Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.
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I’d forgotten this, but it turns out that WWBC had this same prompt last year! I talked about eating apples that were still attached to the apple tree in our front yard then, so I’ll talk about our tire swing this time.
Baby Lydia in a tire swing.
If you’re unfamiliar with this sort of toy, know that they’re made from old tires that are no longer fit for traditional things like driving. My thrifty, environmentally-conscious uncle made the one you’ll see in these photographs!
A tire swing meant for young children is cut open lengthwise to create a safe pouch for little ones to sit in.
If you’re small enough to fit into it, you may still need a grownup or older child to push you.
I have such happy memories of gently being pushed back and forth as I sat in it. The specific adults in question are hazy but always warm and attentive. Sometimes my parents no doubt did it, but I wouldn’t be surprised if other relatives took turns as well.
I was the first grandchild on one side of the family, so there were lots of older kids and grownups around who relished playing with a little one again.
Swinging by myself like a big kid.
Those early experiences gave me a lifelong love of swings. There’s nothing like the sensation of riding in one. It almost feels like you’re flying if you go fast and high enough!
This memory probably formed when I was a tad older than the age I was when I took tiny bites out of apples that I couldn’t quite manage to pull off of the tree.
My family moved away from that house when I was about four, so this was a very early memory no matter which one technically formed first.
I’ll end this post with one final tire swing photo so that you will all know there was a time when my first brother and I were small enough to fit into a tire swing together. (Someday I’ll gush about my other sibling and other relatives in their own special posts, too. Everyone is equally loved in our family. 🙂 )
Tire swing cuddles
This sibling of mine is about six feel tall now and has his own kids to chase around! It’s a joy to see him make his wife and kids laugh. He can find the humour in anything.
He also gives the biggest, nicest bearhugs you can possibly imagine.
Looking at this photo makes me yearn for the day when I can hug him and everyone else in the family again. Someday the U.S. and Canadian borders will reopen and that will happen.
I’ll leave it up to him to reveal his identity or remain anonymous depending on what he prefers.
But look at those little munchkins. What a sweet moment in time.