Tag Archives: Self-Care

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: How I Shake Off a Bad Mood

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

Click here to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and here to see the full list of topics for the year.

A white iPhone is lying on a wooden floor. The screen of the iPhone is black except for a yellow face that has an angry expression on its face. The top of its head is pink and just beginning to turn red in anger. My assumption for this week’s prompt is that we’re talking about bad moods that have innocuous, non-medical causes and aren’t a sign of anything seriously wrong in life.

I’m usually a pretty upbeat person, but we all have grumpy days eventually. This is what I do to shake off those feelings.

1) Eat a snack. Low blood sugar can cause a bad mood for me.

2) Take a nap or go to bed early. I can get a little grouchy when I haven’t had enough sleep, too.

3) Read or watch something comedic. It’s hard to laugh and still feel out of sorts afterwards.

4) Take a long walk out in nature.

5) Spend time alone. I love people, but I also need to charge my introvert battery regularly.

6)  Mute the news for a while. The negative slant they bring to everything in order to get more clicks and views is sometimes too much for me.

7) Perform a random act of kindness.

8) Write a thank you note to anyone who has done something nice for me lately. It could be for a friend, relative, clerk at a local business, or anyone else who made my day better.

9) Dance or lift weights. Exercise is such a great mood booster.

A combination of these things usually works well for me if one of them doesn’t do the trick on their own.


Filed under Blog Hops, Personal Life