Top Ten Tuesday: Changes in My Reading Life

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

While I was coming up with this list, I tried to make everything fit the same sentence structure. It bothered me just a little bit that I had to break that pattern for one of my answers.

There are five genres I read less of these days and five I’ve started to spend much more time exploring.

I Read Less Poetry

I Read Less Horror

I Read Less Fantasy

I Read Less Romance

I Read Fewer Series and Long Works


I Read More Biographies

I Read More Hard Science Fiction

I Read More History

I Read More Hopeful Fiction, Scifi or Otherwise

I Read More Science

In general, I find that I’m becoming more interested in books that talk about real-life issues (even if the plots themselves are fictional) and have a faster-paced structure than what I read when I was in school. It’s also nice to find authors who take a hopeful but realistic approach to their topic, whatever that topic may be.

This isn’t to say that I dislike poetic passages or metaphors. A few of them sprinkled into a book are nice, but I’m not as thrilled about reading an entire novel’s worth of that sort of thing as I used to be.


Filed under Blog Hops, Personal Life

90 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Changes in My Reading Life

  1. Hopeful and realistic approaches do tend to give the most impact.

  2. Great list! I’d really like to read more non-fiction soon, I just haven’t been in the mood for it this year which makes me a little sad – hopefully I’ll rediscover my love for it in the year. =)

  3. I go through reading phases but on the whole, love being a very eclectic reader. Wonderful list today!

  4. It’s really nice to see that, now, you’re looking for books that give more information and also help you grow as a person. That’s a win in change if you ask me.

  5. I have a lot of the same trends over time. I have especially tended to read more nonfiction as I have gotten older.

  6. I’ve found I’m choosing books I know will be more hopeful as well. Great list!

    Thank you for stopping by my TTT

  7. Iโ€™ve found as I get older that Iโ€™m starting to enjoy non-fiction or fiction that looks at real life issues a lot more. This is a great list! And thanks for stopping by my TTT ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Great list, Lydia ๐Ÿ™‚ It seems like you’ve really figured out what you’ve been enjoying more and I can definitely say the same. I’m also more critical of what I read now, as I used to read quite mindlessly (which isn’t always bad too I suppose)!

    My TTT post

  9. Very interesting. Do you think you may return to some of these genres at some point?

  10. Hopeful fiction is a wonderful thing. I’ve been trying to read more of that to bolster my spirits lately.

  11. Great list. I think a lot of us have changed the genres we like to read over the years. I know I have.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

  12. Interesting list. I didn’t think of long reads–I used to LOVE big honking books. Book clubs and cost have limited most new books today to about 300 pages (a few exceptions). Gone With the Wind or even Outlander, if published today, would be 3 or more books!

  13. I LOVE this format! I want to delve deeper into non-fiction and history again. When I was younger, that’s all I ever read.

  14. Sarah

    Great list Lydia! My genre tastes are pretty similar to what theyโ€™ve always been, but I do find myself reading less series. Too much time investment!

  15. I like how you listed both what you read more of and what you read less of. Everybody has such an interesting take on these topics!

  16. I love how you created your list! Direct and straight to point.โค๏ธ

    Here is mine

  17. It’s so interesting to see your changes. I read more romance and memoir, less fantasy.

  18. I find this topic so interesting, especially seeing how interests criss-cross over time and new genres are being discovered. I’m a recent fantasy reader so I’ve been partial to the poetic passage. However I get what you mean and need a non-fiction for every 2-3 fic/fantasy reads.

  19. I think I am actually reading more poetry. I also am reading more short stories. I think that is directly in relationship to my shorter attention span.

  20. I never thought I would read biographies or memoirs, but I’ve read several over the last year that really changed my view on them.

  21. Oddly I do find I’m reading more fantasy than paranormals these days, but hopefully once I get through my review stack I can get back to them!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT post!

  22. Lisa @ Bookshelf Fantasies

    Interesting! I think for a lot of readers, the focus and types of books we like to read vary over time.

  23. I love history! I should read more but I’m always reading thrillers lately it seems like, or YA or something. I’ve been reading less fantasy too, which used to be my go-to.

  24. I feel like I’m the flip of you, reading more of what you are reading less of and vice versa. Although there are a few biographies and autobiographies I’ve been wanting to read lately. I may have to add them back to my mix.

  25. Interesting list. Nonfiction is something I’d like to read more of, especially biographies of historical figures. Those have always fascinated me.

  26. ‘I Read Fewer Series and Long Works’ also describes me. In the future I might be open to them, again, but for now, the burnout is real.

  27. Good list! Your ‘less poetry, less fantasy’ makes me think you burnt out on JRR Tolkien ๐Ÿ˜‰

  28. Really interesting list – short and to the point also! I definitely did not put enough thought into mine, I am finding so many changes other people have gone through with their reading habits and finding they apply to me too.

  29. I think it is quite normal that we change our way of reading over the years. Your list shows me that in a very good way.

  30. “hopeful but realistic approach to their topic” sounds like a dream! I would also love to read books written like this.

  31. I tend to enjoy faster paced books, too!

  32. I also read fewer long works and more hopeful works than I did. I can’t do dystopia right now, and I never could do horror.

  33. This is a cool way to do the prompt this week! Simple and to the point. Awesome. ๐Ÿ™‚

  34. I’ve been reading more science too! It’s fascinating all the books on different subjects. I’m learning so much.

  35. I read more nonfiction too. I find that I’m a little tired of recycled fiction tropes, but nonfiction is so open you can always find something new.

  36. Donna van Eck

    Congrats to you, i want to start reading more real life stuff but i find it kind of boring or i have not found the right one.

  37. I love your format for this post! I think our mores and lesses are reversed. xD Except romance. I’ve never been one for romance. Funny how reading habits can shift so much over time!

  38. Wow, you’ve evolved quite a bit! I don’t think I’ll ever get to a point in my life where I would read History and Science titles for leisure. That’s really interesting ๐Ÿ™‚

  39. You’ve got a really great balance going on and it’s great you’re exploring certain genres a lot more!

  40. Exploring new genres is amazing, I hope you’re loving them!! I really want to get more into Sci-Fi and Historical books! I’ve spied some amazing ones recently, but with the state of my tbr…. ha!

    Here’s hoping I get round to trying more genres next year!

    Happy Reading!! <3

  41. Great list. I love how you have shifted your reading over the years. Reading non-fiction is great and I’m trying to get back into that again.

  42. I’ve actually wanted to venture more into horror than before. I used to steer clear of it because I didn’t want to be scared but now I’m wondering if it might be fun. Also, definitely feel you on the hopeful outlook when it comes to fiction. To me, it’s become important to soften the bad things so to speak.

  43. I still love all the romance-y novels. But of course, like any genre, there’s some I have zero interest in. ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope all of these changes are good things in your reading life, Lydia; and thanks a bunch for the visit to Finding Wonderland!!

  44. wow these are some big changes in your reading style!! and what you look for in books!

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