Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
Before I get into the meat of this post, let’s highlight the bookish goals I accomplished for 2024:
- Visit coffee shops more often.
- Submit a Top Ten Tuesday theme to Jana that she ends up using (which was a thrill!)
- Read more novellas and short stories
- Spend less time on social media
- Meet more bookish people
Accomplishing five out of my ten goals for 2024 is pretty good, especially considering the rough spots this past year had in store for me that I had no idea were coming when I wrote that post.
Here are my goals for 2025. Yes, I’m recycling some of the ones from last year. Might as well keep plugging away at them.
1. Finish more books
I had so many DNFs this past year. It was sometimes hard to concentrate due to the non-bookish aspects of my life that needed extra attention. I also became much less likely to want to read stories that were unhappy or that reminded me of the various things going on in my life that were hard.
2. Read more history
I believe I only finished a handful of nonfiction books in this category last year. It was better than 2023, but so many of the ones I tried to read ended up being too heavy for me.
3. Patronize independent bookstores
This was a total failure in 2024. Maybe I’ll have the time and energy for it in 2025?
4. Try some new caffeine-free teas
I would have loved to do this one last year, but other stuff got in the way. I hope I will try some great new teas in 2025, though.
5. Make more bookish friends
We need a platonic version of OkCupid for bookish people!
6. Attend bookish events (semi?) regularly
This could also help with #5. Maybe I’ll find a covid-safe poetry reading or a book club or something to join.
7. Read more books about people with invisible illnesses that don’t make the illness the main storyline.
If they also have migraines or other pain or neurological disorders, that would be awesome. But other sorts of illnesses would be interesting, too. Basically, I would love to read more stories about characters who outwardly “look” healthy but who are still dealing with an illness or disability of some sort.
Suggestions are warmly welcomed if anyone has any!
8. Read or listen to more humorous titles.
There’s nothing like laughing until you cry over a ridiculously funny scene.
9. Improve my handwriting
Is that bookish enough for Top Ten Tuesday? I have never had pretty handwriting, but it has gotten worse over the years. Time to buy one of those handwriting books and try to make my writing more legible again. Ha!
10. Be pleasantly surprised by one book that’s finally being made into a film or TV show
Okay, so this isn’t something I can personally make happen…but I would love to be surprised by it regardless.