Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Give Off Autumn Vibes

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

This is one of those topics that I’m guessing a lot of us will choose the same answers for. Only time will tell if I’m right about that.

Most of these tales are set in the autumn, so that’s by far my biggest reason for choosing them.

I’ve written a similar post to this one recently. Due to that, I’m going to keep this list short and sweet to avoid duplicates.

1. Dead Poets Society by N.H. Kleinbaum

Why:  If you haven’t seen the 1980s adaptation of this book, go find a copy of it. It was incredibly well done, especially later on in the plot once one of the main characters who was depressed feels like all hope is lost. My own struggles with depression were often the worst around the time that autumn turned to winter, so this character’s experiences at the same time of the year make this something I’ll always associate with autumn.

2. The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings #1) byJ.R.R. Tolkien

Why: The Lord of the Rings series also had a lot of themes related to death and the endings of various eras or kingdoms. There’s something about watching the natural world die for the season or go into hibernation that makes me ponder these topics, too.

3. Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood

Why: Most of the events of this tale were not set during the autumn, but the themes in it were heavily related to death, loss, change, and other things I associate with this season.There was also a twist at the end that oddly reminded me of spring! Saying anything else would give away spoilers, though.

4. Autumn Days: Let’s Look at the Seasons by Ann Schweninger

Why: This picture book about autumn is self-explanatory, I think.

5. The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot

Why: It was autumn the first time I read this poem. The subject matter of it has a lot of autumn themes related to things ending, so that only cements it further as something that belongs to this season.


Filed under Blog Hops

80 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Give Off Autumn Vibes

  1. I haven’t read Dead Poets Society, but the movie I still count as a favourite. I cry every time. And you are so right about the Fellowship — it’s a very cool way to think about the book.

  2. Yes & Yes!! to “The Fellowship Of The Ring” It has all the perfect spooky vibes fit for autumn.

    Here is mine

  3. Your books are absolutely perfect choices for books with a fall feeling.

  4. OMG! I had the Dead Poets Society on my list this week too! I don’t even know how that book came to mind seeing as I wasn’t even sure it was a book to begin with, but the movie was one of the first things that popped into my head when I thought of this prompt lol great list, Lydia 🙂

    My TTT post

  5. Great list! One of these days I need to give Alias Grace a try – I’ve heard so many good things about it, and it definitely feels like the perfect autumn read.

  6. I loved the movie of Dead Poets Society but didn’t read the book. I really enjoyed seeing your list this week.

  7. These are all great choices! I love this time of year so much! 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

  8. I love what you said about the natural world dying or just hibernating. Fall often does feel like a preparation for the next step. For us that’s usually the new year. Great choices!

  9. I bet you picked some unique ones. The Dead Poets society does make me think of Autumn, although I’ve only seen the movie.

  10. Nice approach! Most lists this week that I’ve seen focused on covers — it’s great to see a post focusing on themes of autumn in the books themselves. Great choices!

  11. The whole Lord of the Rings series definitely gives me autumn vibes. There’s just something about it.

  12. I haven’t read The Dead Poets Society, but I also love the movie. Such a great story with phenomenal acting. And I totally agree, the depression related storyline is handled super well in the film. I’ll definitely keep an eye out for the book!

  13. Nice list! All totally new to me ones too!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT post!

  14. Ooh, Dead Poets Society is a perfect choice and I definitely need to read the book! The Lord of the Rings is also so perfect for fall.

  15. Donna van Eck

    I don’t think i heard of any of these before!

  16. Dead Poets Society! Now I want to rewatch it. I admit, for once, I’ve only seen the movie.

  17. I definitely get autumn vibes from the Lord of Rings series, too. Great list!

  18. I like your thoughts on Dead Poets Society (loved the movie) and The Fellowship as well. Great picks.

  19. Awesome list Lydia! I haven’t read any of these unfortunately but the Atwood One sounds intriguing.

  20. Great picks! I need to read Alias Grace. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing!

  21. Nice list! I haven’t read Dead Poets Society, but I loved the movie.

    And you’re right, there’s something about the LOTR books that really fits this season.

  22. I Loved the movie Dead Poet’s Society and hadn’t realized it came from a book, but then, of course it did.You’ve created a thoughtful list. I’m off the board a bit this week.

  23. Great list. I love that you gave your reasons for each. I was too lazy to think that deeply this week, lol.

  24. There’s something about watching the natural world die for the season or go into hibernation that makes me ponder these topics, too

    i really really love this. that’s such a great way of looking at it

  25. I like how you interpreted this prompt. I never read The Dead Poet’s Society, but saw the movie and loved it. Great choices.

  26. The Lord of the Rings was one I was thinking about including, too. It’s perfect for curling up with a cup of tea.

  27. All these books sound intriguing!

  28. I haven’t gotten around to reading a lot of yesterday’s posts yet, so now I’m curious if a lot of people *did* choose the same books. xD

    I actually didn’t realize The Dead Poet’s society took place in autumn! It’s been so long since I’ve seen that movie, and now I want to watch it again. Great picks!

  29. I loved the film version of Dead Poet’s society, but I haven’t read the book. I need to pick that one up!

  30. Such a great list. I never would have thought to include The Fellowship of the Ring, but after your explanation, it makes perfect sense!

  31. Dead Poets Society is such a great choice. I’m not sure if it’s specifically because of the film or not but I always think of fall when I think of this title.

  32. Alias Grace is a good fall book. It’s a bit creepy and mysterious.

  33. Great picks! Definitely understand the Fall vibes.

  34. Ooh I still need to read The Waste Land.

  35. Jay @The Scented Library

    So did your topic theory prove true? I’ve noticed a few posts with yours and my approach and others that went straight cover vibes…

    Funnily enough I categorize The Lord of the Rings as spring/summer because there is so much verdant green nature description. Also, I’ve only read them during those seasons. Your interpretation does fit the themes well.

    • Yes….sort of? There was a lot of variation, but I did see some of the same books pop up over and over again.

      And, yeah, I can see how Lord of the Rings would be a good spring/summer book as well. There is a lot of nature in that trilogy.

  36. I love your selections! I didn’t think of any of these, but they all completely fit. I really need to get around to reading The Dead Poet’s Society one of these days….

  37. I really need to read Dead Poet’s Society some day soon. The film itself is my ultimate signal to autumn–I watch it every year come fall. It’s just… the best. Great picks all around, as per usual!

  38. I haven´t read any of those books but I know some of them by name. It is good to see how we all feel about this TTT question. I like the different views. Happy reading.

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