Top Ten Tuesday: Book Titles That Are Complete Sentences

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Smartphone near an empty notebook and pen. All items are sitting on a white and grey striped blanket. What a creative topic for this week! I’d never thought about book titles that also happen to be complete sentences before.

How easy did you find this prompt? Once I got into the groove of it, I compiled this list pretty easily.

1. Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

2. Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman

3. All the Lives We Never Lived by Anuradha Roy

4. Please Don’t Eat the Daisies by Jean Kerr

5. In Cuba I Was a German Shepherd by Ana Menéndez

6. Salvage the Bones by Jesmyn Ward

7. Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead by Olga Tokarczuk

8. Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya

9. All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten by Robert Fulghum

10. Please Look After Mom  by Shin Kyung-sook


Filed under Blog Hops

80 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Book Titles That Are Complete Sentences

  1. Great list! Please Don’t Eat the Daisies is such a fun title.

  2. I’m seeing Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman on a few posts.

  3. I forgot Eleanor O and Never Let Me Go!! But also had far too many on my list already! Don’t Eat The Daisoes is a great title too!

  4. Hi there Lydia! I also thought today’s prompt is a lot of fun and and I had the most fun with it.

    Please don’t eat the daisies! Is that the same as the movie? Brilliant! Eleanor Oliphant is a popular choice today. Great read.

    Happy TTT!

    TTT – The new Mary Higgins Clark in 10 sentences

    • I honestly don’t know if it’s the same as the movie or not! Good question.

      And, yeah, Eleanor Oliphant has been a popular pick this week for sure.

  5. Carla

    Great list Lydia. I never read Please Don’t Eat the Daisies, but I saw the movie.

  6. Yeah, this week was a lot of fun! You picked out some good ones. 🙂

  7. Ooh I need to read Please Look After Mom. Great list!

  8. The complete sentences used as titles always feel a bit disconcerting to me. I like that.

  9. Please Don’t Eat the Daisies is such an intriguing title!

  10. In Cuba I Was a German Shephard has me curious. Love the title.

  11. This is a great list! I love the feel of the title for In Cuba I Was a German Shepherd. And I really loved writing the post for this week. I hadn’t thought much about complete sentences in book titles, but I had fun browsing my bookshelves for my favorites.

    My TTT this week

  12. I’ve read Please Look After Mom. It is such a sad disturbing book but one I thin about quite often. I have been surprised how many people don’t know what a sentence entails since b=looking at lists this week. We all need a tutorial.

  13. I think Drive Your Plow won the Booker? I think that’s my favourite title from this lot!

  14. Please Don’t Eat the Daisies is a fun title! Great list!

  15. Wow! In Cuba I Was a German Shephard sure grabs my attention! What a title! LOL. I forgot about Elinor Oliphant when I did my list.

  16. Louise @ Foxes & Fairy Tales

    I’ve only herd of the first two but Please Don’t Eat the Daisies really made me laugh.

  17. Great choices! Please Don’t Eat the Daisies is a fun one 🙂

  18. Kristi

    Today’s topic is a really interesting one! I like how it seems to be bringing out a lot more variety in various lists, with not too many repeats. Interesting list!

  19. I am very intrigued by the title “Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead.” Makes me want to know more instantly.

  20. I’ve never read Eleanor Eliphant but it always stood out to me because of the sentence.

  21. Nice list! Can’t believe I forgot Eleanor Oliphant, that’s a good one!

  22. These are great! I didn’t think about Never Let Me Go, but that’s such a good one. And I remember Please Don’t Eat the Daisies from ages ago — I don’t think I ever read it, but someone in my family must have. 🙂

  23. These are great sentences! It’s so interesting the way titles sound when they’re broken down for this purpose 🙂

  24. These are great picks! I had trouble finding ones that were more than 3-4 words and you have a good mix.

  25. All I Really Need To Know I Leare in Kindergarten- love that!!!

  26. I never read the book, but used to love watching Please Don’t Eat the Daisies when it would come on the Sunday matinee movie on tv back in the day. Haven’t seen it in years and don’t think I even realized it was a book since I was quite young when I would watch the film.

  27. I like how many of yours ended up being commands! I was looking for subject-verb in mine so I totally missed this kind of complete sentence 🙂

  28. “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten” – Haha, great title!

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday list for this week.

  29. Great list! Never Let Me Go almost made it on my list too – it was an awesome read.

  30. I need to read the Fulghum book on your list (well, all the others too; and Eleanor has been on my TBR for too long now); I have another Fulghum at home which I LOLed over a lot so am sure this will be a fun read too.
    My list – 10 Book Titles That Are Complete Sentences

  31. Great list, Lydia. The only one I even heard of is “Never let me go”. It’s amazing how many book titles fit into this challenge.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT earlier.

  32. Great list! I struggled with the full sentence prompt and had to switch to one word titles.

  33. I struggled with this one a bit! haha. My husband laughed a bit. 😀

  34. Wow, you’ve got some fabulous titles on here! I’ve never heard of In Cuba I Was a German Shepherd, but that’s a wonderful title. I also really love Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead as a title! I’m so happy to see Robert Fulghum made your list, too! A lot of his titles are full sentences, and they’re really fun titles, too.

  35. I’ve seen Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine on a couple lists this week!

  36. Never Let Me Go is one of my favorites. Great list!

  37. I love EVERYTHING I NEED TO KNOW…so much truth there! IN CUBA, I WAS A GERMAN SHEPHERD is definitely an attention-getting title 🙂

    Happy TTT (on a Thursday)!


  38. Great list! I haven’t seen any of these on other blogs.

  39. Donna

    All the Lives We Never Lived, sounds like a good one.

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