Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Books Releasing In the First Half of 2022

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

A large, airy library filled with two stories worth of books. There is an orange chair next to a window in the corner. My responses to these seasonal TBR posts are generally short and sweet.

I’m a mood reader who relies heavily on my local library for new books, so it’s hard to predict exactly what I’ll be reading next week, much less several months from now.

So much depends on what genres I’m currently most interested in (other than my usual speculative fiction stories) as well as which fascinating new nonfiction books the Toronto Public Library decides to buy.

If there are book blogs about nonfiction books out there, I haven’t found them yet. Thank goodness for librarians who do so much research into this topic for the rest of us. I’ve discovered so many wonderful authors and topics thanks to their hard work.

With all of that that being said, here are some books I’ll be keeping an eye out for this winter and spring.

May they be wonderful.



To Paradise by Hanya Yanagihara book cover. Image on cover is a drawing of a young black man looking off into the distance.

To Paradise by Hanya Yanagihara

Publication Date: January 11

Why I’m Interested: All three storylines are set in the same city but in different centuries. I’m looking forward to seeing if any of the later characters are aware of the earlier ones and what remnants of the past might still be around in their eras.


Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel Book cover. Image on cover shows a large full moon rising over a meadow at night.

Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel

Publication Date: April 5

Why I’m Interested: Literary fiction is so rarely blended together with science fiction that I’m super curious to see how they combine here.



Bravely by Maggie Stiefvater book cover. image on cover shows Meridia from Brave with her curly red hair tumbling down her shoulders.

Bravely by Maggie Stiefvater

Publication Date: May 3

Why I’m Interested: I loved Brave. Isn’t it cool that there is a sequel coming out to it in book form?


What are you all looking forward to reading for the first half of this year? Do you know of any book blogs about nonfiction books?


Filed under Blog Hops

94 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Books Releasing In the First Half of 2022

  1. I’ll be curious to see reviews for Bravely. I loved the movie.


  2. I tend to hear about new non-fiction books on Twitter more than blogs. I’m pretty bad at reviewing non-fiction myself so I’m not helping the matter!

  3. Goof point, I rarely hear about new nonfiction books until they’ve been actually released. I’m curious about Sea of Tranquility also, but I want to read one of Emily St. John Mandel’s other books before I try this one. I already own copies of Station Eleven and The Glass Hotel, so I have no excuse.

    My TTT:

  4. The new Mandel has me curious, especially with Station eleven having been adapted for hBO.

    One blogger who focuses a lot on non- fiction (mostly history) is All the Book Blog Names Are Taken. Not sure if you’re familiar with her blog or if history is your thing…

    • I do like history a lot! I’ll have to look her blog up. Thanks for the tip!

      Have you seen Station Eleven the tv show yet? I’m super curious about it but don’t know if I should read the book first?!

      • I have not! I went back and forth about reading the book and never ended up getting to it, but I’m super curious. I’ve heard it was set in the Great Lakes region (I’m in Michigan) so that had me curious too…

  5. I’m curious about Bravely. I feel like I’m the only blogger around who hasn’t read Steifvater yet 🙈 Hope you enjoy these this year!

  6. To Paradise sounds really good.

  7. I’m interested in all of these, too. I do think I should read Hanya Yanagihara’s first book before I get this one, though.

  8. Great list! I’ve got a lot of these on my TBR, and I just got an ALC of To Paradise, although the length of it is a bit intimidating.

  9. Bravely looks good! Happy Reading!

  10. OMG, Bravely?! No way! I adore Brave, so I’m going to have to check this out!

  11. Braverly sounds so good! I watched Brave a long time ago, but I really liked it!

  12. I have Bravely on my TBR!

    I hope you enjoy these books when you get the opportunity to read them.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  13. OMG! I love Brave… adding Bravely to my TBR right now!!

  14. I rarely follow new releases, so when I stumble across one I am pleasantly surprised. Bravely looks amazing. Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

  15. Bravely looks stunning! I hope you enjoy these.

  16. Maria @ readingmaria

    Hope you enjoy them all!!!

  17. Love the cover on To Paradise!

  18. I’m quite interested in Sea of Tranquility as well

  19. Great list! Bravely has such a lovely cover.

  20. I love the idea of Braverly! Thanks for sharing, will keep an eye out for that one.

  21. Bravely looks cool… although I’m always a little hesitant about book adaptations of movies. Still, Brave is awesome, and Maggie Stiefvater is so talented, this could be a good one! I do want to read Sea of Tranquility as well (I imagine there will be quite a line for this one at the library.) Enjoy!

  22. Bravely is new to me but the idea of a sequel to Brave is very exciting. I loved that movie!

  23. I can hardly wait for Sea of Tranquility 😁

  24. To Paradise sounds like a vey intricate read. Hope you get your hands on these. Happy reading!

  25. Sea of Tranquillity sounds really interesting, I’ll have to add it to my list!

  26. I’m *SO* excited for all of these! Bravely looks awesome and I’m very keen to read something else by Yanagihara. I have a feeling it’ll be one heckuva emotional rollercoaster (probably lol)! I hope you enjoy these reads and whichever ones you discover as your mood dictates.

  27. I am so excited for Bravely too, I have high hopes!

  28. These look good – especially Bravely. I tend to happen upon books so I had to do a bit of research for my post! I also want to make a dent in my TBR. Fingers crossed for that!!

  29. Ooh I loved Brave, I didn’t know there was going to be a book!

  30. Oooohhh I didn’t know about Bravely! I really like Maggie Stiefvater and Brave is one of my favorite Disney films. Must add that to my TBR!

  31. Sea of Tranquility sounds great! I hope you love these.

  32. You’re totally right. I don’t read much non-fic, but now you’ve mentioned it, I usually don’t get interested/ hear about them until after they’ve already released.

  33. I love Brave to, so I’m very excited about Bravely.

    Happy readings!

  34. I’m really looking forward to Bravely as well! I’ve seen To Paradise on a ton of lists this week; I hope you enjoy it.

  35. Jo

    Yes, Bravely does sound really cool!

  36. I hope they are enjoyable readers. I’m familiar with the names of these authors. I made the mistake to try Station Eleven in audio, that didn’t work well for me, I DNFed it, but then never tried it again in print, but

  37. Sea of Tranquility looks good–I wasn’t as into The Glass Hotel as I was Station Eleven, but I’d be up to try SoT. I’m mostly interested in Bravely because it’s written by Maggie Stiefvater–I also thought it was a retelling, so a sequel is much more interesting.

  38. Braverly sure looks like a lot of fun!

  39. Oh, I didn’t know about Bravely, but that is pretty cool!

  40. I’m also such a mood reader that it’s usually an exercise in futility to predict what I want to read…but I also try to stay on top of the new releases so I do find value in the exercise.

    Hope you are having an awesome week!


    • I hear you there!

      But at least knowing about new releases might alert you to books you know you’ll want to read? (I’m assuming?)

      I am having a good week and hope you are, too.

  41. So much yes to Bravely! Ahhhh! I get excited every time I see that cover. It looks like it’s going to be marvelous, and I can’t wait. 😀

  42. Oh I hadn’t heard about Bravely. That is so cool~

  43. Mae

    I hope that all of these books live up to your expectations. Happy reading.

  44. Ooo, cool! I didn’t know there was going to be a Brave sequel of sorts. I’ll have to look into that one because the Disney story is good. Also, I haven’t read any of Maggie’s books, but I know SO many love her, so if this one sounds good to me it’d be also a new-to-me author experience. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland on this week, Lydia!

  45. Donna @Momsbookcollection

    I can not wait to get my hands on Bravely

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