Tag Archives: Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals for 2025

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Before I get into the meat of this post, let’s highlight the bookish goals I accomplished for 2024:

  • Visit coffee shops more often.
  • Submit a Top Ten Tuesday theme to Jana that she ends up using (which was a thrill!)
  • Read more novellas and short stories
  • Spend less time on social media
  • Meet more bookish people

Accomplishing five out of my ten goals for 2024 is pretty good, especially considering the rough spots this past year had in store for me that I had no idea were coming when I wrote that post.

A possibly computer-generated drawing of someone leaping between two large rocks after dusk. The rock on the left has 2024 on it, and the rock on the right has 2025 on it in bold black letters that look a little like the Holllywood sign in California. There is a full moon hanging above that lightly illuminates this scene. Here are my goals for 2025. Yes, I’m recycling some of the ones from last year. Might as well keep plugging away at them.

1. Finish more books

I had so many DNFs this past year. It was sometimes hard to concentrate due to the non-bookish aspects of my life that needed extra attention.  I also became much less likely to want to read stories that were unhappy or that reminded me of the various things going on in my life that were hard.


2. Read more history

I believe I only finished a handful of nonfiction books in this category last year. It was better than 2023, but so many of the ones I tried to read ended up being too heavy for me.


3. Patronize independent bookstores

This was a total failure in 2024. Maybe I’ll have the time and energy for it in 2025?


4. Try some new caffeine-free teas

I would have loved to do this one last year, but other stuff got in the way. I hope I will try some great new teas in 2025, though.


5. Make more bookish friends

We need a platonic version of OkCupid for bookish people!


6.  Attend bookish events (semi?) regularly

This could also help with #5. Maybe I’ll find a covid-safe poetry reading or a book club or something to join.


7. Read more books about people with invisible illnesses that don’t make the illness the main storyline. 

If they also have migraines or other pain or neurological disorders, that would be awesome. But other sorts of illnesses would be interesting, too. Basically, I would love to read more stories about characters who outwardly “look” healthy but who are still dealing with an illness or disability of some sort.

Suggestions are warmly welcomed if anyone has any!


8. Read or listen to more humorous titles.

There’s nothing like laughing until you cry over a ridiculously funny scene.


9. Improve my handwriting

Is that bookish enough for Top Ten Tuesday? I have never had pretty handwriting, but it has gotten worse over the years. Time to buy one of those handwriting books and try to make my writing more legible again. Ha!


10. Be pleasantly surprised by one book that’s finally being made into a film or TV show 

Okay, so this isn’t something I can personally make happen…but I would love to be surprised by it regardless.


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Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Books Releasing in the First Half of 2025

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

You all might remember that I struggle with these seasonal TBR posts because I’m a mood reader who relies on my local library for most of what I read. Therefore, there’s not a whole lot of planning ahead for me unless we’re talking about my all-time favourite authors or something.

So guess who came up with seven answers for this prompt? Maybe next time I’ll be able to come up with the full ten!

Book cover for All the Water in the World by Eiran Caffell. Image on cover shows skyscrapers poking out of the water in a city that’s been flooded by rising oceans in a warming world.










All the Water in the World by Eiran Caffell

Publication Date: Today!

Why I’m Interested: I loved Station Eleven and hope this is just as poignant and hopeful.


Book cover for The Other March Sisters by Linda Epstein. There’s a going on with this cover. The background is dandelion yellow. There is a sea blue silhouette of someone’s head over it. There are three smaller black silhouettes of people - presumably women - wearing 1800s style dresses around the head. Inside of the head you see the winding branches of some sort of ivy or fern as well as various types of flowers in all of the usual flower colours: pink, blue, yellow, red, etc.










The Other March Sisters by Linda Epstein

Publication Date: February 25

Why I’m Interested: Little Women is such a classic, but I wondered how certain scenes would have looked from perspectives other than Jo’s as well as what was going on the other sisters’ lives that maybe she didn’t know about. Now we’ll get to find out.


Book cover for Once Was Willem by M.R. Carey. Image on cover shows black stylized swords and crosses and swirly lines against a blood-red background.










Once Was Willem by M.R. Carey

Publication Date: March 4

Why I’m Interested: Carey is on my short list of must-read authors. At first I thought the protagonist was a vampire, but he may be something else instead. Either way, count me in.


Book cover for Dream Count by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Image on cover is a drawing of a flame that has a blue centre, a white middle, and then various shades of red and orange as one moves closer to the edges of it.










Dream Count by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Publication Date: March 4

Why I’m Interested: Ngozi Adichie is also on my short list of must-read authors! I’m excited to read something new from her as I don’t think she’s written much fiction (if any?) before.


Book cover for Everything Is Tuberculosis: The History and Persistence of Our Deadliest Infection by John Green. Image on cover is a stylized drawing of tuberculosis germs swimming around on a slide that’s under the microscope. What’s interesting about this image is that you see the slide front and centre in all of it’s pink and yellow glory but the microscope is drawn so simply it’s easy to misunderstand it as something else entirely like just an abstract triangle. So the focus is on the disease here, not the doctor or scientist studying it or curing it.










Everything Is Tuberculosis: The History and Persistence of Our Deadliest Infection by John Green

Publication Date: March 18

Why I’m Interested: Tuberculosis is a sad but intriguing subject. I like learning more about it, especially since it remains a threat to human health to this day. May we someday have much better medications to treat it.


Book cover for When the Moon Hits Your Eye by John Scalzi. Image on cover shows an astronaut standing on the moon which, upon closer inspection, is made of yellow cheese instead of, you know, rocks and dust instead.










When the Moon Hits Your Eye by John Scalzi

Publication Date: March 25

Why I’m Interested: Scalzi has such creative ideas. Sometimes I love his work and other times they’re not quite what I’m looking for, but I do give him another shot with every new book either way.


Book cover for Don't Sleep with the Dead by Nghi Vo. Image on cover shows a drawing of a gigantic heart - possibly human? - floating over an equally white city below. Everything looks like it’s had the life drained out of it, and I feel sad when I see this image.











Don’t Sleep with the Dead by Nghi Vo

Publication Date: April 8

Why I’m Interested: This is a bit of a risky pick for me because I loathed The Great Gatsby when it was assigned to us to read in a high school English class and have refused to read anything else from Fitzgerald in the years since then. Can a retelling change my mind, or will this be a rapid DNF? Only time will tell..



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Top Ten Tuesday: Best Books I Read in 2024

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

As promised yesterday, here are the best books I read in 2024. I think these posts are more interesting when Top Ten Tuesday bloggers include reasons why they loved certain titles, so I will be adding that into my responses as well.

Seven of my ten answers are books I wrote reviews for, and links to my reviews are included for those ones.

A photo of a gold-coloured championship cup with two handles. It’s the sort of award that would typically be given to someone who won first place. There are two gold-coloured medallions with red, white, and blue ribbons on them hanging from the cup. There is also gold-coloured glitter on the red surface where this cup is sitting. It looks like someone just had a celebration here!  1. What Does It Feel Like? By Sophie Kinsella

Why I Loved It: This book was such an interesting and educational peek at what it’s like to live with a nearly 100% fatal type of brain cancer.  I’m hoping that Ms. Kinsella will be around for many years to come.


2.Bodega Botanica Tales by Maria Rodriguez Bross

Why I Loved It: Urban fantasy is such an under-appreciated genre in my opinion. I love reading about how fantasy worlds works in large, bustling cities.


3. Strange New World by A.R. Grosjean

Why I Loved It: It retells one of my favourite childhood stories in the zaniest way.


4. What Love Survives & Other Stories by DB MacInnes

Why I Loved It: The blend of genres and the willingness to try new things. I don’t think speculative fiction is something this author writes much of – or at least that’s the impression I got – so it’s awesome to see them branch out.


5. Cloudspotting for Beginners by William Grill

Why I Loved It: Clouds are endlessly fascinating. Who wants to go cloud watching with me and point out what shapes they make?


6. The Killer Catfish of Cape Cod by Bill Russo

Why I Loved It: The slight absurdity of it all, beginning with the title. It sounds like the sort of tall tale a local person would swear is true if you visited a small town bar.


7. Neuro Noir by Al Hess

Why I Loved It: Computers as protagonists. The way these ones saw the world was so wildly different from how the average person would interpret the same data.


8. Ghosted – A Short Story by H.L. Burke

Why I Loved It: What a cozy little fantasy. It felt like the literary equivalent of drinking a nice cup of tea and warming up after a damp, chilly walk outdoors.


9. Veterans of Love and War: A First World War Ghost Story by Steven Glick

Why I Loved It: While I normally shy away from war stories, I loved how this one showed how a young closeted gay man experienced World War I.


10. Relinquished: The Politics of Adoption and the Privilege of American Motherhood by Gretchen Sisson

Why I Loved It: This book shed light on the shady, and in my opinion sometimes downright immoral, tactics many adoption agencies in the United States use in order to convince people – and mostly mothers – to place their babies for adoption. Adoption can be a great option for kids who can’t safely remain with their birth families, but there are many families that could stay together and thrive if offered support through hard times.


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Top Ten Tuesday: Winter Solstice Bookish Wishes

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Some of these will be repeats from last year because I am apparently a creature of habit.

Little red berries still clinging to a bush after a frost. Every piece of the plant has a light layer of frost on it which gives this image a cold, brisk, wintery feeling. 1. Quiet Reading and Writing Time

A small apartment and a spouse who watches a lot of YouTube videos equals not as much quiet reading and writing time for me as I’d prefer to have!


2.  Restore the Ebook Holds Limit at the Toronto Public Library

In October of this year, the Toronto Public Library reduced the number of ebook holds you could have from 30 t0 15. The problem with this is that many of their new ebooks – and books in general –  have long waiting lists.

It can be frustrating to be excited for a book only to see a 20 week average wait for it, and my book buying budget is limited. I will not complain to the poor librarians who I’m sure had no input into this decision, but I will file a complaint with the Top Ten Tuesday community.

Surely one of you has magical powers and can reverse this, right? 😉


3.  A Proper Ending for Every Series

I’ve become reluctant to start new series these days due to how many of them have never been finished or have had terribly unsatisfactory endings that leave all sorts of important plot threads dangling.


4.  Snowy, Cozy Reading Days

There’s something special about reading in your safe, warm house as snow falls silently outside.


5. A third Monk and Robot Book

Becky Chambers, your fans would love to find out what happens in this world next!


6. Dairy-Free Chocolate

I love nibbling on it while reading particularly exciting or dramatic scenes


7.  More Well-Done TV Shows and Films Based on Books

It’s splendid to see a fictional world come to life on the small or big screen. Some changes to the plot are fine so long as the screenwriters and director remain true to the spirit of the text.


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Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Winter 2024-2025 to-Read List

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

I didn’t come up with a full ten answers, but I don’t know that I’ve ever been able to do that for these seasonal TBR posts and this list is much longer than usual.

I was able to find some great books that I can’t wait to read this winter or whenever the Toronto Public Library makes them available to borrow, though.


Book cover for Malcolm Before X by Patrick Parr. Image on the cover is a black and white photograph of a young Malcolm X staring thoughtfully ahead at the viewer.










1. Malcolm Before X by Patrick Parr

Why I’m Interested: I read Malcolm X’s autobiography years ago and found it thought provoking. It will be intriguing to revisit his life from another perspective.


Book cover for The Cure for Women: Dr. Mary Putnam Jacobi and the Challenge to Victorian Medicine That Changed Women's Lives Forever by Lydia Reeder. Image on cover shows an 1800s-style painting of a white female doctor using a stethoscope to listen to the lungs of another white woman who has partially undressed and whose back is bare while she is being examined.










2. The Cure for Women: Dr. Mary Putnam Jacobi and the Challenge to Victorian Medicine That Changed Women’s Lives Forever by Lydia Reeder 

Why I’m Interested: History is a fascinating topic to me in general, especially when viewed through the perspectives of people who were discriminated against or mistreated. I believe humanity can learn from our mistakes and do better.


Book cover for After Life  by Gayle Forman. Image on cover is a drawing of a young blonde white woman whose back is turned to the viewer. An avalanche of pink flowers are falling all around her.










3.After Life  by Gayle Forman

Publication Date: January 7

Why I’m Interested: Imagine how shocking it would be if a dead loved one reappeared in your life several years later in perfect health and with no memory of what caused their death!

Book cover for Death of the Author by Nnedi Okorafor. Image on cover shows a stylized drawing of a black woman whose face is mostly in silhouette. Only her cheeks, nose, and a tiny bit of her forehead have been drawn in more detail. She is standing or sitting in front of a background that includes orange splotches against a teal surface. I don’t know if this is something related to the plot or not.











4. Death of the Author by Nnedi Okorafor

Publication Date: January 14

Why I’m Interested: Ms. Okorafor is one of those authors I always keep an eye out for when they release new stories!



Book cover for Isaac's Song by Daniel Black. Image on cover shows a drawing of a young black man whose facial features are just barely included. You can see his eyebrows and the ridge of his nose. He’s standing in front a city filled with skyscrapers as an orange bird flies in the air behind him.










5.  Isaac’s Song by Daniel Black

Publication Date: January 28

Why I’m Interested: I loved the first book in this series, Don’t Cry for Me, and can’t wait to see how the tense relationship between the (unintentionally) abusive father and his gay, estranged son evolves from here.


Book cover for The Lamb  by Lucy Rose. Image on cover shows a painting of a white woman sitting on a bed with her back facing the audience. She’s topless and has wrapped her lower half in a blue comforter as she waits for who knows what. There is a slight slump in her shoulders that makes me afraid for what might happen next.










6.  The Lamb  by Lucy Rose

Publication Date: February 4

Why I’m Interested: This sounds deliciously scary. We will see if it’s too frightening for me!

Book cover for Black Woods, Blue Sky by Eowyn Ivey. Image on cover shows two figures walking in the forest just after sunset when there is precious little light left. The one on the right and closer to the audience is wearing a black cape that obscures all of their features. The one on the left and further into the forest is bathed in light and wearing a peach dress or garment. I wonder where the light is coming from since everything else in this scene is so dark?











7.  Black Woods, Blue Sky by Eowyn Ivey

Publication Date: February 11

Why I’m Interested: Beauty and the Beast is one of those fairy tales I have mixed feelings about due to the messages it gives about what love should feel like. I think I will either adore this story or grow exasperated and stop reading it within a few chapters. Only time will tell which one of those outcomes happens!


Book cover for Greenteeth by Molly O’Neill. Image on the cover is a drawing of bright green monster crossing and bending her legs so they cover her private parts and lower stomach area. Her long, green hair looks like thick plant tendrils that curl out of her head and smother the rest of the image. She could almost weave a bed of her hair because of how long and thick it is. Interspersed in the hair are about eight pink flowers. I think they’re meant to part of her body, too.










8. Greenteeth by Molly O’Neill

(Thank you to Veronica at Dark Shelf of Wonders for blogging about this book a few weeks ago in a previous Top Ten Tuesday post!)

Publication Date: February 25

Why I’m Interested: I need more cozy fantasy in my life, especially if it’s written from a monster’s perspective!


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Top Ten Tuesday: Books to Read During a Storm

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Thank you to Astilbe for submitting this theme!

I’m tweaking the theme a little so I can share some books that turn weather or nature into a character.

A photo of a willow tree whose every branch has been coated with a thick layer of ice. The tree is white with ice! There is a bright blue sky behind the tree that only makes the ice prettier. I don’t know about all of you, but sometimes when a particularly bad snowstorm or blizzard hits southern Ontario it almost feels like there’s an angry creature shrieking outside as it tosses snow everywhere.

Logically, I know it’s just the wind, of course, but it’s fun to imagine more paranormal explanations for why the weather is so dangerous that day.

Here are ten books where the weather – whether snowy, sunny, bone-dry or otherwise – feels like another character to contend with. I suspect that all of them would good reads during a storm.

1. Dry by Neal Shusterman

2. The Great Wide Sea by M.H. Herlong

3. Trapped by Michael Northrop

4. To Build a Fire by Christophe Chabouté

5. Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

6. The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah

7. Snow by John Banville

8. The Sun Walks Down by Fiona McFarlane

9. Summer at Mount Hope by Rosalie Ham

10. Rose in a Storm by Jon Katz


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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I’ve Had Dreams About

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

A photo of an unmade bed whose white rumpled covers have been pulled back to air out the white sheets for a while. Or maybe this person simply didn’t want to make the bed! Above the bed there is a headboard that has a small lamp on it as well as a series of paintings of four colourful and possibly tropical birds hanging on the white wall above. My vivid imagination sometimes spills over into the dream world, and with this freebie post I finally get to talk about them today. Here are several books I’ve had dreams about over the years.

1. The Clan of the Cave Bear series by Jean M. Auel

My Dream: It involved hunting mammoths near a glacier and then triumphantly bringing as much meat home with my fellow hunters as we could carry. The ground was rocky and uneven, so I worried about tripping as I sprinted over it. I also remember how itchy my wrap was, how the perspiration trickled down my body as I ran even though it was a chilly day, and how elated I felt when the hunt ended. (I was not the person whose spear brought down the mammoth, though).


2. Minecraft: The Island (Official Minecraft Novels, #1) by Max Brooks

(Did you all know this is a book series as well as a video game?)

My Dream: I was the Steve character in the dream, and I was attempting to build a shelter before night fell and the monsters came out. Daylight was not lasting as long as it should, so I was rushing to finish my work. I woke up when a creeper snuck up behind me and blew everything up.


3. The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood

My Dream: After being assigned to be a Handmaid, I quietly began looking for a way to escape. Could I trust the other Handmaids not to report me to the Aunts? I wasn’t sure, but I wanted to bring as many of them with me as I could. All I needed was the chance to start running and never look back.


4. The Abominable Snowman (Choose Your Own Adventure, #13) by R.A. Montgomery

(I am not 100% sure this was the particular Choose Your Own Adventure book that gave me a nightmare as I was only about 9 or 10 when it happened, but it was something similar to this title at the very least).

My Dream: It started in the middle of the book as I was trying to hide from the monster. I could see the words of the current page projected in front of me and needed to decide which option to take. No matter which option I chose, though, the monster always found me in the end. The dream repeated a few times before I woke up frightened.

Which books, if any, have you had dreams about?



Filed under Blog Hops, Personal Life

Top Ten Tuesday: Celebrating the Harvest

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

My previous Thanksgiving freebie posts were about Native American Reads, What I’m Thankful For, Bookish Memories, Ten Reasons I’m Thankful for Books, and Books Set During Thanksgiving.

A few stalks of wheat lying gently on a loaf of bread.This annual prompt continues to be a bit of a stumper as I don’t actually celebrate Thanksgiving unless you count making a fancy meal to celebrate the end of the growing season as part of this tradition!

Some of the harvests were not very good this year in Canada due to things like drought, the dry, warm winter much of the country had in 2023 and 2024, and unpredictable swings in temperatures last winter and spring that killed off a lot of buds and vulnerable plants while also allowing more pest species to survive the winter than normal. Food prices are higher now due in part to this.

My hope is that next year will be better. In the meantime, here are ten books that are directly or indirectly about harvesting crops. Several of them include puns because I love puns.

1. Chicken Culprit (Backyard Farming Mystery, #1) by Vikki Walton

2.At the Edge Of The Orchard by Tracy Chevalier

3. The Silence of the Llamas (Black Sheep Knitting Mysteries, #5) by Anne Canadeo

4. The Martian by Andy Weir

(Yes, there is farming and harvests on Mars in this book, believe it or not!)

5.Fruit of All Evil (A Farmers’ Market Mystery, #2) by Paige Shelton

6. Strega Nona’s Harvest by Tomie dePaola

7. A Streak of Bad Cluck (Bought-the-Farm Mystery #3) by Ellen Riggs

8. The Greenlanders by Jane Smiley

9. Going Organic Can Kill You (A Blossom Valley Mystery #1) by Staci McLaughlin

10. The Almond Picker by Simonetta Agnello Hornby


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Top Ten Tuesday: Oldest (aka Earliest Published) Books On My TBR

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Thank you to Nicole@BookWyrm Knits for submitting this theme. You’re a lovely person who came up with a fun idea for this week.

A photo of three hardcover books bound together tightly by a thick piece of twine and placed on their spines. There is an orange leaf tucked into the twine just below the knot in it as well as some other orange and brown autumn leaves scattered on the burlap cloth these books are sitting on. Honestly, I do not think my answers are going to be very impressive this week. When I was a teenager, I read dozens of classic novels and enjoyed many of them. The classics I have still not yet read are, for the most part, books that do not appeal to me for a variety of reasons and that I will probably never read.

Almost everything I read these days has been published within the last five or so years unless someone who shares my taste in book recommends something older or I happen to find an older title some other way that sounds amazing.

Most of what I read these days are ebooks from my local library and they typically buy new or new-ish titles for our community instead of older ones.

So let’s see how old the oldest books on my library TBR list might be. There are a couple of Young Adult titles I may or may not ever get around to as I don’t read much from that genre anymore, but I’m keeping them on this list to prevent any 2024 titles from sneaking up on us.
I’ll start with the most recently published of the ten and move backwards from there.
1. When It All Syncs Up by Maya Ameyaw
Publication Date: June 6, 2023
Genre: Young Adult
2. The Spite House: A Novel by Johnny Compton
Publication Date: February 7, 2023
Genre: Paranormal Horror (the best sort of horror if you ask me 😉 )
Publication Date: February 3, 2023
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Fairy Tales
Publication Date: January 21, 2023
Genre: Paranormal Horror (See also: #2 on this list. Hehe. )
5. All the Horses of Iceland by Sarah Tolmie, Ulf Bjorklund
Publication Date: October 18, 2022
Genre: Fantasy, Historical Fiction
Publication Date: September 14, 2021
Genre: Young Adult (This one would be a reread. I adored the premise but was really not a fan of certain choices the author made in her characterization and plot development. Maybe I’d enjoy it better a second time around?)
7. My Name Is Why by Lemn Sissay
Publication Date: August 29, 2019
Genre: Memoir
8. Pompeii by Robert Harris
Publication Date: November 20, 2014
Genre: Mystery, Historical Fiction
Publication Date: October 19, 2011
Genre: History, Biography
Publication Date: January 1, 2007
Genre: Self-Help, Psychology
And, no, that last book has not been on my TBR list for (nearly) 18 years. It was only recently purchased by the library just like the rest of them. Ha!


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Top Ten Tuesday: Destination Titles

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Thank you to Rachel@Sunnyside for submitting this topic!

My goal for this week is to make all of my answers relate to Canada as I think my country deserves more attention in the literary world. Let’s see if I can do it and come up with answers other than the Anne of Green Gables series.

I’m going to guess that most Top Ten Tuesday bloggers are from the United States. If you’re comfortable sharing which country you live in, I’d like to find out if I’m right about that!

A photo taken of an empty country road in late autumn. All of the trees on both sides of the road have revealed their fall colours, and some of the trees are beginning to look sparse as their yellow, red, orange, or brown leaves fall off. 1.Montreal : a poem by John Glassco

2.Paris in April by Allan Dare Pearce

3.  The Moons of Jupiter by Alice Munro

4. Canada by Richard Ford

5. Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx

6. Under the Volcano by Malcolm Lowry

7. Wychman Road by Ben Berman Ghan

8. Fire on the Hill by Frank Rockland

9. The Other Side of the Bridge by Mary Lawson

10. The Road Past Altamont by Gabrielle Roy

11. Random Passage (Random Passage, #1) by Bernice Morgan



12. Beyond the Shining Mountains by Doris Shannon





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