying something new. There’s nothing like cheering someone on for something that most folks would probably overlook if it wasn’t pointed out.

What They’re Grateful For. I believe that gratitude is often an underrated virtue, so it’s wonderful to see what someone is grateful for today even if it’s something minor like watching a gorgeous sunset.

Compliments. Everyone needs a nice compliment now and again.

How about all of you?



Filed under Blog Hops

8 Responses to Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Things I Wish More People Talked About Openly

  1. Such great answers, Lydia! If more of us shared our normal day to day, we’d see just how much we had in common. We’re all creatures of habit, really.

  2. I suspect people find it hard to think consciously and write about their “ordinary days.” I know my “daily diary,” and those of some other high school girls I had opportunities to read, wrote them off as “Nothing happened today.” Lots of days like that…

    For a few weeks in grade nine I made a deliberate effort to describe what went on in my classes the way Paula Danziger might have done. As an adult I reread those “class notes” on the student social interaction that was going on, and half the time I had no idea what I’d been trying to describe.

    And I still have to wonder…how many blog posts like “Ate breakfast, went to work, came home, ate dinner, did housekeeping chores, read, fell asleep” would anyone read?

  3. Small accomplishments, gratitude, and compliments; ordinary life. I can get behind that.

  4. Small accomplishments, gratitude, and compliments are the small simple things in life we all need to apricate more.

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