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Halloween is by far my favourite holiday of the year for the following reasons:
There Is Assorted Candy.Β I only eat candy occasionally, but when I do I like to have a nibble of this and then a nibble of that. The bags of assorted candy sold for people to give out to trick or treaters are perfect for getting small bites of several different treats instead of having to eat an entire bar or single serving bag of something at once.
It Includes No Family Obligations. The relatives I’d love to see for Thanksgiving or Christmas live nearly two thousand miles away from us. The wonderful thing about Halloween is that there’s no tradition of getting together with anyone for a big meal to celebrate it, so I don’t have to miss anyone when this holiday rolls around. I can simply enjoy the festivities.
You Can Be Anyone You Wish to Be. It’s been far too long since I dressed up for Halloween, but I love the idea of everyone getting to be whoever they want to be on that day. If you can imagine it, you can be it on this one special day!
It Demystifies Death. Many of us are reticent to talk about death the rest of the year for totally understandable reasons. While I’m not a fan of the gory or gross aspects of Halloween, I do like the fact that it brings this topic out in the open and maybe makes it a little less frightening to think about when it comes to practical things like writing a will or planning who will look after your kids/pets/estate after you’re gone.
Halloween Films Are Creative and Unsentimental.Β No offence to anyone who likes sentimental films, they’re simply not my cup of tea.
I usually prefer stories that tap into other parts of the human experience whether that’s joy for Halloween films written for kids or surprise and apprehension for the more adult-oriented stuff.
Candy Corn. Yes, I saved my most controversial reason for last. I love this stuff and look forward to it becoming available again every autumn. How many of you feel the same way about it?
I’m not from a culture that celebrates Halloween, but I love to watch the Disney Channel Original Movies that celebrate it! It looks like so much fun.
Except I don’t like to be spooked lol
I do like thrillers and mysteries though! Just not…… gorey or spooky stuff.
That makes sense. π
As I think you know, I feel much the same way, for the same reasons. π Great post.
Thanks. π
Halloween is great! Pumpkin patches, corn mazes, trick or treating, love it all. (except candy corn)
Heh, thanks. And I will happily eat your share of the candy corn. LOL.
You can have all my candy corn. Tot likes candy corn, too. Never acquired that taste. I love halloween, too. π good post!
Heh, thanks. And I’ll take whatever your tot doesn’t want. π
Thanks for coming by and I love candy corn, so you aren’t alone. I enjoyed Halloween growing up, and it’s my daughter’s favorite holiday. We live out in the country where there are no trick’r’treaters, though, so I’ve giving up on decorating (esp. outside). I do love me a good Halloween party, though, because I love dressing up!!
You’re welcome. I’m glad you like this holiday and candy corn, too!
LOVE candy corn!! Often times, I spot the bags in the store at the end of August. Halloween (or Samhain for me) is my second favorite holiday. Great post, Lydia!
Thank you! It’s awesome that you like candy corn as well.
I have great pictures of my kids and grandkids dressed up for Halloween, but for the last ten years or so it’s all Dia de los Muertos around her and skeletons all over the place. Sing another tune.
Oh I wish we celebrated Halloween! This sounds so nice, I love autumn!
Priyanka @ A Booklion’s Hideaway
Yeah, it’s a lot of fun. Do you have any celebrations that are similar to it?
I’m so-so on the regular candy corn, but I LOVE the candy-corn-style pumpkins. I really don’t know what the difference is, but it’s there.
Those little pumpkins are delicious!
Candy corn? Bleah! Some of my kids like it. Not me. But then, I don’t like marshmallows either–too sweet. My kids accuse me of having no taste buds. I remind them that I only married into husband’s family of sweet-tooth possessors. I prefer uber dark, almost bitter chocolate.
Heh, I like dark, bitter chocolate, too. π
Oh WOW, my favorite holiday is also Halloween (I’ve seen two others that share our fun), for all the reasons you listed. I LOVE candy corn! Thanks for sharing. Here’s mine.
It’s wonderful that so many of us like the same holiday. And yay for your love of candy corn!
I’ve gotten too old to eat much of it anymore, but I am comprehensively pro-Candy Corn. And Halloween was my answer as well!
That’s awesome. π
But, yeah, candy is generally more for kids.
I absolutely love your post! Such great reasons. I always used to buy candy that I knew we’d like to eat in case there was a bunch left over. That never happened when we lived on base, but now we don’t get any treaters at all. Extremes. Right? Hocus Pocus is my all time favorite Halloween flick. I wish the sequel would hurry up!
Thank you very much!
And I didn’t know there was a sequel coming out for Hocus Pocus. How fun.
Halloween has taken off here in Australia over recent years but it’s not something we celebrate in out house. I would love to enjoy a typical American Halloween though. I think that’d be a blast. Oh, and candy corn. Is that like caramel covered popcorn because if it is, I’m totally with you. YUM!
Yes, it does taste a little like it. I hope you get to try it sometime.
I always go out for dinner on Halloween so I don’t have to hide from trick or treaters, but I do love a good Halloween film.
Cool! That sounds like a neat tradition.
Halloween is not something I’m bothered about and isn’t a public holiday here; I’m not aware of anyone who takes the day off specifically.
My favourite holiday is Easter as I like to go on a long-distance walk, staying in towns & villages and going to churches there.
None of this happened in 2020, of course! π
Sadly, no. I hope you get to celebrate Easter next year.