Top Ten Tuesday: Books Guaranteed to Put a Smile On Your Face

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Jolly Jammers (biscuits) lying on a white surface. This week’s prompt was a little ambiguous.

Should I be mentioning lighthearted stories in general even if they touch on sad topics at times?

What about collections of true humorous stories?

Will some people share joke books?

How will everyone else interpret it?

Will Canada ever sell Jolly Jammers and, if so, would they be dairy-free and would I like them? I didn’t even know such a thing existed until I went searching for stock photos of happy faces. These cookies definitely do have happy little faces for sure.

I wish we could all have a quick meeting to see what everyone’s responses would be like. Since that isn’t possible, I went with a mixture of books that I found uplifting and amusing.

1. The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion

2. Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch by Terry Pratchett

3. Hyperbole and a Half: Unfortunate Situations, Flawed Coping Mechanisms, Mayhem, and Other Things That Happened by Allie Brosh

4. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery

5. Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore

6. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

7.Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns)  by Mindy Kaling

8. The Princess Bride by William Goldman

9. Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin

10. The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde

I will be blogging a review of The Canterville Ghost in January for Vintage Science Fiction Month, so stay tuned!


Filed under Blog Hops

69 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Books Guaranteed to Put a Smile On Your Face

  1. The Rosie Project is one that made me smile as well! I still need to read the last book in that trilogy.

  2. I went with books that made me smile while I was reading them and that still makes me smile when I think about them now! Great list 🙂 Quite a few of these are on my TBR but I loved The Rosie Project. That one was a feel-good big smile vibe!

  3. I love The Princess Bride! I will have to check out the rest of the books in this list.

  4. The Princess Bride! How could that not put a smile on your face! Nice list!

  5. I went with books that made me smile… they’re mostly newer reads that will end up on my “comfort reads” shelf.

    Great list! I appreciate that you included Hyperbole and a Half.

    My TTT this week

  6. Damn, I forgot to add The Princess Bride to my list. Ugh, so many books I coulda, shoulda added! 😉

  7. Anne of Green Gables is a fun story.

  8. I almost had Anne of Green Gables on my list but somehow forgot!

  9. It’s so good to meet another person who’s read Canterville Ghost! Seriously, that book ought to get more spotlight! Anne is on my list too, but I wish I’d added Princess Bride and Good Omens too — love those books!

  10. Anne of Green Gables made me laugh too. I have not read The Princess Bride, but I have seen the movie a million times and can quote half of it because it is my husband’s favorite movie, LOL.

  11. I love the movie The Princess Bride, so obviously the book has been on my TBR! Also, Good Omens is on my shelf – maybe it’s time to give it a read soon? Great list!

  12. Lamb is such a good book! Possibly my favorite Christopher Moore book after Practical Demon Keeping. And Hyperbole and a Half is also a delight.

  13. This is a lovely list, Lydia. Reminding me that I need to read The Princess Bride!

  14. I loved The Rosie Project!

    Happy TTT!

  15. I’ve never read the book, but The Princess Bride film is definitely one that makes me smile!

  16. Great minds think alike! I had the Rosie Project too!! Good choices!

  17. I really want to read Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me! Great list.

  18. I enjoyed the Rosie Project!

    Thanks for stopping by my post earlier today.

  19. I’ve read and enjoyed every one of these books except Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? That says to me that I probably need to read it, too!

  20. I love Good Omens – I actually just finished listening to a radio adaptation of the book and it was awesome. It had a full cast, music, sound effects an everything. 🙂

  21. The Princess Bride (the book and the movie) is a favorite of mine. Always makes me smile. 🙂

  22. Hitchhiker’s Guide I’m ashamed to admit I never finished 🙁

  23. Oh gosh yes Anne of Green Gables – every time1

  24. What a nice list and I even read some of your books this time, #s 4, 5 and 6. They were all great so I’m sure the others are just as good.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT earlier.

  25. I have read 4 of these, including The Rosie Project (which almost made my list, but I had seen it already on so many) and Lamb, The Gospel According to Biff, which I agree, made me laugh. It was interesting to see other people’s lists because it depends on what genres we read as to how we interpreted this. I almost did one just with kid’s books.

  26. RS

    I totally agree on all the ones I’ve read (2-4, 7), so it sounds like a bunch more recs I can trust!

  27. Great list! I loved THE ROSIE PROJECT. It’s a book that literally made me laugh out loud—and in public no less! And ELSEWHERE is an awesome book. I especially loved the idea that authors and artists kept producing work in the afterlife so that you could go see the newest Shakespearean play or listen to Mozart’s latest creation 🙂

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!


  28. Oooh I love Anne of Green Gables!

  29. Good omens and Hitchhikers! Excellent choices! I should reread Good Omens soon.
    I’m looking forward to your review of the Canterville Ghost.

  30. Great pics! I was also curious how to interpret the prompt and it’s fun seeing everyone’s take. I found it easier to go with “books that make me smile”

  31. I love your smiley cookies! Princess Bride! I forgot how much fun that book is.

  32. Anne of Green Gables is my all-time favorite! Also, I highly recommend the Good Omens TV show if you haven’t already seen it. It’s a pretty good adaptation, I think.

  33. I always go off these prompts on how I interpret them, so any book that made me smile, is what I used. We all see things differently which makes stories subjective and that’s ok. I don’t think I’ve read the ‘Anne’ books, but do feel as though they’d made me smile! Thanks so much for visiting my post on this week’s topic, Lydia.

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