A Review of Nor Gloom of Night

Book cover for Nor Gloom of Night by C M Weller. Image on cover is a simple drawing of a white envelope that is being propped up by a purple, mouse-shaped cat toy that has a green patch on it’s back that’s possibly from where a cat bit the toy too much. Title: Nor Gloom of Night

Author: C M Weller

Publisher: Self-Published

Publication Date: August 9, 2012

Genres: Science Fiction

Length: 23 pages

Source: I received a free copy from the author.

Rating: 3 Stars


Paul has been called a “glorified mailman” by his peers, but he sees it as a sacred duty. Now, with the “little problem” of a big rock through half his vessel, he has to do everything he can -including the unthinkable- to deliver. The mail must get through.

Content Warning: Accidental deaths of people and of one pet.


Being a glorified mailman isn’t half as easy as it may sound.

Paul’s grumpiness and low levels in trust in humanity as a whole was a little irritating to me until I understood where he was coming from, but I appreciated the chance to change my mind about him. Honestly, he had some good points to make about how some companies are willing to cut corners in order to save a few pennies even if they risk their reputations – or, a million times worse, the health and safety of their customers – in the process. It was also interesting to see how the rough portions of his personality were smoothed out by his deep love of his cat, Liz, as well as his wife and child. Of course someone might be grouchy if they were under as much stress as he was when the audience first met him! Getting to know him better was a good thing even if I would have taken a slightly different approach to his dilemma.

I struggled with the plot holes in this short story, especially in the final scene. As much as I wanted to give this one a higher rating, I had too many questions about the logistics of what happened to do so. This was especially true when it came to explaining how cryonic suspension works in this universe and what it was and wasn’t capable of doing for someone medically speaking. Yes, there is a certain suspension of disbelief that needs to occur when reading science fiction, but including more science in this fiction would have encouraged me to bump this one up by at least a star.

With that being said, the ending was fantastic. Science fiction can be a heavy genre at times depending on who one reads, so I was pleasantly surprised by how much hope could be found in this piece. That’s something I always love to discover in speculative fiction, especially these days, and it encourages me to hopefully read more from this author soon.

Nor Gloom of Night made me smile.

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Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Favourite Comfort Foods and Why (+ Recipes)

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

Click here to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and here to see the full list of topics for the year.

The word recipe spelled out with each letter on a separate beige plastic tile. There are two small bouquets of dried flowers lying next to the plastic tiles on the white surface they’ve been placed on. The meals I make are filling and made from common and generally inexpensive ingredients. That is to say, I’m no Martha Stewart or Megan Sussex, but I do like experimenting in the kitchen.

While precise measurements are necessary for certain recipes, I tend to prefer dishes that are more flexible so I can add in little bits of this and that if there’s something in the fridge, freezer, or cupboards that needs to be used up soon. I find it comforting to avoid food waste as much as I possibly can.

Carbohydrates are also comforting to me as you all are about to find out. 😉


Cleaning Out the Fridge Rice

(Or fridge rice for short. Ha!)

This is the sort of food I make when I need to make something for dinner and maybe have a few leftovers to use up but don’t have the energy to do anything fancy.

Cook 1 cup of the rice of your choice according to package instructions. Generally, this means about 2 cups of water for 1 cup of rice.

This is a comforting base that needs some extra flavours now like:

  • Eggs (scrambled or hard-boiled)
  • Instant ramen (cook them in about 30-50% the usual amount of water before mixing them in. You want the noodles soft but not to have a ton of extra liquid left over.)
  • Nearly any sort of vegetables you have in your freezer, especially mixed veggie options
  • leftover bits of seafood, chicken, beef, or other protein options from previous meals
  • Beans
  • Sliced almonds or other small nuts
  • Canned water chestnuts

Or whatever else you have in the fridge, freezer, or cabinets that seems like it would go into a rice or stir fry dish. If you like hot sauce, soy sauce, or VH sauce, these can be substituted for the ramen noodles flavouring pack if you wish or sparingly added in if you’re really craving salt.

It’s cheap and tasty way to use up various bits of food that aren’t enough to make a full meal on their own.


Mom’s Chicken Taco Soup

This recipe is straight from my mom!


1 can black beans
1 can pinto beans
I can diced tomatoes, or 1 fresh tomato diced
1 can corn
1 can chicken with juices
3-4 cups water
½ cup rice

½ teaspoon each of:
Chili powder
Garlic powder
Hot sauce

1 tablespoon each:
Brown sugar


Mom’s Instructions:

I heat the oil in a pan first, and then, if the tomato is fresh, I add that next and let it cook for a bit. Then I stir in the rice and the spices and just keep adding ingredients until everything’s in there. simmer it for an hour or until the rice is soft.


Strawberry Spinach Salad

I know salad might not seem like the quintessential comfort food at first glance, but this is one of my all-time favourite salads even though I’m generally not a big fan of spinach. The sweet, tangy dressing pairs with the strawberries and spinach perfectly.


2 tablespoons sesame seeds
1 tablespoon poppy seeds
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 cup distilled white vinegar
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon minced onion
10 ounces fresh spinach – rinsed, dried and torn into bite-size pieces
1 quart strawberries – cleaned, hulled and sliced
1/4 cup almonds, blanched and slivered


1. In a medium bowl, whisk together the sesame seeds, poppy seeds, sugar, olive oil, vinegar, paprika, Worcestershire sauce and onion. Cover and chill for one hour.

2. In a large bowl, combine the spinach, strawberries and almonds. Pour dressing over salad, and toss. Refrigerate 10 to 15 minutes before serving.


Brownie in a Mug

This is a great way to make a single serving of brownies if that’s all you need.


1/4 cup flour (30 grams)
1/4 cup sugar (50 grams)
2 Tbsp (13 grams) cocoa (natural, unsweetened)
Pinch of salt
Tiny pinch of cinnamon
1/4 cup water (60 ml)
2 Tbsp canola oil or vegetable oil (NOT extra virgin olive oil, it’s too strongly flavoured)
1 to 2 drops vanilla extract
1 small scoop of ice cream,  1-2 teaspoons (13-26 grams) heavy whipping cream, or dairy-free alternatives  (optional)


Place flour, sugar, cocoa, salt, and cinnamon in a microwave safe ceramic mug. Stir with a fork or spoon to mix well and break up any clumps.

Add the oil, water, and vanilla to the cup and stir until the mixture is smooth and there are no lumps.

Place in microwave and heat on high until the mixture is cooked through, about a 1 minute and 40 seconds for a 1000 watt microwave. You may have to experiment and adjust the time depending on your microwave. Begin with 60 seconds increments and increase until the brownie is done. It should still be moist when cooked through, not dry.

Let cool for a minute and serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a teaspoon or two of whipping cream poured over.



I look forward to seeing everyone else’s recipes!


Filed under Blog Hops

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Did Not Finish

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

A bored-looking white woman is balancing two hardcover books on her head as she looks to the side. Here are some of the books I started reading in the last month or two but did not finish. I’m including my reasons for not finishing them in today’s post because of how subjective these things can be.

What I consider to be reasons to stop reading might be the sorts of writing styles, themes, genres, or topics that other readers love, of course! So if something on this list looks good to you, consider it a book recommendation if you wish.

1. Northern Nights by Michael Kelly

Why It was a DNF for Me: Too scary! Since the events of 2020 I have kept thinking I could handle the horror genre again only for it to be too much for me in 95% of cases.


2. When the Ice Is Gone: What a Greenland Ice Core Reveals About Earth’s Tumultuous History and Perilous Future by Paul Bierman

Why It was a DNF for Me: It took way too long to even begin to say anything about what these ice cores say about our possible futures. Maybe someday I will have the patience to try again.


3. Beyond the Sea: The Hidden Life in Lakes, Streams, and Wetlands by David Strayer

Why It was a DNF for Me: I tried to read this one right after #2 and once again found the pacing too slow to keep my interest.


4. Truth, Lies, and the Questions in Between by L.M. Elliott

Why It was a DNF for Me: A relative of mine raved about this book and I expected to love it.  I liked the characters but found the rampant sexism and focus on Watergate and other politics a little too much. To clarify, both of these things felt pretty realistic for the time from what I know about this era….I just need happier things to read at the moment. Someday I will revisit it.


5. Black Woods, Blue Sky: A Novel by Eowyn Ivey

Why It was a DNF for Me: The many forms of abuse written about in this book, including the neglect and endangerment of a young child. In no way do I expect protagonists to be squeaky clean, but I’m not really interested in reading about a character who repeatedly harms others without showing any remorse for their actions or intentions to change (at least in the portion of it I read). I don’t have any desire to be a parent, but I would have made sure that kid had all of her basic human needs and at least some of her wants met every single day.


6. The Cure for Women: Dr. Mary Putnam Jacobi and the Challenge to Victorian Medicine That Changed Women’s Lives Forever by Lydia Reeder

Why It was a DNF for Me: I already knew most of what the author had to share. If you don’t know the history of women doctors in this era, though, this is a good place to start.


7. It Must Be Beautiful to Be Finished: A Memoir of My Body by Kate Gies

Why It was a DNF for Me: This was an excellent read, but I was dismayed by how poorly her parents and medical providers prepared her for the many surgeries she endured as well as how many painful complications she had as various ear replacements became infected or were rejected by her body. It was heartbreaking.  Yes, she was too young to consent to the reconstructive surgeries as a small child and of course her parents needed to decide for her then, but it surprised me that no one ever wondered if all of those surgeries were really in her best interest after the first few failed and she’d endured weeks to months of misery after each one. Eventually, it became too much for me to continue reading.


8. The Black Fantastic: 20 Afrofuturist Stories by André M. Carrington

Why It was a DNF for Me: I struggle with anthologies in general, but I do keep trying them. This one combined so many different writing styles that I just couldn’t get into the flow of it even though I wanted to.


9. All the Water in the World: A Novel by Eiren Caffall

Why It was a DNF for Me: I was irritated by the choppy writing style and, from what little I read, total lack of an explanation for why everything suddenly flooded in New York. I mean, wouldn’t people leave the city and go somewhere dry and safe if your hometown became part of the ocean? I sure would.


10. The Teller of Small Fortunes by Julie Leong

Why It was a DNF for Me: Weak character development. I desperately wanted to like this tale more, but I needed stronger descriptions of who the characters were as human beings.


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A Review of The Broken Home

Book cover for The Broken Home by Rudolph Kohn. Image on cover shows part of a stone building with a window in it. Most of the rest of the building has been destroyed. These ruins are set against a cloudy desert background. A few rays of light are poking through and illuminating the scene and the few plants growing in the soil beneath it. Title: The Broken Home

Author: Rudolph Kohn

Publisher: Self-Published

Publication Date: August 12, 2024

Genres: Science Fiction

Length: 16 pages

Source: I received a free copy from the author.

Rating: 3 stars


Over ten thousand years in the future, mankind has spread to the stars… but the Earth Empire was left behind, and the birthplace of mankind was lost–first to tyrants, and then to the obscurity of history. However, when an explorer stumbles onto the once-great planet, not a single person has survived. The planet itself goes up for auction, and the buyer seeks to understand what happened, so long ago. The Broken Home is a short story about the excavation of the greatest fortress the Earth Empire ever built.

Content Warning: References to an ancient war and death.


Anyone can learn from the past if they listen closely.

Science fiction fans who have been immersed in this genre for a long time will probably be able to figure out what is happening in this tale fairly quickly, but that isn’t a criticism of this piece. Not everything needs  shocking plot twists in order to be worth reading! What mattered more was seeing how Jenkins and Marley reacted to what they discovered about humanity’s past when they returned to Earth to see if there was anything interesting left behind there. I sympathized with the mixture of emotions they experienced as they uncovered something that no living person was aware of. Honestly, I probably would have behaved the same way if I were in their shoes!

As this short story was heavily centred on its plot development, I would have liked to see more attention paid to how humanity evolved over ten thousand years. That is a long period of time in which all sorts of incredible – or terrible – things could have happened, and I found myself wishing for more details about what the characters knew about their recent and distant past. This easily could have been expanded into a novella or full-length novel, and I would have happily read a much longer version of it.

One of the things I liked the most about this piece was how it reacted to the idea of history being something that is always changing as new information is added and old assumptions possibly being reinterpreted by the newest generation. Some things might be lost in the mists of time depending on record keeping and how much current historians know about a specific era, but that doesn’t mean it’s hopeless. There is always the possibility of change as this field develops and new perspectives are considered. I know this paragraph is vague, but I’m trying to avoid spoilers while also sharing the wonder of how quickly our assumptions can shift given the right variables. That is to say, keep an open mind while reading this!

The Broken Home piqued my curiousity.


Filed under Science Fiction and Fantasy

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Favourite Blogs

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

Click here to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and here to see the full list of topics for the year.

The last time we had this prompt, I recommended some well-known sites that I enjoy. This time around, I’m going to try to stick to bloggers who sites I enjoy and who I believe should have much bigger audiences.

The word blog is spelled out in Scrabble tiles. Ruined Chapel. My friend Berthold Gambrel reviews films, books, and occasionally other types of media from many different genres on this blog. I’ve discovered some great indie and older stuff through him, so go say hello if you’re in the market for stories that are a little off the beaten path. He’s a friendly person who loves meeting new folks.

Black Outdoors. I don’t know Jacqueline personally, but I love reading her posts about all sorts of outdoor activities that she’s tried. She writes such descriptive posts about what she enjoyed (or, occasionally, didn’t enjoy so much) about them.

Voices for Vaccines. This site share stories about people who caught vaccine-preventable diseases. With measles cases currently surging in North America, I think it’s critical to remember why vaccination is important and what happens when a community loses herd immunity.

Dr. Grumpy. Yes, I’ve recommended him before, but he’s a perennial favourite. While Voices for Vaccines is often tragic, Dr. Grumpy is the place to go for funny medical stories about things his patients have said and done.

Mock Ramblings. Michael and I met in the comment section of someone else’s blog many years ago, and I’ve been following his blog ever since. He talks about writing, Dungeons & Dragons, science fiction, music, and more. My favorite posts of his are about the funny things his kids have said over the years.

Bookwyrm Knits. Nicole is someone I met through Top Ten Tuesday several years ago. She talks about knitting, reading, and random bookish things.  One of these days I’m going to learn to knit so I can emulate her and share my creations, too, because she is a good influence on me. 🙂

Dini Panda Reads. Dini is another kindred spirit I met through Top Ten Tuesday who talks about the most interesting books. Every once in a while, she shares cool stories about life in Indonesia which I also enjoy reading. The climate she lives in is so different from cold and snowy Canada at this time of year!

Leah’s Books. She is Top Ten Tuesday kindred spirit #3 on this list.  We have such similar taste in books that what she reads often sounds really good to me. Her friendly personality is delightful, too. Even though we’ve never met, I kind of feel like we have because of how easy she is to talk to.

Deb@Readerbuzz. And here is Top Ten Tuesday friend #4. Her Sunday Salon posts make the blogosphere a friendlier place.

Sabeeha Harehman. We first met on Twitter probably about 10 years ago. While I don’t talk her as much since leaving that site in 2022, seeing a new post from her in my RSS feed still makes me smile. She is an intelligent and thoughtful person whose blog posts are well worth reading.



Filed under Blog Hops

Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Spring 2025 to-Read List

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

The first book on this list is one has already been released, and I’ve included publication dates for the rest.

Book cover for They Bloom at Night by Trang Thanh Tran. Image on cover shows a realistic drawing of a young Asian woman with long black hair submerged in water and staring at the audience with a frightened expression on her face.










1. They Bloom at Night by Trang Thanh Tran

Why I’m Interested: Water is an underused trope in the horror genre. Frightening things can happen in it if you’re unlucky or not careful!


Book cover for  Terrestrial History by Joe Mungo Reed. Image on cover shows a large orange moon or planet hanging low in the sky over a grassy field and some foothills.










2. Terrestrial History by Joe Mungo Reed

Release Date: April 8

Why I’m Interested: While I’d never want to live on Mars personally, I love reading books about how humanity might be able to survive there one day.


Book cover for One Way Witch by Nnedi Okorafor. Image on cover shows drawing of a young black woman whose torso has a yellow galaxy superimposed onto it. It’s hard to say where the stars end and the woman begins. There is also a mirror effect going on here, so you can see another copy of her head and the galaxy as an upside down image on the bottom half of the book cover.










3. One Way Witch by Nnedi Okorafor

Release Date: April 29

Why I’m Interested: Ms. Okorafor is on my short list of authors whose new works I always check out (eventually), but I do need to read the first book of this series before diving into this one.


Book cover for The Staircase in the Woods by Chuck Wendig. Image on cover shows a large spiral staircase in a dark woods. The staircase illuminated by a bright yellow light and you can see the small figure of a person - possibly a child - walking up the staircase.










4. The Staircase in the Woods by Chuck Wendig

Release Date: April 29

Why I’m Interested: Today I’d like to confess to the  Top Ten Tuesday community that I have started reading all of Wendig’s old books but always stopped reading them at some point because they were too scary for me. Will this book be the one of his I actually finish? Only time will tell. He’s a great storyteller from the bits I have read.


Book cover for  The Road to Tender Hearts  by Annie Hartnett. Image on cover is a simple, 1970s-style drawing of a person wearing a teal sweatshirt and brown shorts who is standing behind a station wagon and pushing the back of it as someone in the vehicle is driving. They must be stuck! They appear to be in the desert somewhere as there are cacti and a small, red mountain or large hill in the background.










5.  The Road to Tender Hearts  by Annie Hartnett

Release Date: April 29

Why I’m Interested: Road trips are so much fun to read about.


Book cover for  The Road to Tender Hearts  by Annie Hartnett. Image on cover is an underwater drawing of three young white people who are swimming in a pool while facing each other. Their bodies almost form a circle, and I can imagine them chatting as they gently swim.










6. My Friends by Fredrik Backman

Release Date:  May 6

Why I’m Interested: Mr. Backman is one of those authors I keep meaning to read. His stories always sound so interesting, but none of them have made it off my TBR list yet. Maybe this one will?


Filed under Blog Hops

A Review of Apis

Book cover for Apis by Liz Boysha. Image on cover shows a drawing of a black woman who has patches of something gold and glowing on her skin. She’s holding her chin up with one hand has she looks thoughtfully and happily off to the viewer’s right. There are blue, purple, and yellow flowers woven into a halo-like object above her head. Title: Apis

Author: Liz Boysha

Publisher: Self-Published

Publication Date: August 15, 2020

Genres: Fantasy, LGBTQ, Contemporary

Length: 166 pages

Source: I received a free copy from the author

Rating: 3 Stars


A woman wakes up to find bees are living inside her. It’s a love story.

Content Warning: References to growing up in multiple foster homes. Rape. Attempted sexual abuse. Miscarriage. Bee stings. Stabbings. Fainting. Anaphylaxis from bee stings. A house fire that resulted in a child being orphaned. Metastatic breast cancer. Infertile foster parents who disrupt the placement of their foster child after getting pregnant.  Miscarriage. TI will not be discussing any of these topics in my review.


Hope isn’t a thing with feathers in this universe, but it does have wings.

The world building left plenty to the imagination which fit Astrid’s personality and backstory nicely. She wasn’t the sort of person who would ever stick her nose where it didn’t belong, and she appreciated the same treatment from others. Her fierce desire for independence coloured everything she said and did, including her limited interest in what was happening around her unless it personally affected her in some way. This was a slightly unusual choice, so I commend Ms. Boysha for taking that risk in writing a character who, in a different set of hands, could come across in a much harsher light. There is something to be said for characters who have strong boundaries and aren’t afraid to enforce them, and I hope to meet more characters like this in the future.

One of the things I struggled with as I read part one was how many different traumatic things kept happening to the characters, particularly the protagonist Astrid. Including one to a few of them would have been enough to keep the storyline moving forward, but to have wave after wave of awful experiences that were shared but generally never resolved was too much for my tastes. This is something I’m saying as someone who reads horror and is accustomed to a decent level of scary and disturbing scenes. Other readers may disagree, of course, but I think this would have been a stronger work if Astrid had been given time to process and heal from a smaller number of painful experiences.

With that being said, I was intrigued by how Ms. Boysha used these scenes as possible fodder for the metaphor she was exploring. (I say possible because I believe there are other explanations that could also be just as valid). Trauma of any form can resurface months, years, or decades later in ways that may not make immediate sense to someone who isn’t aware of the backstory. Yes, I’m being vague here, but the details are best teased out by other readers for themselves so you can form your own theories about what this tale means. I found it meaningful to draw parallels between Astrid’s early life experiences and how her life unfolded after the events of the first scene.

Apis filled me with questions.

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Filed under Science Fiction and Fantasy

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Characters I Want to Meet

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

Click here to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and here to see the full list of topics for the year.

The word “hello” written in white chalk on a black chalkboard. Here are some characters I’d like to meet.

Sister Monica Joan from Call the Midwife by Jennifer Worth would be a good pick because of how creative, funny, and knowledgeable about the past this character was.

She joined Nonnatus House as a young women around the turn of the 20th century when antibiotics, chemotherapy, (the vast majority of) vaccines, genetic testing, and other modern medical advancements were still decades away from being invented. By the time the author of this book was hired to work as a district midwife in the late 1950s, Sister Monica was showing clear signs of cognitive decline and forgetfulness.

Her memory for the past was still strong, though, and she helped the young midwives solve some tricky medical cases involving diagnoses that they hadn’t personally treated before. I’d focus on the past with her and ignore anything she said about the present that didn’t quite make sense. It’s good to meet people where they’re at and learn about what life was really like generations ago.


Matthew Cuthbert from Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery is my second pick because I love spending time with fellow quiet, gentle people. I feel like I could help him with a few chores around the farm without either of us feeling like we had to speak if there weren’t any words in that moment. There’s something relaxing about hanging out with folks who are comfortable with silence.


Yetu from The Deep by Rivers Solomon. (The mermaids in this book don’t have last names). Like Sister Monica Joan, Yetu struggles with memory issues for reasons that would be spoilers to share in this post. I loved seeing how her curious and intelligent personality found ways around the holes in her memory so she could share her tale. She was thoughtful and filled with opinions about what her life should be like. I could sit and talk to her for hours.


Connie Ramos fromWoman on the Edge of Time by Marge Piercy would be another interesting person to meet. I think that once she realized I believed that she had time travelled and wanted to help her we could have all sorts of productive conversations. She was not the sort of person who reacts well to being misbelieved, but I  would hope she’d open up and share her deepest thoughts with someone who did treat her well.





Filed under Blog Hops

Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Are Written in Verse

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

A bouquet of blue hydrangeas sitting on an opened book of poetry that is itself sitting on a a white table. The wall behind the table is painted turquoise blue. Occasionally, new books are released that are written in the form of poetry. That is to say, the entire story is told through one poem (or, more often, many different poems) that push the character and plot development forward.

This is such a creative way to tell a story! Here are some examples of books written this way that I’ve enjoyed.

1. Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse

2. Sold by Patricia McCormick

3. The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo

4. Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson

5. The Crossover by Kwame Alexander

6. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by Unknown

7. Booked (The Crossover, #2) by Kwame Alexander

8. Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo



Filed under Blog Hops

Newlywed Questions: A Review of The Ring and the Knife

Book cover for The Ring and the Knife by Benjamin Parsons. Image on cover shows a black and white drawing of a shirtless white man and a white woman who is wearing a long, flowing dress. They are standing in a graveyard during a time of year when there are no leaves on the trees. It’s probably very cold there, so why don’t they have the common sense to dress warmly for the weather? She looks pensive and he’s pointing at something behind them and trying to get her to turn around and see what it is. Title: The Ring and the Knife

Author: Benjamin Parsons

Publisher: Self-Published

Publication Date: March 11, 2023

Genres: Romance, Paranormal, Historical

Length: 32 pages

Source: I received a free copy from the author.

Rating: 4 Stars


Something happened to William Mortimore in Berecombe churchyard, many years ago – something he can’t quite remember. When he unexpectedly finds himself that little country village again, fragments of the past start to haunt him – and lure him to uncover a forgotten secret.
Berecombe – why does William remember the name of that little village? When was he there before? What happened to him that day in the churchyard, long ago? Why can’t he remember? Why does he feel compelled to return? As the questions smother him, he searches to understand the dreadful, portentous meeting his memory has supressed – the terrible secret of his own past.

Content Warning: Murder. I will not discuss it in my review.


Cemeteries are as full of answers as they are of new questions.

Romance isn’t a genre I visit very often, so it’s quite the compliment for me to mention how much I loved this one. William and his wife were deeply in love and determined to enjoy their honeymoon when the audience met them in the first scene. I looked forward to getting to know them better and was pleased with what was shared. Newlyweds are so full of hope that this particular pair created a nice contrast between their happiness and the sad things that were happening in the churchyard they decided to visit.

There was a plot hole involving William’s past that I wish had been given more time to develop as the order of events for it never quite made sense to me. Some of these moments were shared non-linearly, so it took me a little bit to piece them together and come up with a reasonable explanation of what must have occurred. If more attention had been paid to this issue, I would have happily gone for a full five-star rating.

With that being said, I enjoyed the plot twists that were revealed later on. They created a satisfying mixture of romantic and paranormal themes that made me wonder what else the characters were about to discover about that quiet little pocket of the countryside that felt so peaceful but was simultaneously filled with intrigue and uncertainty, too. What a treat it was to dig more deeply with them as they pushed forward to figure out why William’s memory had a large blank spot in it.

The Ring and the Knife was romantic and eerie.

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