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Can you guess which season I like the most based on these lists?
Many different fruits and vegetables are in season.
Lots of sunshine.
The sun is still in the sky at dinner time.
Festivals and parades happen during the summer.
Ice cream is an acceptable dinner on a hot, humid day.
Nearly every day is a good day for swimming
Leaves changing colour are beautiful.
Candy corn is on sale
Some fruits and vegetables still in season.
Mild temperatures.
New seasons of TV shows begin.

No seasonal allergies for months on end
Clementines, oranges, and other citrus fruits are in season.
Most TV shows are still airing new episodes.
The days get longer, sunnier, and warmer.
Mild temperatures.
Spring thunderstorms are awe-inspiring.
Flowers bloom and bring colour to the landscape.
Migratory birds and other species return to Ontario.
The first green shoots and buds appear in early April here.
All plants once again have leaves and/or flowers by May.
The first spring vegetables like asparagus are available again.
Strawberries, one of my favourite fruits, are in season at the end of spring.
The cherry trees blossom. They smell and look incredible.
One can go outside with a light jacket or even no jacket at all.
Parks that closed over the winter will reopen again.
I bet spring with winter being the least favorite. Thanks for coming by!!
Yes, you’re right!
And you’re welcome.
Put down for $10 on “Spring is your favorite”. I’m good for it.
You are correct! 😀
I usually joke that my favorite season is “whatever one comes next” but in truth spring and autumn are my favorites. I love the feeling of transition that they bring with them.
You have a great list of favorites from the seasons! Seasonal fruits and veg definitely are near the top of my list, too. (Though ice cream for dinner can be fun.)
Spring and autumn are both great seasons. And thanks.
Great post . I love Spring too. But here Fall is the best season to visit and enjoy.
Great list. Love ice cream for dinner in the summer.
Love autumn leaves and cherry blossoms!
That’s awesome. 🙂
Ah yes, I put cherry blossoms too. I love them.
I would guess that you like summer the best? Personally, I love the fall. I am not a heat person. I get seasonal depression when there is too much sun.
Sorry to hear about your seasonal depression! I have that during the winter.
Spring is my favourite season, although summer definitely has its perks as well.