Tag Archives: Hobbies

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Favourite Hobby and Why

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

Click here to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and here to see the full list of topics for the year.

You all might have noticed this already, but I’m easily amused, and I think that’s a good thing. I cannot narrow my answer down to just one hobby, but I’ll try to keep this brief.

I love:

Reading and writing, of course.

These ones basically go without saying. If I have sufficient access to good stories and writing materials, I can amuse myself all day.


Lydia, a white woman with curly brown hair who is wearing jeans, sneakers, and a light jacket, is sitting in a comically oversized red beach chair. She is smiling slightly. Taking long, meandering photography walks

This is a fuzzier answer, so let me give a couple of examples.

About 2 years ago my spouse and I took a bus to a beach that’s a bit of a trek from our house. We walked up and down the boardwalk and I snapped photos of my favourite things there like trees, boulders, and a ridiculously large but delightful beach chair. (See photo).

Then we bought two hamburgers, an order of fries to share, and a soda to share.  I wanted to stay there all day!

Last autumn we spent the day at High Park and did something similar. First we enjoyed our hamburgers, fries, and soda, and then we spent a few hours walking around the park and snapping photos of the wildlife and plants there.

Every walk is different. Sometimes i find a fun, new dairy-free bakery to visit, a live musical performance we weren’t aware of, a new mural, or a little park I didn’t know was recently built.

I love these free surprises. You don’t have to spend money to have fun, and when I do buy things on occasion it’s almost always something like lunch that I would have needed no matter where I was at that time of day.

Walking is a healthy, easy habit to get into as well. I know I spend far too much time online or watching tv shows when the weather is bad, so I try to make up for that by taking long walks when it’s mild outside.


Jigsaw puzzles

I love the challenge of putting them together. They’re such a fantastic distraction from whatever else I might be worried about or dealing with in life.




Filed under Blog Hops, Personal Life

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Favourite Things to Do in the Winter

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

Click here to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and here to see the full list of topics for the year.

A penguin standing in a patch of sunlight on some snow and stretching out both wings as it looks to the right. Behind it there are deep shadows over the snow. Perhaps it’s next to a mountain or a very large heap of snow that’s casting shadows?To be honest with all of you, the cold, dark days of winter are something I struggle with due to the winter blues.

When I was a kid, I loved building snowmen and going sledding during the winter. This isn’t something I’ve  done much if at all as an adult, but maybe I should someday after getting warmer and more water-resistant outerwear.

These are the sorts of activities I more routinely enjoy during the winter:

  • Watching documentaries with nature-themed ones at the top of my list. Yes, this includes penguins.
  • Doing puzzles and games (sudoku, jigsaw puzzles, solitaire, and the like).
  • Reading much more, especially if I’m recovering from a cold or other illness and must rest.
  • Working ahead on blog posts and other writing stuff.*
  • Taking outdoor walks on milder days (e.g. temperatures above 0 C or 32 Fahrenheit)
  • Taking indoor walks at the mall on cold, snowy, and/or blustery days.
  • Baking and cooking, especially warm and nourishing food like chili or spaghetti.
  • Drinking herbal tea and dairy-free hot chocolate.
  • Exercising at home with yoga, dance, kickboxing or other workouts.
  • Jokingly asking my spouse if they want to celebrate Valentine’s Day this year.**
  • Deep cleaning my home when the weather warms up a tad and I can open the windows briefly.
  • Rewatching favorite films and tv shows. The two tribble episodes from Star Trek are close to the top of my list for rewatches!
  • Watching new episodes of modern shows like Call the Midwife or The Handmaid’s Tale.
  • Catching up gradually on the countless older shows I need to finish like Blackish.
  • Attending free bookish events either virtually or in-person at the library***
  • Visiting coffee shops. To be fair, I do this one all year round.
  • Occasionally visiting local museums if the weather holds. Some museums here even have free nights or other good deals if you’re flexible about when you go!


*I schedule some posts months in advance, especially if I know a certain week or month is going to be busy beforehand.

*We prefer to save our special dates nights for other times of the year when restaurants aren’t packed with people. Servers have time to give us more attention that way if needed, and we are also less likely to wait in a long line in the freezing cold or be told they’re out of what we were hoping to order.

**Aren’t libraries the best?

I look forward to seeing what we all have in common!


Filed under Blog Hops, Personal Life

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: How I Spend My Weekends

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

Click here to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and here to see the full list of topics for the year.

Of course, there are often errands and appointments to take care of over the weekend like dental cleanings, getting this year’s flu and covid vaccines, grocery shopping, mailing off birthday cards to relatives, or buying a new shower curtain.  My assumption this week is that we’re focusing on fun things we do on weekends instead of the necessary grownup stuff.

I’ve already talked about a lot of my interests in previous Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge posts, so I’d imagine this isn’t going to be a particularly surprising post for anyone who has followed me for a while.

How I spent my weekends depends on the season. If it’s spring or autumn and rain is not in the forecast, I like to go outdoors and enjoy places like walking trails, parks, or beaches (which, aside from the general lack of waves and saltwater creatures, look and feel a lot like Pacific or Atlantic beaches because of how huge Lake Ontario is. You can gaze out upon it and see nothing but water shimmering from here to the horizon. It’s spectacular.)

Toronto Island is a particularly fun place to visit because of how much there is to do there. They have an amusement park, a maze made from large trimmed evergreen bushes, beaches, petting zoo, cycling trails, golf courses, haunted lighthouse, and so much more. It can be an expensive day if you want to ride all of the rides, but it can also be a free one other than the cost of your ferry ticket and whatever food you pack for a picnic. I love versatile options like this.

Nature is so soothing to me.

Late November is a tossup when it comes to enjoying the outdoors. It might be relatively warm and dry (about a high of 10 Celsius or 50 Fahrenheit) on the odd day, but it can also easily be snowing, sleeting, foggy, raining, and/or bitterly cold at this time of year.

A photo of a painting called “Woman With Bangs” by Pablo Picasso. The painting is of a sad-looking woman who does, indeed, have bangs in her dark brown hair. She is looking morosely to the side in this painting. There is a blue hue to the painting that only makes it look even sadder. On damp, chilly days, I do things like:

  • Go to the library for bookish events or to visit their free little museums of vintage books
  • Buy a tea or a vegan donut at a coffee shop
  • Do dance, kickboxing, yoga, or weightlifting workouts at home
  • Watch Spanish films (I’m understanding a lot more Spanish now!)
  • Take short walks out in the snow if it’s only moderately cold
  • Go out for coffee or dinner with a friend
  • Get all holiday shopping done ASAP so I can avoid the huge crowds next month
  • Take a nap
  • Play board or card games
  • Spend too much time on social media (If we’re being honest here 😄)
  • Find fun, free cultural events like food festivals, musical events, art shows, vegan Christmas markets, etc.  They’re not as numerous now, but they do still happen!
  • Visit museums that have cool new exhibits. A couple of years ago I was lucky enough to see some of Picasso’s paintings, one of which I included in this post. It just depends on who they have in the gallery.


Filed under Blog Hops, Personal Life

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: What I Do When I’m Bored

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

Click here to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and here to see the full list of topics for the year.

A photo of an autumn forest. The trees are still holding onto about half of their orange leaves. The rest of the leaves have fallen to the forest floor and are covering it and the trail between the trees. If I’m bored but cannot leave my surroundings because I’m sitting in a waiting room or the weather outside is frightful, I’ll probably people watch, read a book, or play Royal Match (a tile matching game) on my phone.

Those are all pretty common answers I’d bet, though, so let’s talk about other possibilities. Most of them are free activities and the rest are inexpensive.

Taking Long Outdoor Walks

If weather is okay for some outdoor time, I’ll go take a walk.

Walking is free, good for you, peaceful, highly customizable, and lets me discover all sorts of new shops and other places that have recently popped up or been renovated in my area. If you ask me, this is a highly underrated form of entertainment.

Asking Lots of Questions

I’m quiet, but every so often I get the urge to be talkative and share some of the thoughts that I normally keep to myself. When I was a kid, my parents and siblings were the relatives I’d bless with questions. Now my spouse gets to hear them. (The questions are normally about topics we’ve spoken a lot about, so chess or Star Trek for example).

Gazing at the Ceiling

Ceilings are often an under-appreciated aspect of architecture in my experience. I love looking up to see what sort of light fixtures, sky lights, or decorative objects might be up there. Some of them can be rather plain, I’ll admit, but others are works of art.

Exploring Library Events

I’m lucky to live in a city with a large and active library system. There’s something going on there multiple times a week, so there is a decent chance I’ll see an event on their website that would be fun to attend either virtually or in person.

Visiting Coffee Shops

I love the ambiance of coffee shops that offer seating.  They’re such cozy and friendly places to visit as I enjoy a beverage or snack.

Enjoying the Park 

The squirrels are currently searching for food to store away from the winter, and watching them find it can be amusing. Since some people feed them, they can also be unnervingly friendly at this time of the year. Last autumn I had one follow me for several minutes until it realized I’m not the sort of human who feeds wildlife.

I like snapping photos, so going to the park is also a good chance to look for moments that I want to capture for posterity.



Filed under Blog Hops

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Hobbies I Used to Enjoy

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

Click here to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and here to see the full list of topics for the year.

Welcome back, everyone!

Some of these answers may give clues about my age.  Here are four of the hobbies I used to enjoy but no longer participate in.


A photo of a Tamagotchi toy that was popular in the late 1990s and early 2000s. It’s made of pink plastic and has a tiny little screen where a pixelated pet can be seen sitting in the centre of the screen.

Photo credit: Tomasz Sienicki

This was a virtual pet that was wildly popular back at the turn of the century (Yes, I’m being a little tongue-in-cheek here).

I never actually bought one. Instead, my best friend gave hers to me after she  grew tired of it.

I spent  many happy hours over the summer keeping my Tamagotchi happy and healthy before passing it onto my siblings.

We must have given it to someone else after that, but I don’t remember who was the next lucky kid to play with it. Here’s hoping they loved it as much as we did.


A teal bicycle that’s Ben chained to a no-parking sign on a quiet city street. The building behind the bicycle has been painted a beautiful shade of light pink. When I was a kid, I spent hours going on long bike rides over the summer.

My family lived in a housing development at the time, so the only traffic there was local. The streets were quiet and safe to ride on 99% of the time.

Once we moved into a small city, I only cycled on the residential streets close to my home as there weren’t any bike lanes on the main roads through town and they were far too busy to accommodate cyclists.

After I moved to the big city, I didn’t cycle at all because there weren’t any bike lanes to speak of at the time and it was terribly dangerous to ride alongside cars. There was also the problem of bike theft. You have to be quite careful about where you chain up your bike and how you chain it up here if you would like every part of it to still be there when you return.

Toronto has begun adding bike lanes to certain streets which has definitely improved the safety aspect of cycling here, but theft remains a big issue. I hope that changes someday as I really miss this form of exercise!


A closeup shot of pages in a book being flipped through rapidly. I used to love reading and writing poetry, but both of those hobbies faded away in my early 20s.

Despite several attempts to revive my interest in them, I’ve never been able to recapture the old magic of that experience.

Maybe when I am an old woman I will find one or both of them enjoyable again.


Picking Up Trash 

Close-up photo of a white person holding open a white canvas bag. Inside the bag are an assortment of glass and aluminum bottles. Okay, so I might need to explain this one a little.

I spent much of my childhood in rural places where there’s honestly not a great infrastructure for picking up trash that accidentally – or maybe purposefully – gets left behind.  Much of it would just sit there until a kind stranger picked it up, the county assigned people to pick it up as part of court-ordered community service, or a inmates did it on day release from the local jail in order to make a little money.

My family were among those private citizens who picked trash up without being legally required to do so. Sometimes mom and dad would turn it into a free date night activity for themselves. They’d leave us kids home for an hour or so, go clean up the neighbourhood or a local road, and talk about whatever it is grown-ups discuss when their children aren’t around.

I took note of how my parents behaved and would sometimes go out on my own trash-finding adventures. Most of the items I picked up would be soda cans, beer cans, or plastic bags.

In college, I took Ecology as one of my science credits, and one of our assignments was to clean up all of the trash by the side of the road next to our school. That was a fun project. We did it in March or April and found everything from broken toys to cassettes tapes to, I believe, a few Christmas decorations as well.

Toronto was such a clean city that I never got into the habit of doing that after I moved here. We have city employees who drive machines that suck up every the smallest pieces of trash here, so there was usually nothing to pick up.

That began to change when Covid happened. Unfortunately, most of the trash I see on the streets these days would be dangerous to pick up with bare hands. Think broken glass, used hypodermic needles, dirty masks, human or animal excrement, etc.  You don’t see it on every block or on every day, but it unfortunately is the sort of trash I’m seeing more often over time now.

If or when I begin seeing other sorts of trash in my area, I will start carrying a pair of gloves on me and once again keep things tidy.






Filed under Blog Hops

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Non-Bookish Hobbies

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

Click here to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and here to see the full list of topics for the year.

A row of black dumbbells lined up neatly and orderly on a white floor. The wall behind them is white as well. I’ve answered similar questions here in the past, so some of this may be a repeat for those of you who have read my blog for a while.

My non-bookish hobbies include:

1) Weightlifting

It’s one of my favourite forms of exercise.

2) Practicing Spanish

Now I can speak like a fluent toddler! Hehe. Pronunciation is tough, though, so I need to keep working on stuff like rolling my r’s and remembering which letters are generally silent or pronounced differently in Spanish.


3) Long, Rambling Walks

I will begin them with a general destination in mind like park X, or beach Y, or neighbourhood Z and then see what’s interesting there today.

One day that might mean walking up and down the beach until my legs are worn out by the sand. The next walk might involve browsing in all sorts of cool little shops along the way in a certain neighbourhood or it trying out a new trail at a park that I haven’t fully explored yet.

Some walks are brisk, athletic, and involve hills. Others are more like meandering strolls that aren’t exercise-y at all. I love all of them.


4) Card Games

Fast-paced card games like Dutch Blitz as well as calmer ones like Uno are both fun. I need to find some folks here in Ontario to play with me.


5) Swimming

It’s not something I get to do very often, but I relish it when I do.


Filed under Blog Hops, Personal Life

Top Ten Tuesday: Non-Bookish Hobbies

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

For the sake of this post, I’m going to pretend like the Covid-19 pandemic is not happening since some of my hobbies aren’t currently safe or even possible to do. Someday that will change, and for now I’ll enjoy the rest of them.

Visiting museums

I especially enjoy art, science, and history museums, but I’ll happily check out many other types of them as well. This might be teetering on the edge of bookish things, but the rest of my list will veer far from it.

Silhoutte of person pushing an upright bicycle on a hill at duskBicycling

This is one of my favourite forms of exercise, albeit one I haven’t done in a long time.


There’s something magical about propelling yourself across a creek, chlorinated pool, or small pond, especially when the water is so deep that my feet can’t touch the bottom.

Nature Walks.and Picnics

Originally, I was going to call this hiking, but my definition of that term is taking a brisk walk in nature for an hour or two, maybe having a nice picnic, and then meandering home at possibly a slower pace than when I started out.

I have relatives whose definition of the term “hike” is walking 12+ hours a day for several days to a week (or longer) while carrying all of the food, water, and gear they need for that trip in a huge backpack.

So it’s important to differentiate between their version of hiking and my own.

Free Festivals and Concerts

In ordinary times, Toronto has a multitude of free festivals, concerts, and other fun community events during the warm half of the year.

The awesome thing about events like these is that you can come and go as you please. You could hang out for half an hour, the afternoon, or even a full weekend in many cases. I love having that sort of freedom to enjoy as much or as little of an event as the weather and my other plans permit.

Trying New Vegan Restaurants 

No, I’m not vegan, but this is one of those types of restaurants that works quite well with my allergies and food intolerances. It feels wonderful to sit down and be able to order just about anything on the menu without a second thought. That basically never happens for me in omnivorous restaurants, so I’m  incredibly grateful for the existence of vegan culture and food in general.

People dancing in a dance studioDancing 

I was just starting to dip my toes into the possibility of taking dance classes when some people in Ontario started getting really sick last winter.

This is something I hope to return to once we have a Covid-19 vaccine and all is well again.

Weight Training

I’m currently taking a break from weightlifting while an injury heals, but this is a hobby I ordinarily really enjoy. It is so cool to see how the human body adjusts to more difficult workouts as well as how muscles grow and change over time.


Social anxiety is something I struggle with at times. Getting and staying into a regular meditation practice helps me deal with this by not chasing after every anxious thought that leaps into my mind.


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Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Favourite Things to Do in the Spring

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

Click here to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and here to see the full list of topics for the year.

I’ve been looking forward to this prompt for weeks. Spring is my favourite season, and it’s the nicest time of year in Ontario in my opinion! Some of the things on this list aren’t currently an option this year due to the Coronavirus pandemic and how much Toronto has been shut down to contain the spread of it, but my hope is that I can do all of these things next spring.

But all of items on this list are either free or inexpensive. As I’ve said on this blog before, I’m a frugal, minimalistic person who is easily amused. There simply isn’t a reason for me to spend a lot on entertainment the vast majority of the time.

So what tops my list of fun stuff to do in the spring?

Parks. Yes, I gave this as an answer last year for the Favourite Things to Do in the Summer prompt. I enjoy visiting parks even more during mild spring weather for picnics, walks, outdoor exercise, and maybe even a few minutes on the swing set if there’s a swing available.

The nice thing about this time of the year is that the sun hasn’t reached its full strength yet. While I always need protect my skin and eyes for medical reasons, I can spend more time outdoors now than in July or August.

Photography.  I love walking around and looking for new subjects for my photography hobby. Mild weather makes it easy to keep wandering until I’ve taken as many pictures as I want to before heading home to sort and edit them.

Festivals. There are very few parades in the spring in Toronto, but this is the beginning of festival season. I love getting out and about after a long winter spent mostly cooped indoors. There’s nothing like feeling the warm sun on your back as you listen to music or eat a delicious meal there.

Vegan Restaurants. I’m not vegan, but I love visiting vegan restaurants because they’re some of the only places on Earth I can go and order dessert due to my milk allergy! I usually don’t order  a full meal at them. A bowl of cashew ice cream or a brownie is more than enough to satisfy me. It’s cheaper, too, to have dinner at home and only pay for dessert when I’m out and about.

Farmers’ Markets. Have you noticed the food theme of this post? I honestly hadn’t thought about how many of my favourite things involve food in some way before I started writing it. But I think it’s a good idea to buy fresh, local produce at farmers’ markets to support local farms when possible. There are also some foods like gooseberries for sale there that I rarely see at conventional grocery stores.

A duck and her three ducklings swimming in a pond.Streams, Lakes, and Ponds. If Toronto were near the ocean, I would have added that to this list, too. Whether I’m paddling on them, sitting quietly on a ferry gliding through them, or watching from the edge of a watery place as duck families swim by, I love being near water no matter what form it takes. (Swimming isn’t on this list because it’s usually too chilly to swim outdoors in Ontario until summer begins).

Doors Open Toronto. Every spring, Toronto has a weekend where all sorts of historical buildings open to the public so we can see their architecture, get a glimpse of their areas that normally only staff members can see, and learn more about their history. This is the sort of nerdy, educational event that I adore.



Filed under Blog Hops

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Favorite Things to Do in the Summer

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

I’ve been looking forward to this prompt for ages! I can’t wait to get to know all of you a little better.

While spring is my favourite season in Toronto, the wonderful thing about summer here is how many different types of events are scheduled during it. I’m frugal and minimalistic, so everything I’ll mention in this post is either free or inexpensive.

Concerts. Pop and R&B have been my favourite types of music since childhood, but I can find something likeable about many other genres, too. Toronto has many free or low-cost concerts every summer that I enjoy checking out. There is nothing like listening to a singer or band perform on a warm day. You might even catch me dancing a little bit if no one is glancing in my direction!

Parks. As you’ve all heard in previous Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge posts, I enjoy the outdoors. Walking, trying to identify plants, playing badminton, snapping photographs, and visiting the zoo are some of the many things I’d enjoy at the park. If my husband agrees, maybe we’ll even have a picnic in the park before it gets too hot outside.

Beaches. I need to be mindful of how much sunlight I’m exposed to for medical reasons, but I still love going to the beach on occasion.  There’s nothing like building a sandcastle, going swimming, or even simply strolling down a boardwalk and doing some friendly people watching there.

Parades and Festivals. This is the time of year when Toronto has a parade or festival for almost anything you can imagine: race/ethnicity/cultural celebrations from every corner of the globe, jazz (among many other types of music), eco-friendly lifestyles, the LGBT+ community, the vegan/vegetarian community, and more. I don’t necessarily attend the same events every summer, but I do like to pick a few different things to check out depending on the weather and how much time I’ve spent in the sun lately. It’s delightful to be surrounded by so many happy people who share some sort of common experience or label.

Museums. Call me Hermione Granger, but learning is always my idea of a good time. Whether it’s art, science, history, or another topic entirely, there is definitely something to be said for spending a few hours in a nice, air-conditioned museum on a muggy day.

Volunteering. I recently began volunteering at a few new places, and I’m thrilled to help those organizations out. Summer seems like a great time of year to do this in general since so many volunteers tend to go on vacations then. Taking breaks is important and necessary, but it also means that many non-profit groups are looking for more folks to fill in the gaps in their schedules now.

Click here to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question. The image below is the list of upcoming prompts for this blog hop.


Filed under Blog Hops

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Favourite Hobby and Why

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

 I talk about my love of reading and writing all of the time this blog, so I’m going to branch out and talk about some of the other stuff in this world that makes me happy. Oh, and I’m bending the rules and talking about two different topics because it was impossible to pick between them.

Board, Video, and Role-Playing Games

If we were all sitting together in a room and didn’t have Internet access, I’d probably ask everyone if they wanted to play Clue, Scrabble, or Life. There’s something so relaxing to me about the simplicity and predictability of them. I see playing board games as a chance to bond with friends, so I’d much rather spend my time chatting between turns than trying to remember a complex set of rules.

When I was a kid, my favourite video game was Pharaoh. It was a city-building game set in various points of Egyptian history. I loved deciding where my characters should build a pyramid and planning out the designs of my cities.

These days, I spend my video game time building homes, digging mines, and fighting monsters in Minecraft. As long as no monsters sneak up on me while I’m working, it’s a very relaxing way to end a day.

A few months ago, I started playing Dungeons and Dragons occasionally, but I don’t know enough about that topic yet to go into much detail about it. It’s far more complicated than I ever would have imagined!

Why do I love games so much? Well, most of the ones I play ask you to use your imagination. There are very few things in this world that I find more interesting than needing to do that.


I’m a weightlifter. It’s a form of exercise I first tried about four years ago, and it’s made me feel so good to grow stronger as a result of this hobby. I’m a short and petite woman, so every bit of strength I gain makes a huge difference in how I look, how I feel, and what I’m capable of doing.

Walking outdoors – preferably as close to nature as I can get to as a city person – is another fitness activity that I really enjoy. I originally tried to get into running, but I found that long, brisk walks were much more my speed. I like being able to take in my surroundings and notice that squirrel darting up a tree or a neighbour’s dog playing fetch in the distance.

Talking about this is making me very glad that spring is around the corner. I can’t wait to go to the park again.

Why do I love working out so much? Well, it makes me feel really good. I get an endorphin rush from cardiovascular exercise, and I really like the way weightlifting improves my life. There’s something thrilling about picking up a heavy laundry basket or bag of groceries and realizing that they feel a little lighter than they did the last time you needed to do that chore. It’s almost like gaining a superpower!

Click here to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question. This is the list of upcoming prompts for this blog hop.


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