Top Ten Tuesday: Book With a Unit of Time in the Title

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Green plants surrounding an analogue clock. An hour was the unit of time I chose for this week’s prompt. Let’s see which book titles fit this theme.

1. Cocktail Hour Under the Tree of Forgetfulness by Alexandra Fuller

2. The Silent Hour (Lincoln Perry, #4) by Michael Koryta

3. The Shadow Hour (The Girl at Midnight, #2) by Melissa Grey

4. The Golden Hour (Time-Travel Series, #1) by Maiya Williams

6. Hour of the Bees by Lindsay Eagar
8. The Mirk and Midnight Hour by Jane Nickerson
10. Visiting Hours by Shane L. Koyczan
I normally try to respond to Top Ten Tuesday posts with books that I’ve read, but this time I could only find examples of books that fit this theme that I have not read yet.
If you’ve read anything on this list, I’d love to hear your opinion of it!



Filed under Blog Hops

84 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Book With a Unit of Time in the Title

  1. I like how you were able to find ten titles with the same unit of measure.

  2. I like the list! I really struggled this week so had to stretch it a bit!

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog

    My post:

  3. There are so many with the word hour! When I looked at the word “month” it was almost entirely books about dieting, exercising, and otherwise achieving goals. Seems like “hour” tends to be a lot of fiction!

    • Oh, that’s interesting. I guess it makes sense for books with the word “month” in them to be about starting new healthy habits. 🙂

      And, yeah, “hour” was lots of fiction for sure.

  4. Anita@seriesbooklover

    I haven’t read any of these books.It was a hard one this week.

  5. Wow, you really made it extra challenging by going with only an hour. Good for you!

  6. I’m impressed you managed to find all these titles with the same word! I was really struggling!

  7. Great list! I’m so impressed that you managed to come up with a full list of books that only used the word hour – I couldn’t come up with a list of books using any unit of time!

  8. That’s cool that you could find so many titles with hour in them. I just thought of another one: The Shameless Hour by Sarina Bowen.

  9. This week’s prompt was a lot harder than I’d expected it would be. I did a mix of books that I’d read and books that were on my TBR, but I also used any unit of time that I could find. I’m impressed that you found books all with “hour”!

    My TTT:

  10. I think I would have had an easier time if I had focused on one word. I have two books on my Goodreads list with “hour” in them: The Forgiving Hour by Robin Lee Hatcher and The Hour That Changes the World: A Practical Plan for Personal Prayer by Dick Eastman.

  11. Good job on not only finding 10 books, but finding 10 books focusing on one particular unit of time.

  12. Haha, love Who Could That Be At This Hour 😀

  13. Good work. Alexandra Fullers books are a favorite of mine.

    • Thank you. I’m glad you like his work! I’ll have to give it a shot sometime. Do you have a favourite book of his that is a good place to start?

  14. Great list this week!

  15. The Mirk and Midnight Hour is on my TBR!

  16. I didn’t even think about looking up books with the word hour in it. Great job!

  17. It’s amazing how many books have “hour” in the title. I wonder if there are as many with “day.” Great list!

  18. Anita@seriesbooklover

    Great list.Thanks for reading mine

  19. I’m very impressed with your list, great job!!

  20. Jo

    Wow, had no idea there were so many books with “Hour” in the title!
    My TTT:

  21. I struggled with this one–well done for finding so many just within one specific unit of time!

  22. Wow, great job with finding titles with hour! I struggled with all different variations of time. haha

  23. Well done! And so good that the unit of time was hours for all of them.

  24. I love how you focused on one word. My list was kind of all over the place, haha.

  25. It’s the first I’ve heard of these.

  26. Toni @Reading Tonic

    Love your list and the way you focused on one word- fabulous!

  27. Ha! Ha! You have a lot of “hours” in your list in the same way I had a lot of “Day” in mine. 😀

  28. I love the Cocktail Hour title! If I’m remembering correctly, this is the same author who wrote a memoir that I read years ago but never forgot — Don’t Let’s Go To the Dogs Tonight. I’d like to read more of her works!

  29. I like how you decided to take only one unit of measure for this week’s post. I wish I had thought of that. Enjoyed reading your list. Thanks for visiting my blog yesterday.

  30. Oooh I like how you went with a specific time related word. Brilliant!

  31. “Hour” and “day” turned out to be the easiest units of time for me to find among the titles of books on my TBR list. Interesting! I’m not sure I’ve ever really paid attention to units of time in titles before.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!


  32. Hour was a good choice to use for this week’s prompt! 🙂

  33. How lovely that you managed to find ten books with just the one unit of time, I had to mix and match.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT this week.

  34. Wow, I’m impressed that not only were you able to find 10 books with unit of time in the title, but also that they are all the same unit of time 😱 Congrats!🎉

  35. I rarely have read all of the books I feature on my Top Ten lists, but do try to feature only ones I still own. This week I wish I could have found more to fit. But we managed something so I guess that counts. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland on this week.

  36. Sorry I can’t help you with this not having read any of these books. I don’t think I could have done a list of 10 just focused on the word hour so kudos to you for having a go

  37. Great list!
    I checked and looks like I read 4 books with the word hour in the title. The most recently read being a fabulous historical mystery:

  38. Yes, I like to respond with books I’ve read also, but I had to list quite a few I hadn’t read with this one. Nice list.

  39. Great job with finding all these books with hour in the title!

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