Top Ten Tuesday: Should I Buy These Books?

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Technically, this week’s prompt was “Books I Bought/Borrowed Because…”. I tweaked it to better fit my reading patterns since almost all of my reading material is borrowed from the library.

I’ll share the titles and blurbs from some books I’m thinking about buying this spring while remaining in social isolation due to the pandemic we’re all dealing with. None of these books are available at my local library, and the library frankly can’t keep up with my reading needs these days! Perhaps some of you could tell me which of these titles I should buy first?

The Snow Dragon by Abi Elphinstone book cover. Image on cover shows a girl riding on a snow dragon.

The Snow Dragon by Abi Elphinstone


In Griselda Bone’s gloomy orphanage, daydreaming is banned, skipping is forbidden and Christmas is well and truly cancelled. But for Phoebe and her sausage dog Herb, is it possible that, just when things seem at their bleakest, magic awaits in the swirling, snow-filled air?Wicked Nix by Lena Coakley book cover. Image on cover is of cottage in the woods. A child is sitting on a tree branch breathing in the smoke from the cottage.




Wicked Nix by Lena Coakley

Mischievous woodland fairy Nix is up to no good. His beloved fairy queen has gone away, leaving him with a very important job: He must protect the forest from a most dangerous enemy—humans.

When a determined invader trespasses on his territory, Nix’s skills are put to the test as he invents several wicked tricks to chase the sorry fellow away. But when his efforts don’t go quite according to plan, it becomes clear that this intruder—and this sprite—may not be at all what they seem.

The Curse of Misty Wayfair by Jaime Jo Wright book cover. Image on cover is of a sheer curtain blowing in front a wooden chair in a crumbling room. The Curse of Misty Wayfair by Jaime Jo Wright

Left at an orphanage as a child, Thea Reed vowed to find her mother someday. Now grown, her search takes her to Pleasant Valley, Wisconsin, in 1908. When clues lead her to a mental asylum, Thea uses her experience as a post-mortem photographer to gain access and assist groundskeeper Simeon Coyle in photographing the patients and uncovering the secrets within. However, she never expected her personal quest would reawaken the legend of Misty Wayfair, a murdered woman who allegedly haunts the area and whose appearance portends death.

A century later, Heidi Lane receives a troubling letter from her mother–who is battling dementia–compelling her to travel to Pleasant Valley for answers to her own questions of identity. When she catches sight of a ghostly woman who haunts the asylum ruins in the woods, the long-standing story of Misty Wayfair returns–and with it, Heidi’s fear for her own life.

As two women across time seek answers about their identities and heritage, can they overcome the threat of the mysterious curse that has them inextricably intertwined?

What I Carry by Jennifer Longo

What I Carry by Jennifer Longo book cover. Image on cover is of stylized drawings of plants in blue, green, purple, and yellow hues.Growing up in foster care, Muir has lived in many houses. And if she’s learned one thing, it is to Pack. Light. Carry only what fits in a suitcase.

Toothbrush? Yes. Socks? Yes. Emotional attachment to friends? foster families? a boyfriend? Nope! There’s no room for any additional baggage.

Muir has just one year left before she ages out of the system. One year before she’s free. One year to avoid anything–or anyone–that could get in her way.

Then she meets Francine. And Kira. And Sean.

And everything changes.

Hyperlink from Hell: A Couch Potato’s Guide to the Afterlife by Lindy Moone

Hyperlink from Hell: A Couch Potato's Guide to the Afterlife by Lindy Moone book cover. Image on cover is of bats flying around a belfry.

Murder haunts The Haven, celebrity James Canning’s home since he lost touch with Reality TV. What’s his “shrink” to do? Assign writing therapy, of course. But when the good doc reads Canning’s memoir, Hyperlink from Hell, he checks into his own padded suite and Canning disappears. To save the doc from madness, The Haven’s new director must analyze the hell out of Hyperlink from Hell. Is Canning’s tale of kidnapping, murder, time travel and wardrobe malfunction fact or fiction, deceit or delusion? Can she solve the murders, save her boss and find Canning? Or will she need a padded suite of her own?

“Hyperlink from Hell: A Couch Potato’s Guide to the Afterlife” isn’t just the latest of the funny vampire books. It’s the great American mystery… in hyperdrive.

Defying Doomsday by Tsana Dolchva

Defying Doomsday by Tsana Dolchva book cover. Image on cover is of a woman with a robotic leg walking towards strangers on a cracked, barren landscape. Teens form an all-girl band in the face of an impending comet.

A woman faces giant spiders to collect silk and protect her family.

New friends take their radio show on the road in search of plague survivors.

A man seeks love in a fading world.

How would you survive the apocalypse?

Defying Doomsday is an anthology of apocalypse fiction featuring disabled and chronically ill protagonists, proving it’s not always the “fittest” who survive – it’s the most tenacious, stubborn, enduring and innovative characters who have the best chance of adapting when everything is lost.

In stories of fear, hope and survival, this anthology gives new perspectives on the end of the world, from authors Corinne Duyvis, Janet Edwards, Seanan McGuire, Tansy Rayner Roberts, Stephanie Gunn, Elinor Caiman Sands, Rivqa Rafael, Bogi Takács, John Chu, Maree Kimberley, Octavia Cade, Lauren E Mitchell, Thoraiya Dyer, Samantha Rich, and K Evangelista.


Filed under Blog Hops

112 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Should I Buy These Books?

  1. Ruth Feiertag

    I say “Aye. You should buy these books.” I haven’t read any of them, but I’d definitely like to see your reviews, particularly _Wayfair_, _Hyperlink_, and _Doomsday_.

    I hope this comment makes it through!


    • Yes, your comment made it through! That glitch must have been fixed by WordPress. Yay!

      I’ll do my best to get copies of those books then. Thanks, Ruth.

  2. I’m also thinking about purchasing some books from my local bookstore while all of this is going on. What I Carry sounds especially good!

  3. The Snow Dragon looks wonderful.

    I’m buying books almost every day now.

  4. Great list! I bought The Snow Dragon for my niece for Christmas and it’s beautiful inside – the illustrations are so lovely.

  5. I’d vote in strong support of “Hyperlink”–it’s a weird, strange, dark book; but in my opinion, it’s brilliant. “Defying Doomsday” also looks very cool.

  6. I hadn’t heard of any of these books before, but Hyperlink from Hell sounds fascinating!

    My TTT:

  7. I haven’t read any of these, but I’m always pushing people to buy books. So . . . buy them! 🙂

  8. The Snow Dragon has such a lovely cover!

  9. The Snow Dragon sounds like a great book. The cover looks lovely. A great list also.

  10. Great list!


  11. I like your adaptation of the theme! I couldn’t advise on any of these books as they’re all new to me but they sound very intriguing so it’s given me some TBRs in any case!

  12. Oh my, What I carry would make you dizzy if you looked at it long enough. Thanks for coming by earlier.

  13. Great list and the covers are beautiful!

  14. I also went with “books I borrowed” since I primarily use my library. I haven’t heard of any of these on your list but I”ll have to check them out!

  15. What I Carry sounds like a good one. It’s one I would probably pick up myself.

  16. Great twist this week! I haven’t heard of any of these yet, but What I Carry sounds intriguing! I also broke down and bought some books from an indie bookstore. I’d say go for it! <3

  17. What I Carry looks and sounds amazing!! That one sounds like one I need too! Great list!

  18. The Snow Dragon looks cute!

  19. They’re all new to me, but they look great!

  20. I don’t know any of these books so I can’t recommend which to buy first, but Hyperlink from Hell sounds really amusing! (And I don’t know about you, but I’ve been gravitating toward light and amusing books these days.)

  21. Sarah

    Well I haven’t read any, so I can’t really tell you which ones to buy, but I’m definitely adding The Curse of Misty Wayfair! Sounds awesome.

  22. Considering I can only check out e-books from my library and not all books I would have otherwise gotten from there are available as e-books (or have holds on them), the library will be a less helpful resource for me during this time too. I haven’t heard of any of these, but The Snow Dragon seems oddly fitting for these times. The line “Christmas is well and truly cancelled” seems to describe what has happened over the last several weeks, even though it’s not Christmas time, of course. Hopefully you whichever ones you decide to buy work out well for you!

  23. RS

    I haven’t read any of these but as a fan of Jaime Jo Wright’s previous books, I’d take the plunge on that one, though probably for autumn weather. I also have to join the chorus of people thinking What I Carry looks good.

  24. Wicked Nix sounds fun. I like the premise. And What I Carry sounds like it could be a very good read!

    Hope you are having a great Tuesday!

  25. I can completely understand about not being able to rely on the library for all your book-ish needs! Perhaps that’s the reason I tend to buy so many books. And while I can’t help you decide which ones to buy since I’ve never read any of these, Wicked Nix sounds like it would be such a good read. And the covers for What I Carry and The Snow Dragon would be enough for me to buy them both!

  26. I haven’t read any of these books, so I don’t know whether you should buy them or not. But if you’re looking for something to read, why not!

  27. Wish I could help you out, but I haven’t read any of these. I’m going to say yes, though.

  28. I am just exactly the wrong person to ask, because for me, well, if I’m asking the question I already know the answer is Yes.

    Defying doomsday looks like something I really, really need to get, too.

  29. My sister really loved What I Carry 🙂

  30. I did library books today, too. Unfortunately, the brick-and-mortar libraries are all closed, but mine has a pretty good selection of e-books on offer. I’ve been able to check out quite a few that I want to read.

    Happy TTT!


  31. I haven’t read any of these, but The Curse of Misty Wayfair sounds interesting!

  32. Oh my god, The Snow Dragon looks amazing! Based on descriptions (and covers!), I’d totally check out The Snow Dragon, Wicked Nix, and The Curse of Misty Wayfair! What I Carry actually seems really good, too! I’ve not read any so I can’t offer personal recommendations, but I hope that you enjoy whichever you choose!

  33. Yay a fellow library nerd! I live between the US and the UK, but I mostly use my library back in the US. Their e-book and audiobook selection is amazing so almost all my electronic books come from them no matter where I am in the world. Whenever I’m back home in the US, the library is one of my first stops and I usually end up grabbing selections from their “Librarians recommend…” shelves.

  34. I’ve wanted to read Defying Doomsday for ages, but just haven’t gotten to it yet. So I definitely vote yes on that one!

  35. Haven’t heard of these books, so can’t help you with your selection by WHAT I CARRY and the one with the Wicked Nix seem interesting.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  36. I can’t give an informed recommendation as I’ve not read these but ‘The Snow Dragon’ and ‘What I Carry’ seem really cool!

  37. I vote for What I carry and The Snow Dragon — both those covers leapt right out at me.

  38. My answer to “should I buy more books?” is always going to be YES YOU SHOULD DO IT! 😂 Haha I’m not a great influence. But also, it’d be great to support the indie bookstores during this time, right? These look like interesting reads! I’m especially pulled in by What I Carry. That cover is stunning 😍

  39. I know none of these but if you do buy them, I hope you enjoy them!

  40. Adding Wicked Nix and What I Carry to my TBR list. I have more books on the TBR than I think I’ll ever be able to read – don’t know if that is a bad thing though.

  41. What an interesting list. Not all of them my cup of tea but I’m sure I could read a few of them.

    Thanks for visiting my TTTearlier.

  42. I’ve been debating on reading The Curse of Misty Wayfair too. It does sound good. 🙂

  43. A list of reads for quarantine is a great idea. Having Doomsday in the title is a little to fitting for me, though. 😉 I’m sticking to romance and YA for now, I think.

  44. What I Carry sounds like one I would enjoy. That cover is lovely too. Defying Doomsday sounds good too, and very timely, lol.

  45. Love your list! I too borrow quite a bit from our library but purchase title I can’t find there or read and loved so much I want my own copy. Wicked Nix looks amazing!

  46. I’m loving the cover of What I Carry and the theme sounds pretty good too. Love your choices.

  47. I like your twist on this prompt! I haven’t heard of most of these, but they all look so good. I give a big “aye” for The Snow Dragon, though. I’ve had Abi Elphinstone recommended I can’t even tell you how many times, and that book looked super cute. Hope you enjoy whichever of these you decide to pick up!

  48. I haven’t read any of these yet, but What I Carry sounds really good!

  49. The Snow Dragon looks like an adorable book!

  50. I’m here like.. “I don’t know any of these books so I can’t really help you out?” but on the other hand.. I do hope you buy some of these at a local store to support them, ha! 😀

  51. tonyalee

    Oh The Curse of Misty Wayfair sounds good! I may buy it LOL

    Fun twist on this topic, I love it,

    tonyalee @

  52. I haven’t read any of these books, but I’ve read Up to this Pointe by Jennifer Longo in the past and enjoyed that, so I say yes to her book.

  53. I vote for what I carry!

  54. I’ve read one (or is it two?) books by Jaime, but cannot remember much about it. I am SUPER curious about “What I Carry” though. 🙂

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