Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Famous Books I Don’t Plan to Read

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

The pages of a book have been bent into a circle. A person's face is staring at you from the other end of that circle.The assumption I made this week was that most participants would be talking about books they are not interested in reading that were published in the last twenty years or so.

It will be interesting to see if everyone else answered this from the same perspective.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Millennium, #1) by Stieg Larsson

Why: I do enjoy the occasional mystery, but I’ve heard this is more of an action/adventure novel. Generally, I’m not interested in mixing those two genres together.

Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides

Why: This book includes some disturbing content that I refuse to read about.

No Country for Old Men  by Cormac McCarthy

Why: After finishing The Road, I decided not to read anything else from this author. He’s a talented writer, but his imagination is too dark for my tastes.

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne

Why: I’m burned out on World War II novels, especially if they’re about all of the inhumane things that happened in concentration camps. Of course it’s important that we never forget what happened to the victims of the Holocaust, but this reader needs a long break from stories set in that time and place.

Ready Player One (Ready Player One, #1) by Ernest Cline

Why: I’ve read too many books similar to it. If that wasn’t the case, this would be the sort of thing that would grab my attention. 

A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #1)
by Sarah J. Maas

Why: Romance is a genre I’m generally not that interested in. While there are definitely aspects of this story that appeal to me, I’d much rather read fantasy that doesn’t include plots about falling into or out of love.

Click here to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question. The image below is the list of upcoming prompts for this blog hop.


Filed under Blog Hops

26 Responses to Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Famous Books I Don’t Plan to Read

  1. I definately agree on Ready Player One – once tried it, but I wasn’t as much into it as I hoped I would be. So I dnfed it. I also agree on A Court if Thorns and Roses – but more because I heard a lot about the love being unhealthy and the guys being predetators. I hate reading about romantizised unhealthy realtionships.

  2. I prefer watching movies that are action/adventure more than reading a book … I think it translates better to film, which is why I saw the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo but don’t want to read the book.

    I’m here:

  3. Great list. I don’t think I’d like The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, either.

  4. Great list…I’ve not read any of those. My choices are here.

  5. I cried when my daughter told me how The Boy in the Striped Pajamas ended. I’ll never, ever read that just because I know how it ends.

  6. Totally agree on Ready Player One, sooo many books like it and its just boring at this point. Will never read.

  7. So I did read ACOTAR and while I’ve always considered continuing the series, I’m clearly in no hurry. And you are right, the romance aspect was dreadful. I didn’t even like Freya much and equated her Bella from Twilight way too much. Of course you know I’m not huge on romance to begin with.

  8. That is quite the variety of things that won’t get read 😉

    I did read Ready Player One. I know a lot of folks categorize it as YA because the main character is a young man, but I found the pop culture references were more relevant and targeted to someone in Generation X (like myself). For all the nods to technology within the book, it does follow a pretty basic boy-meets-girl etc. formula, so I can understand why you might want to give it a pass.

    I keep hearing about A Court of Thorns and Roses, and am really on the fence about it. I think it might be just a little too young for my tastes.

  9. Agreed on Ready Player One and The Boy In Striped Pajamas. Though mostly because I heard they’re both super poorly written (and if I wanted a WWII book I’d rather go for a memoir).

  10. Ready Player One and ACOTAR are two that I waffle back and forth on, but I definitely won’t be reading the other ones either. I feel like there are a lot more hyped up books right now that I don’t want to read, than ones I actually do. I’m finding I’m getting more drawn to ones from ten years ago instead.

  11. I quite liked the Millennium series, but have never been able to get into the newer ones.

  12. RS

    Ooh, common ground! These would all be on my “no interest in reading” list too, although my reasoning can pretty much be boiled down to “sounds boring,” with a side of “possibly too gross/graphic” for the first one.

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